I know our feelings are mutually intense but certainly we experience our relationship from different perspectives. All of astrology is neutral. At the end of the day, that is all this god and goddess really ask for.". We also have mars opposite pluto (Im pluto) in synastry. Maybe, maybe not. How do you relate to all the men who have their Pluto there? I know this came off a bit more forward, but only because I want to make it clear that one persons feelings are not fact. This ascendant descendant conjunction alone does a very interesting thing in the chart. Priapus is likewise called a "minor rustic God" or even "an oversexed gardening God." 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Double whammy of Mars-Uranus in our synastry chart. What I've read about Lilith makes it seem to me that she's sort of like the Feminine's Pluto with lots of primal sexual urges thrown in, so I'm sure she rooted herself comfortably into your already heavily Plutonic relationships. Same natal chart of a man who is 41-42 years old. You are so welcome, Britt and thanks so much for telling me that you like it. Also, It doesnt suit me. Yes, these asteroids have to be in a very close conjunction with other planets ( or a very close square) to be dangerous. what do you think about a double-wammy moon sextile pluto and pluto square moon in sinastry? As far as the form of abuse, one must look at the sign and the quadriplicity( cardinal, fixed or mutable) One must look at the chart to see how the abuse will play out but I think that abuse will occur in your situation with Nessus conjunct Dejanira. My main point is reflection. My nessus is separated from my true node by 7 in cncer and in exact opposition to my venus. You are very welcome, my Friend. Thank you, One person is kind of riding the other one in this. This is not to say it would be better or even easier. His ascendant is at 24 Virgo and has 0 Virgo in his 12th house. But I always have the feeling that people want to abuse/fool me in one way or another and they get surprised when I respond, I constantly need to stand up for myself in any sort of situation, from the cashier in the shop to colleagues at work. 8. Uranus/Mars in synastry can be kinky. That can be justified through basic psychology, I think. That being said, the charts WILL play out, imo and ime. crap. It is desire, it is passion and love. Eros-Psyche: Eros and Psyche are natural mates. I have my DEJA conjuncion JUNO in my house 6 Posts: 376From: Western Massachusetts, USRegistered: May 2009. I am worried about being the abuser here. Who does whom, so to speak? Opposition AC / Moon and trigone mars and saturne. I dont mean to, but I think I find issues/hurts of my friends and partners and end up trying to mother them if thats what you meant. Sun Conjunct Lilith Meaning | Ryan Hart Will be keeping my wits about me. Talk about deep dark sexual desiresTremendous sexual need to control. I cant really relate to Nessus at all, though I sometimes think I can feel BML itching under my skin. Soul mate & karmic relationship point synastry - MoonsEye Astrology I'm still not even sure if Eros/Lilith contacts are positive or negative? . They are deceiving themselves, would be a better way to say it. My ex has Scorpio Pluto conjunct my scorpio moon, and I have Sagittarius pluto conjunct his sagittarius moon. Or can my Sun hurt the person. 12 degrees is WAY too much to be conj the ASC, my Friend. This vertex conjunction shows up again like in my previous relationship. My Sun and Mercury sandwich this conjunction by four and three degrees. 4) Conjunctions to the Axis/Angles = very strong bond. Isis Conjunct the Vertex. Would an eighth house overlay make these destructive or strengthen ? His dejanira is conjunct with my sun. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. Can you relate to it or are just worried in general lol. Im not saying it is impossible for the aspects to play put for people, because a lot of times, you do see it come into play, but really only when ones own natal supports that factor with aspects between actual planets. I guess ill post mine and then our synastry chart. If that does not float your boat, feel free not to read. Love + Soulmate Synastry Observations - Celeste I mean, a persons life is complicated. Chiron conjunct sun. Amazingly accurate. My Fortuna conjuncts precisely his Dejanira and Moon. It sounds really bad I guess, but this person has given me so much positivity and encouragement and I feel has set me on a positive path. If it has not of yet, it may be a new relationship. For your daughter, watch out she does not get sexually abused. The ex that abused me while I was pregnant had his Nessus conjunct my MC. My sun and deja are on his nn. Also, there is no abuse either way. Is this you? Would you say that a double whammy Nessus OPPOSITE Juno is something dangerous too ? Not all people with a prominent Dejanira are victims I disagree.I think they will be until they can truly overcome it with God. Yes, I was thinking about this. . Nonetheless, your interpretation of dejanira and nessus is intriguing. Is there any way this could play out in a positive manner or should I watch my back? Sorry, lol. I was shocked to see it in this couples charts. Oops, sorry Amiann. Lilith, both Black Moon and Asteroid 1181, brings up deep and primal sexual energy sometimes accompanied by feelings of anger, rejection and rage. