We don't need them. Reality Bytes (author) from Freeman On The Land United States of America. If one of the UCC offices in a particular region does not accept a properly prepared UCC, another office within that region will. ", UCC Contract Trusts and Direct Treasury Accounts. There are some employees at the Department of the Treasury who continue to misdirect many of the documents that is presented by a secured party to the Secretary of the Treasury by mislabeling them as Treasury Securities (they are not Treasury Securities). Anyhow in order to cancel such contract/contracts (ie ss card rmv anything with your strawman name) you will need to claim your birth right from citizen to sovereign. They lie, lie deceive, murder, kidnap, human trafficking, sex slaves, pedophilia, genocide/ecocide, and I can make a prima facie case just on what any common sense person oughta know just by observing, that the entire profit loss corporate system of how we maintain the security of our lives, is in itself the very component in which all civilizations, empires and ecosystems collapse. All are copyrighted properties of the author and may not be used without permission of the author. Thanks email is roxyandjeff@gmail.com. Its a the word game theyve created and we have to play, since we unwittingly entered their game when our mother signed us into slavery at birth and we didnt rebut the presumption when we grew up. But here's the short answer: no. Birth Certificate Bonds TreasuryDirect Kudos to the time and effort you put in my friend to speak the truth of how every man woman and child on this planet, has been fleeced to the point of being nothing more that a parasitic energy being people like the Satanic and vile piece of cow dung Rothschild family have been getting away with ecocide and genocide along with his side kick the Bush and Clinton family. I have 2 friends that have gone through the process. You just need to know where to look. It is true guys, a really close friend of mine is in the process at thus very moment, I too am filing mine and I suggest you all do the same. I thought it sounded fishy so ive done some looking into & i haven't learned much. The reason that this prison we find ourselves in, is actually valid, is because there is a long decided "LAW OF NATIONS", which states roughly, that "he who has the money, must pay the bills". Also, the Exemption Account is a false term; these accounts are fictitious and do not exist in the Treasury system. Enjoyed the videos too. Never call a lawyer or the policefor anything!!!!!!! Hope to learn more from this hub. Because people care only about their own butt, and that came from a steady diet fed to them by corporate mass media to turn everyone into a parasitic cockroach, who put more value on worthless IOU promise to pay FIAT money, than they do about their own life and the life of planet earth. They have poisoned the entire food chain, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the medicines they concoct with Big Pharma that kill people, I mean WTFU people you have more people leaving the USA than are coming here in its history and like duh, why is that Archie Bunker? Welcome to Montgomery County, Texas The banks are scoundrels. The corporation don't have much time to tell every one that they birth certificate is a title and they can sell us, Interesting! Apostle Javita McKinney on July 20, 2017: Maybe those who have the motives preferred will get this taken care of and those who are not attempting to make a good success of this procedure will see the benefits? Freedoms Daughter from Washington State on July 06, 2012: The information is out there if you take the time to look. Hey has anyone fully completed the process? The law is a very complex subject, so hopefully you have the next twenty years to do your own research and study. A yes on call protection means you cannot call in on the bond if you are owed. and a four-digit Custodian's No. Sleep well, fellow slaves. if this is true; if only in theory, the topic is sensitive one. So far I haven't found anyone or any links that can help me . Depending on when it was issued it will be either in blue or black. Birth certificates are a form of securities called "warehouse receipts." . The first question to discuss is the question of the birth certificate. Voted up and shared. There is no number that begins with A-N followed by 8 digits. A properly prepared and correctly filed UCC filing will ensure in the future to protect the property and assets of the secured party. 1. And if anyone cannot see it, they are either brain dead, sick state of insanity, or live on another planetary body, which btw, this one is flat. Therefor, since "they", confiscated our actual real money,(gold), in 1933, which is ABSOLUTELY ILLEGAL, for any government to do,they had to provide a redemption process, that would require "them", to pay, all of our debts. This TTL account in every Financial Institution is managed through the TSD office which can be found within most of the IRS State Offices. Then they are forwarded to the Bureau of Public Debt rather then sending them to the Analysis and Control Division of the IRS and the UCC Contract Trust. The person that filed the document is the secured party when it comes to the UCC filing. If the Strawman-UCC- Treasury Direct Account and etc., really works then there should be thousands and thousands of people who have successfully used this method. But if you're building an inventory, serial numbers might help you distinguish one bond from another in your list.) Their is a lot of controversy going on about the U.S. birth certificate. Now you have me curious so off I go to do some research. We are busy working and earning a living. Debt held by the public includes debt actually held by the public and foreign governments, and also debt held by the Federal Reserve System, i.e., monetized as part of the monetary base. Indeed, our situation is as George F. Will wrote "we honor [Thomas] Jefferson, but we live in [Alexander] Hamilton's country". Instruction 9 - NEXT Click on the Initialed Trading Company name under SYMBOL. 