Tony was on a cot in a cave. Fem!Ned Fem!Eddard, Links:, Keywords: Cat, Robb, Ned, Rickard Karstark and Jon Snow, Rating & Archive Warnings: M for Mature, some Mentions of Rape but nothing Explicitly Shown. Arya is still on the loose, Tyrion has escaped from the Vale, and Stannis and Renly Baratheon are making plans to take the Iron Throne. Daenerys planned to betray her husband, take her dragons back, and burn her enemies, but Hizdahr made arrangements of his own. In a thousand versions of this world, that phrase truly means very little beyond privilege and who you happened to be born to. Or, I'm bitter about seasons 6-8 and want to re-do it all. Varys finally figured out that Jon was that second son. Silver and gold poured through the castle gates like a torrent, dozens of banners showing the crowned stag of Baratheon and roaring Lannister lions fluttering in the wind. [17,000 words, rated teen], A closer look at Shae. keeping to his side of the peace accord he signed with the Starks. Oberyn Martell is a champion in a trial by combat against an experienced swordsman with a Lannister's life in the balance. [Incomplete, 122 chapters, 333,000 words, rated teen]. What she did not know was that she was going to be left in the North at 8 years old to one day become the wife of Robb Stark and just how much it would change her life. He failed thanks to Arya saving his life during the attack on the Night's Watch's recruits group. But she wasnt expecting Robb Stark not to be like the men she knew. To survive in a lions den, a wolf has no choice but to adapt. Soon thereafter, the nobles of Westeros converge upon the largest tourney the continent has ever seen. Sansa, who was once obsessed with getting married, considers life as a celibate healer, while Arya, who had no interest in marriage, gets married at a very young age. Ned Stark Lyanna Stark Ashara Dayne Sibling Incest Canon Divergence - Tourney at Harrenhal Tourney at Harrenhal Starkcest | Stark Family Incest (A Song of Ice and Fire) During the Tourney of Harrenhal a jealous she-wolf tries to figure out why the quiet wolf is so interested in a falling star. Sam nods to Jon before the latter kills him to relight Lightbringer. You could avenge Elia and your siblings little Rhaenys and Aegon. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Her heart is as powerful and frantic as Drogons wings when he takes flight. A dragon burned an old grey wolf before snapping its pup in between its great jaws. Ned Stark Lives! Chapter 1 Varys, an a song of ice and fire fanfic But for every thousand worlds of those, there is always one where Noble Blood refers to something literal. Now, everyone wants something different out of their fanfic, so Ive tried to include a variety of Game of Thrones fan fiction styles and genres. Arya leaked out her marriage to Gendry when he gets arrested at White Harbor. But while Prince Viserys escaped Dragonstone, the baby Daenerys was not born soon enough and was brought to the capital to face justice for her familys crimes. [Completed, 51 chapters, 133,000 words, rated teen]. 50 Must-Read Stories Of Game of Thrones Fanfiction | Book Riot One last night of peace at Winterfell before the entire world as they know it comes crumbling down. Lysa Arryn becomes furious with Sansa Stark, tries to push her out of the Gate of the Moon, is told that Peter Baelish never loved her and finally falls herself out of the Gate of the Moon. Jaime almost loses his sword hand, but convinces the maesters to leave it on. - Title - A Promise fulfilled series: Book one: A pack of wolves Book two: a nest of vipers Book three, - Links -, - Keywords - north, Eddard stark, Jon snow, fix it. "But I pose the question, Lord Stark: why would you strive so high to honour the promise you made to a woman who nothing means to you, and at the same time forsake the one who loves you?". Press J to jump to the feed. winter is coming 2 To power that passes down through the bloodlines, different in every family, power that blooms and blossoms, changing the way a game plays out. Most famously, the Lannisters ally with the Tyrells, and the Night's Watch (reluctantly) ally with the wildlings to fight the Others. Essentially, Robb actually plans and plays the great game with his brother by his side and a cleaver surprising ally from lands far from the North. Even though none of them bend the knee, she parts with them on fairly good terms, except for Tyrion. The Prince ascended as King of the Seven Kingdoms. [One shot, 5,000 words, rated explicit], Jaime Lannister and Brienne Tarth are under pressure from their respective fathers to marry and settle down. There must always be a Stark in Winterfell, and if there cannot be, then they must at least be prepared. As the years go on, his hopes for a royal marriage wane more and more as he fears the gods' coin flip may have fallen for ill twice in succession. The result? Memories of what happened hit him like a train, the bomb, the surgery he went through, the screams he let out. A great fighter, a young warrior and a dangerous opponent shall you cross blades with him. I Fear No Fate (For You Are My Fate, My Sweet), i loved a maid as spry as spring (with sunrise in her hair), i could never define (all that you are to me), there is nothing lost (but may be found, if sought), Hear Me Roar: House Lannister and the Westerlands in the War of the Ring, The Bestselling Fantasy Books of All Time, The Nobel Prize In Literature Winners You Need to Read, Should You Buy That? Oberyn intends