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. There was some sort of karma created, whether the relationship was painful or whether one person abandoned it. Eros in Aries makes a person love the chase. Does it matter if he doesnt have pluto in aspect to my venus (mine is 19 Libra)? There is always a risk with Eros when he falls on a personal planet of point, and meeting Lilith is the greatest of them. YES, your Deja conj his NN will make you his victim, to put it really directly. Lilith cops the craziest projections - that she could cause miscarriages or tried to wreck men's marriages via 'erotic nightmares' and so on. I bet that the son was still the abuser though, even if he was the victim, as a child. I could not agree more with this. Hi, anyone can tell me more about a double whammy Pluto-Venus? Also my true node is at 22 Cancer close to my nessus (conjunction?) I suppose you have choice on whether to act on it. And my pluto trine his sun and venus..xxx, Mars sq Pluto can be violence and/or violent/strong passions. Your analysis is lovely. Also, our vertexes are conjunct in the same degree. . My DEJA in home 6 in opposition to your NESUS in my house 12 to 10 degrees from my ascendant. However, this person would have to play it out before he overcame it. Lilith desires sacred sex above all things. My jupiter conjunct his sun and venus. Groom conjunct the Vertex. Moon conjunct pluto Im composite and moon in 12th house composite (our feelings were a secret for a long time as we didnt know how we felt and were not able to be together for a long time). This totally depends on someone as a person. For example, I am the moon person and my mars also falls in his 8th and much of what you described for moon/pluto conjunction sounds like us. And thank you for this article, I should have said that before. "In Greek art Eros was depicted as a winged youth, slight but beautiful, often with eyes covered to symbolize the blindness of love. You truly made my day! Past Life Indicators in Synastry and Karmic Relationships - Astrology Then my Nessus is 29 Cancer in almost exact opposition with the child asteroid at 28 Cap. The issue is that me disagreeing with you being fatalistic (because what you say is not what always happens, not even 60% of the time because I have nessus/dejanira aspects with most people that are close to me, and I have never been abused or attacked in any of those relationships) does not mean that Im not accepting the truth. You both feel admiration for each other. If you want to ask me a simpler question, I am game! Lilith on the ic is one of the more potent lilith synastry to have even in the composite. The Five Darkest, Sexual Aspects in Synastry. His Nessus conjunct her midheaven. I dont know too much about asteroids and wonder if the intense attraction I am feeling will fizzle as quickly as it came about or if it lasting. This is my opinion and other people may differ but I call things as I see them, Mandy dear. His moon also conjunct my IC, orb 1. Knowing more. Is it relevant? I wasnt abused as a child in any way. Most karmic astrology synastry reports dont take Chiron into account nearly enough. Eros in a synastry chart. Do you know what these aspects could mean? Yes, that is a good way to put it. I have not seen it fail in all of my chart work. I am honored to have you as a valued member of my website family , Ivs, why dont you come put your chart in my Personal Readings Forum. I ve met a man who have his mars = my moon (1) in taurus and square my uranus (2) in aquarius. If a mans Nessus conjuncts, your Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars or North Node, he will abuse you, in my opinion. My Pluto opposite his Moon. I just want to let people know that things are not as clean cut and set in astrology as it is written sometimes because things that are presented as the only possible, likely truth will make people will fear astrology and the people around them if they look into isolated aspects from small asteroids and planets alike. thanks, M. Super passion unlike few else. I know how important moon moon aspects are to you, Venus pluto aspects It is not as intense