8 Months and still trying to go true the process. There is no way to pay a debt, according to Article 1 Section 10, to which states in part: " No state shall make anything but silver and gold in payment of tender of debt, or pass any ex post facto laws impairing the obligations of a contract." Pamela Oglesby from Sunny Florida on June 15, 2011: I have never heard of this before. You give value to the title, the [your] birth certificate. Birth Certificate Bond and Your Inherent Rights Many many many people have done this. Contact the Treasury: You'll need to contact the Treasury to request the necessary forms and to get more information on the process. The simple answer is that your birth certificate is a very healthy and reliable cash-cow bond (debt instrument) which the government uses to access an endless supply of ready cash ("Quantitative Easing," as it is technically called) knowing that you will be . With the help of the Federal Reserve Bank, the government became a corporation (sometimes called Government Franchise) and converted the bodies of its citizens into capital value, supposedly by trading the birth certificates of U.S. citizens on the open market and making each citizen a corporate asset (sometimes referred to as a Strawman) whose value is controlled by the government. Millions of Americans have consciously done nothing to disrupt the status quo even though they knew about the scheme and even benefited from the fraudulent system. I have looked around the web for info on this idea, and the stuff I keep coming across all sounds the same. One is for a contact to a call rep who can explain questions about the bond. I tried giving it back to the owner through Facebook, but they never responded back. It must be hard-copies that are original in both signature and any forms or documents. And no legitimate government. I will have to look into this further. thank you for posting I will do every thing in my power, short term goals, mid term goals, finally I will be free. says so?? Debt is death. This is not something you just pick up & decide to do. Do you know of anyone who has completed the process in the UK? Is there any acceptance for nj..what is the process. Your UCC files and documents are going to be scrutinized by the Secret Service, the Justice Department, FBI, then sent to the CID. Instruction 2 - You will see a tab in the upper left hand corner the tab for RESEARCH. Reclaim your Sovereignty: Your Birth Right or Rightful Birth? And those websites pretending to explain it all at a cost are only scams, as you say. All it can do is verify whether the denomination and issue date are compatible with one another. Click on Symbol Look Up. This means that the Asset never actually physically leaves their office. Your birth certificate is worth close to a million dollars and can be loaned out from a bank as many as 9 times, making your birth certificate worth almost 9 million dollars. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on February 10, 2012: It is true. Do not pay someone to teach you the process or to file for you. as registered securities. ,credit cards,bank loans,mortage loans,school loans,money barrowed,bank,c.c etc then YOU CANNOT MAKE MONEY OFF OF THE U.S ITS ILLEGAL. See Guarantee Trust of New York v. Henwood, et al. you will need is any court case numbers for any active cases you have, the social security card of your corporate citizen status [United States Citizen], and a copy of your birth certificate. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on April 04, 2012: Wow what great information. What the secured party accomplishes with this is to put themselves on the same level as the Secretary of the Treasury and this will lead to taking back the control over their own assets. Sorry about your lack of comprehension. I don't have a USA Birth certificate, what another form can I use? Type in the Birth Number on the Birth Certificate, the first three numbers then dash, next 2 #s then dash and then the final numbers. Word to the wise: do u use your body? This is done through the Secretary of the Treasury and recorded by the financial institution through the Treasury tax and loan (TTL) account. If you look at your Drivers license and Social Security card, your name is in all capital letters as well. Well done, I look up and found not a thing on this fidelity web sit stuff out number in here it look at me like I was crazy it's a joke, They talk about bc easy to do but no web site or anything they give you to do this. Is my birth certificate worth money? - Quora Thanks for this information. And it should work as A4V with a 100% success rate! You can not expect to go to the very same people committing the fraud and expect them to give you info. Thank you for all your work and great in-depth details. We are all fighting to survive while they sit back and make money off of us. Nadine May from Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa on August 05, 2017: Sadly your last video has been removed, but as for your article, you are spot on. digit digit slash digit on February 11, 2012: just for entertainment purposes, what if one was not born in the U.S but is now a citizen.?? Scams vary in methods for citizens to gain control of their alleged assets, such as: These blogs and videos promise that your birth certificate bond will be able to wipe out all your debt or help you collect monies/securities. Is it a contract, giving the state control over everything associated with the individual named on the certificate? ThisandThatwithNavelette. The Certificate of Live Birth is a bonded instrument. The claim forms for savings bonds must contain a certified signature. Within the Analysis and Control Division