as the conjunction but very intense, nonetheless. That might be how theyre playing out their Nessus-Dejanira, though Im not sure since they also have a lot of mutual Uranus and Pluto contacts to inner planets and both Ascendants. Saturn conj Mars in Scorpio could produce a kinky kind of thing. I am one person with one persons experience, of course. (double-whammy..) Lovely, Lo! Ive only been studying astrology casually for 5 years, so even though I know the basic interpretation of those planets in contact, Id still love to hear it from a pro love your blog! It gives no leg room, and its fearful to people. Pluto conjunct Sun synastry indicates a powerful and transformative relationship. I have looked at them unto themselves but everything matters so I will start to incorporate signs and houses. Just from reading this, I think it looks very good but I really need to see the wheel as it is easier. The pairing can easily fulfill the other's sexual desires and unlock some of their naughty fantasies. Asteroids touching asteroids are not as powerful as asteroids touching persona; points on the chart such as the ASC, Moon, Sun, Venus etc. Thank you for your response, I appreciate it very much. This is not a dark aspect, either. Is there a good part to Nessus/deja conjunct? Great questions. A later relationship was abusive (a psychopath) His Nessus square my Sun Why dont you come and put the chart up on my Forum? As one of the four largest asteroids (along with Vesta, Pallas, and Juno), Ceres is usually analyzed in the birth chart. What if a man has Dejanira conjunct a womans Sun? In order to talk about an asteroid, one must isolate it. Asteroids in Synastry Chart, Astrology online calculator - Astro-Seek.com I should have replied to the previous post, as it was a continuation of the conversation we had started. Ami is an insightful astrology. I know this is not my website, so I cannot change how you write and it is not my business to dictate how you write. The same with nessus conjunct ASC? It makes my day , What conjuncts the DSC, we disown and find in the partner. I generally cannot stand them, and their tendency to be arogant and conceited towards anyone who doesnt think the way they do does come across as downright abusive to me. Please, keep me posted though but, yes, please, be careful, Love! Synastry: Sun square Pluto, sun conjunct Amor, sun conjunct psyche, Pluto conjunct moon, Venus square Pluto, (they have Venus square Pluto)natal also, mars sextile Venus, Mars conjunct Sappho and trine Uranus (they have mars square Uranus natal mars) tine Jupiter, Venus conjunct Neptune and sun conjunct Venus and Eros square Pluto, Eros conjunct kaali, Venus conjunct kaali all opposite Nessus!! The Five Darkest, Sexual Aspects in Synastry There is attraction based on dark forces like rage, pain and abuse. vertex conjunct moon and ascendant in scorpio can make it dark too? However, if you want me to help you to find Jesus, that is why I am here. I think you will have the urge to abuse. PROSERPINA conjunct EROS (055') IP: Logged. xx. There is precious little practical info out there on asteroids. BUT my dejanira is conjunct with his sun by one degree and my dejanira is also in the same degree as my AC What does that mean? in case his vertex in my moon and ascendant *. Any comments will help. In the rare instance where these two do meet, the results are truly awe inspiring . She is deeply alluring and irresistible. And what about Sun and Pluto contacts in synastry? I think her NN is right on his 7th house axis for one. . I have some extreme aspects and I shudder to think how they would be expressed had I not had saturn at the top of my chart who keeps things in check via a grand trine involving some big bad planets. Thank you for your comment. Yes, astrology charts do show the truth of ones life, but the issue is that YOUR opinions do not equate the truth. Eros & Psyche in. the reason this is the case is that Mars is sexual drive( all drives actually). The flip side is that when it ends( and it usually does) you could go to jail for homicide. If you see Nessus in synastry, make sure you know which side of the fence he is on. Black Moon Lilith/Eros in Synastry - ProBoards Eros in synastry : r/astrology - reddit That Pluto/DSC has been a source of confusion and frustration for me for a while, but now it makes sense. Are they married, Lo. Eros: Synastry Aspects - Is this something that reliably and consistently is reflected in a variety of different charts? With asteroids, one must be an intrepid explorer because there is precious little PRACTICAL info out there. (Conjunction, Opposition, Trine, Sextile, Square! It took me a minute to think about the wounded bird types, but I think you might be right. Required fields are marked *. I