inside the IRS Building in DC, UCC Contract Trusts are processed and then the documents are forwarded to one of the two IRS centers. The phone number is 815-235-8252. Then your birth certificate bond became a negotiable instrument just like any security instrument under UCC Article 3, code of commercial law in which the world trade falls under. Read "The Redemption Manual 4.5 Edition" on McCutcheons Ink website. There seems to be people on the net now charging others on how to do it and I just wanted to here how far you have made it with the process? I have read one would need a National passport and/or a certificate of live Birth to file out the UCC-1. That's why USPS is part of it because the government wants to make sure we pay the interest on the debt they created by 4/15 every year. The ucc is business people not people trying to get out of traffic tickets or to say the law has no authority. First they pollute your property, then they force you to allow them to . Next page search for Mutual Fund by Fund number. Thanks for sharing this information. I am getting ready to do my Trust, Executor Letter, etc here is an excellent website. But does the redemption process entail a simple "Get Rich Quick Scheme" that will only end up with the filer coming under closer scrutiny by the government against those who participate in a UCC filing? So what's the latest on your findings, did you successfully complete the ucc-1 and get a lien against your birth certificate? Also Social security Bonds are not marginable which means you cannot draw a line of credit off of them because this is what the debtor, the United States is doing drawing a line of credit off of you through its international obligations secured by Article VI of the Constitution the 14 th amendment and other statutes and codes that make you a subject, so you cannot write sight drafts off of a claim on the Federal Government based on a birth certificate rescinded/cancelled negotiation, a rescission or cancellation of contract or expatriation from citizenship which may nullify social security obligations, or on a court case as a citizen of the United States because as a resident, and citizen of your municipality, state, and federal government you have made these entities Trustees , Assignees, Consignees, Bailee, Licensee, Lessee, registered owner, seller, and beneficiary instead of your proper national and international governing Aboriginal society and your true national name, you the living Aboriginal being. Even those born on foreign soil are registered with either a certificate of naturalization, citizenship, or some other type of document which gives them authorization to remain in residence in the country. By these placement actions the government has kept the details so vague and hard to reference that no person could remedy himself without persistent research. Here's the longer answer, if you want the detail: no. IF YOU GET THAT CASH - YOU GET CASH FOR YOUR "BEING". The courts will only consider those gray areas as to "Who holds the superior position"? I have been researching this subject a ling with the right to travel for almost a year now.I have a good idea on all of this.I was shocked and became obsessed with learning it.Why do we need a piece of paper explaining who we are to corperations.Ive found templets and videos online explaining a ucc1 but I wonder if I should contact a lawyer.Probably a bad move.I wish my friends would wake up and stop contracting with entities like DLs and FLS.Great info though makes me want to buy a blacks law dictionary! First, you need to fill out an easy application. The country became bankrupt and the only thing he had left to sell was the citizens of the United States. Also if you are able to cash it in, what do you lose ? Theres so much to exsplain, I've been hearing about this I have had a guy offer to do it for me he already did he said it cost something like 900 bucks to do everything long ass process and he got 73 grand . You will notice recently printed social security cards are now also printed with the bond number on the back in red ink. Even though they knew the system was enslaving the American people as well as probably enslaving the rest of the world as well. This order would allow those in the order to own the world and everyone and every single thing in it. These birth certificate bonds were collateralized by your birth certificate and your mother's maiden name under an Act of Congress in 1921. There are numerous views and theories held by supporters and deniers of the process known as "UCC/Redemption." When a child is born, a document is prepared which is an authorization to produce a Certificate of Live Birth. Yes, you may redeem a bond to the estate of the last decedent on a bond. I will get myself off of the IRS debt payroll! the crazy thing is that i was locked up when i did hear of it, and this article just made me a believer. Click on this Option that is below Description. YOU NEED TO FILL OUT FORM 1522. Amber rene guapilla castillo on July 24, 2017: How do we get money from our birth certificate ?? but only for those serious about seeking the truth. Make sure the top two areas say MUTUAL FUND and FUND NUMBER BEFORE You do the search to find out who is trading on the FUND for the Birth Certificate. It seems that if twenty five million Americans knew that this was a scam for well over seventy years, yet not one broke their silence to make the rest of us aware of the charade. From what I know you can not redeem your birth certificate bond and yes i saw the irs clause you mentioned but from what i came across you can use it to pay off debt not personal gain. I am aware of this whole mark of the beast and it is very true. The claim can then be discharged when the proper documents are forwarded through the Secretary of the Treasury to the UCC contract trust which remains filed with the Analysis and Control Division of the