haven't been able to find much discussion about this connection and I'm really interested in hearing stories from other people who've experienced it. That would be my guess. Thanks for your posts Ami. Lilith desires sacred sex above all things. As you know, or can find from my directory, Eros and Psyche are my favorite asteroids. I just found out my abusers Moon is 1 degree conjunct my Dejanira. I always seem to have the opinion that these people are somewhat evil yet gullible and innocent and therefore they deserve to be abused. Would the aspects to the venus offset the negativity that the Dejanira implies? Thats fatalistic and leaves the image that the entire rest of the charts and people themselves are completely victim to two asteroids that are being portrayed as always playing out when they really do not always do so. I have BML in my 1st house in Scorpio along with Venus and Saturn All are in conjunction with BML. Conjunctions, oppositions, and trines are best. This pairing can form a deep emotional bond, especially through physical intimacy. This is a general rule, my Friend. That never ceases to amaze me, either! my mars is there too though, trining his Scorpio pluto 0.25 we have physical heat but plenty of fighting. More about Synastry (relationship Astrology) Intermediate and advanced students of Astrology might enjoy our article, SoulMate . The Nessus is usually the abuser but in this case, it was the son. Most potent are Eros-Venus, Eros-Ascendant, Eros-Psyche, and Eros-Mars links. Those interpretations CAN happen, but they are not destined to. It is real to be neutral. There are millions of possible outcomes, and none should be claimed as the truth. They made my day, Jeanie. In some past life, at some point, weve been married to almost everyone weve dated or had some type of relationship with. What does that mean? Lol just noticed what you wrote at the end about Mars/Uranus, sorry! Dejanira (female) conjunct Saturn (male) I never heard of these asteroids, especially being linked to abusers and victims. TEA & ROSEMARY LLC. His sun/jupiter/neptune/venus are on my venus/saturn trouble spot in scorp. Eros and Sun in Synastry! (Conjunction, Opposition, Trine, Sextile Thank you =). Lilith brings up deep and primal sexual energy sometimes accompanied by feelings of anger and rage. I am new on this and finding all this information was revealing, so now I will stick to questions about my dejanira and nesuus. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. It makes sense when you consider how deeply Lilith desires to eat/destroy her loves mythologically. Next: Synastry Books Compared . Lilith Synastry Sun and Lilith conjunct in the synastry chart When Sun person's Sun and Lilith person's Lilith combine, each person awakens the deep desire for individuality and creativity in each other. The story of Eros and Psyche is one of deep and transformative love, but their union was not devoid of hardship. It seems like the man of your childhood dreams walked out of the ether into your life like the larger than life heroes on the movie screens. Do you have any advice for me? Children create their future adult personalities by learning from the adults around them and their interactions, so it makes sense, sadly. Always leaving them in a fog of confusion, along with lies, victim playing and guilt trips. It is opinion, not truth. Its not a square but there isnt much info out there on the conjunction. There are many past life synastry charts that dont show marriage through these 5 obvious aspects, but its clear from reading the whole chart that the pair had a significant relationship in a past life. This is a difficult aspect, but the couple often meets in this life to try and heal the wound. Would the aspects to the venus offset the negativity that the Dejanira implies? Lilith-Mars Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square) Lilith-Mars aspects are all about clash of desires. Lilith Synastry - A Complete Guide To Lilith Synastry 2023 - Cosmic Deity Also, I try to be very direct to counter the tendency in many Astrologer not to take a stand. I was wondering how much weight can have the orbit in a synastry.. for example, I have with a guy a Venus trine Pluto, but 5.46 orbit.. does it counts? Set his time to 12 midnight but TELL me, so I know before I look! I know this is an article for synastry, but Im a little worried about my natal chart after reading about Nessus and Dejanira. Ami, no one can describe astrology better than you. It is like sky diving. I write the truth not to placate people but because the truth is the only thing that heals. 