IRS. The calculator only checks that the issue date and denomination entered are a valid combination - it will not verify whether a bond exists. Reality Bytes (author) from Freeman On The Land United States of America. Not very practical? Without you, the birth certificate is worthless. Well I know it's a challenge with computers taking over and all but, to be quite frankly and a lil straightforward "get a job" could be an enjoyable 1, or if it's one you hate use your hatred of that job and turn it into productivity, and by golly if u can do that u should be successful at even your most hated job. Obama is trying to tell people soething, wakeup. Hey Dario, great job my man. he is good. Free to be slaves? Instruction 4 - Take the number of the court case, birth certificate o the social security number & red Cusip number on the back of the social security card and place it in the box. Any profit which is created by the investment during the life, right up to the death of the individual, of every living, breathing, male or female, remains the property of the state. Any actions you take and all repercussions you receive will be your responsibility alone. This contract establishes the freeborn child to a status of "ward of the state.". At birth, average value bonds were created from your birth certificate. hahaha.yeah rightI may as well call the police. This shows that those people who have followed the correct procedures in filing their UCC documents using the redemption process have not committed any crime. Is your Birth Certificate a Bond? - US Birth Certificates Justin Clark can u hook me up with the guy? Make sure the top two areas say MUTUAL FUND and FUND NUMBER BEFORE You do the search to find out who is trading on the FUND for the Birth Certificate. Redeem the bond in that month or 6 months from the issue month. How To Pull Your Birth Certificate Bonds Up | PDF - Scribd If you research the Congressional Records of 1933 you will understand how the office of the Secretary of the Treasury is actually in control of the financial office of the Corporation of the United States. I'm 37yrs old. Is the birth certificate that is kept on record at your local County and/or State a contract? STRAWMAN. The title is a different discussion. Just wondering how you found your bond number? I knew I world find the web sight that did not charge and tells the truth not tidbits of truth trying to get money to help someone to file all this. I would, that you just use it to offset "plucked from air" debt, otherwise the alpha bet clowns and the clowns that think the run "the show" may try to put the Kibosh on things. IRS-CID and FBI are very quickly able to use threats and intimidation to unlawfully dissuade what only the courts of law should decide upon. Authenticating it must be done first (State & Federal levels). You were a minor when the original contract (Application) was entered into by your parents. @cherrycrime26 I read this and can't believe it. Links. Hence the title of Uniform Commercial Code. How to see your bonds from your birth certificate fidelity - YouTube There Are More and More States That Are Now Accepting the UCC Financing Statement and Addendum. These procedures set up by the government were put in place so that the secured party could reclaim a part of what is rightfully theirs under the U.S. Constitution. Reality Bytes (author) from Freeman On The Land United States of America. Simple: It isn't. The NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) coordinates trading of stocks (ownership shares of corporations), not individuals' birth certificates. There are a few states that are still trying to figure out what to do with the revised UCC Code (July 1, 2001). I never heard whether they were successful. Redemption requests may also be sent to the Treasury Retail Securities Site at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. All you need to do is give us a call at (888) 238-9714. Filing in the state of residence is required to the redemption process. Request savings bonds held by the government in your name and owed to you. Apparently there's a scam based on the false a. I suggest you look into this website, www.marcstevens.net, and poke around. When a claim is made either by the IRS, a federal or state taxing agency, the claim can then have a stamp imprinted upon it stating "Accepted For Value". There is a National UCC Administration which the states, the Protectorates and the District of Columbia have formed. Up and shared January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on February 26, 2013: @Billybuc Trust me it's real, do your research, it just takes time to do the process and of course there not teaching people how to do it. United States Strawman UCC/Redemption Process (A Study). Use caution when attempting to receive benefits through the United States Treasury. any help is appreciated.. Once both of these actions occur, the federal government releases the Certificate of Live Birth announcing the creation of a new revenue source. Second, you will need to pay the state fee and the service fee. The Treasury uses the loan to purchase a bond (the Fed holds a purchase money security interest in the bond) from the Department of Commerce, which invests the sale proceeds in the stock or bond market. Is there a website or something where u can put in your info? Instruction 8 Birth Certificate - For Instructions on the birth certificate to see if they are trading on it go to www.fidelity.com. The first to receive the document is the County Health Commissioner. Click on Quote. The mistake that many people who file UCC forms make is a reference to the Treasury Direct or Direct Treasury account within their paperwork. If there really was a conspiracy going on, I'd expect the criminally involved parties to want to scare away the public from finding out the truth. Most people don't have the time to do the research.