1) What would it mean when my nessus conjuncts his nessus? If an asteroid is conjunct an angle or a planet, placed in a prominent position, or stands out because of some other reason, it can provide an additional layer of insight in chart analysis. I also found out that my Nessus is 1 degree conjunct my current boyfriends Sun(Cancer). Retro makes one thoughtful, so I do not see it as bad as many do. If I had read this as a 14-16 year old, I wouldve been waiting everyday for my mother to start emotionally, mentally, or physically abusing me, and it would have put me in a constant state of fear because I didnt know much about astrology or how complex and fluid it is. We are to take the blueprint that is given and then do what we want with it. Both of them are loaded with sexual power, so their interaction is often explosive. His Pluto sextile my moon, His Jupiter conjunct my moon and his Neptune conjunct my moon, also his mars opposite my venus, is that conducive to passion and helping me release my cancer 8th house sun conjunct north node repressesion? For that reason, I am not for everyone and know this but I seem to be appreciated by people who think like I do. Welcome, Ariel and great questions. Again, telling people to get out of or stay out of relationships with an aspect that you in particular think will cause them harm is not healing in any aspect of the word. Do these asteroids have to be conjunct planets or square each other to be dangerous? It is sad! My dejanira is in opposition to his sun and without any other aspects. I'm not typically the "make him suffer" type, but holy wow did it all come rushing out with him. I've found that the Eros person has a "crush" on the planet person. Connections between the Vertex and the lunar nodes are also indicators of past life in synastry. Thank you so much, Love. woman s Dejanira and Juno, ( 445 and 432 Scorp ) both conjunct mans Eros and Chiron, (510 Scorp, 530 Scorp ) and both OPPOSITE mans Nessus (6 Taurus) Lets hope more info comes out about this connection.:). Karmic astrology synastry is suddenlyreally interesting when you want to look at your own relationship. They may cause each other significant pain and strife, but God help any outsider who dares to point it out. thank you again for being so welcoming, Thank you so much, Sovietlana! Pluto conjunct Lilith in Synastry | Astrologers' Community I read all these comments and yes they are interesting. I think there are very few people who actually manage to overcome childhood abuse, and not without a long painful journey and negative experiences. Eros is also prominent in their synastry. . The first would be Nessus. Lastly, with me having moon conjunct neptune in my natal and venus in my 12th house, does that make me similar to venus in pisces xxx I ask because I attract men with mars in pisces and men who have pisces as a descendant/7th house , Hi Ami, I am having a hard time following your questions, Julia. The conjunction is, in my opinion, the only aspect that clearly dictates a marriage between these specific people. And my dejanira conjunct his Venus. This aspect can bring intense emotions, profound personal growth, and the potential for both positive and negative experiences. I just got into astrology a month ago and find it fascinating. This would be once in a lifetime kind of intense and tender. Dejanira is the victim asteroid. The chart is complex and one has to look at the entire chart to draw very global conclusions. Sorry if this came off mean, I just dont want people to get scared over having one aspect when astrological interpretations are not set in stone. Coming from a standpoint of being an archaeologist, we can interpret and theorize things ourselves all we want, but an archaeologist telling a crowd of people that their own interpretation of the past is the TRUTH would not only be incredibly wrong, but it would also be detrimental to people that no nothing about interpreting and analyzing archaeological sites, therefore they would take that persons word even though it is not truth. Sometimes I nurture sometimes he does. There are some other great planet aspects but I am very curious about the ones I listed. They have lots of soulmate connections in the charts and both make really strong NN conjunctions and squares in synastry. She is deeply alluring and irresistible. and DW : womans Nessus (13 Gemini) opposite mans Juno ( 12 Sag). We can still find a lot of info with no time of birth. I had a very intense, psychically damaging and life changing relationship with a man whose Eros was directly conjunct my Lilith, and also more loosely conjunct my Neptune & Descendant. There is attraction based on dark forces like rage, pain and abuse. Please please do Nessus conjunct Lilith in synastry?? Does this mean anything? To gather more about the flavor of the relationship, look to the actual aspect (is it favorable or difficult?) eros conjunct sun in synastry - ProBoards