to have all Lannisters, Stannis Baratheon and Ned Stark killed for being peripherally related to Elia's death. Little did she know about the monster that lurks inside him. Lyanna married Robert after he killed Rhaegar. Sign up for our Book Deals newsletter and get up to 80% off books you actually want to read. For all of ten seconds while he choked her. Cersei threatens to have Shae killed after Shae saved her and her children's lives. which gave Hizdahr time to interrogate Missandei and learn Daenerys's plan. Write by: . So after Arya died, she is given another chance to live again. Do not use the word "bastard" around Arya, unless you want to get all sorts of reactions from her. Is that all right? she asks softly. A monster that claws it's way out when he's far too gone in a cold rage that Ned could never control. Lyanna gave birth to a daughter, they named her Visenya. And no matter how much she tried, she couldnt stop those dangerous thoughts from running in the back of her head. After all winter is coming, - Links -, - Keywords - Retelling, Ned stark lives, epic. He makes some much smarter decisions and sends three very important letters to three very different people that he didn't send before. blows up, destroying parts of King's Landing and weakening the defenses enough to allow Stannis to take the city. For Lack of Honor (ASOIAF SI) | Sufficient Velocity Cercei knew the day Ned stark confronted her was the day Ned stark condemned himsf. A straight example occurs earlier in the same story, Straight example in Part III, Chapter 25. Que har ella cuando se le de la oportunidad? He still despises it but is able to understand it still. Jaime agrees with her, but Cersei won't have it. Take a look at some mysterious, sexy, and heart pounding stories involving your favorite GOT character. King Rhaegar was hailed for his mercy. The CLO and CEO had worked together often throughout the year, and it was clear they were interested in one another, but they seemed to be the only ones who didn't notice. Jeyne Lannister has had a charmed life. [Completed, 75 chapters, 125,000 words, rated teen]. Wouldnt it? Sandor is willing to risk travel to Winterfell to turn in Theon so as to get into the Starks' good books, while Sansa is willing to become an old maid if she cannot marry him. Catelyn names her fourth son after Edmure, who died in the Third Battle of the Trident. When she asks him to help her die, he takes her back to Dorne instead. A monster that spawns winter's winds and sharp ice. In the duel between Ramsay and Robb, Ramsay takes off his helmet allowing the already mortally injured Robb to stab him in the throat. Beric Dondarrion's men save Ned, Arya and the other boys from Vargo Hoat, but Ned was already talking them out of killing them all. Reclaim what you have lost. [Completed, 11 chapters, 69,000 words, rated explicit]. Just as he predicted, their bannersmen knelt as well so that the pair did not bend the knee "alone". Waking up in a world that has turned upside down, Rhaegar Targaryen will have to put back togheter the shambles of his family. [Ongoing, currently 100 chapters, 378,000 words, rated explicit], With the threat of the Dead looming over the realm, Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen travel northward to fight for their home, their people, and each other. Robb kills Theon after he becomes a self-aware wight and bows his head before Robb, mutely begging for a permanent death. Ned Stark Fanfiction Stories - Quotev after trying to learn more about his plans to invade King's Landing now that Tywin was killed. You can search on just his name in the full story and enjoy it. DOES THIS SOUND LIKE A PLIGHT A CERTAIN FANTASY FANDOM IS CURRENTLY GOING THROUGH? And for a moment, the world is warm, small, safe. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She's also the one who kills Littlefinger. destroying the Wall by blowing the Horn of Winter. Ned Snow was born from an affair between Rickard Stark and a Skagosi woman from a Valyrian house that settled there after the Doom. Melisandre awakening the stone dragon only works to give Aegon one, which makes his crowning himself more legitimate. Also averted somewhat, as fans have noted, in that none of the Starks have died. Arya/Gendry centric. But, because of being too focused on the wild, older brother, we decided to ignore the quiet, young brother, and that My Lords was our biggest mistake. being hit in the head and going into a coma. Told from multiple characters perspectives but focusing on Jon and Daenerys. But she quickly learns that the fire burns deadly in the royal family, and winter has no place in Kings Landing. [1,100 words, rated for general audiences], How Melisandre went from an impoverished child of the North to a slave to a red priestess. when Ned, the armies of the North, the Night's Watch, and the Wildlings arriving to defeat the Others and save Winterfell. Oh, and the bill for the Internets here. [Incomplete, 28 chapters, 120,000 words, rated for general audiences], An alternate version of George R.R. The official story was that she would marry Hizdahr and allow her dragons to killed. He conveniently leaves out that he has already sent the only Dragonstone bird in the Harrenhal rookery. [Ongoing, currently 50 chapters, 348,000 words, rated mature], Harry has been in Westeros for a little over six months when he arrives at Castle Darry one evening and sees the ghost of a dire wolf. . [Completed, 11 chapters, 15,000 words, rated Teen], This ongoing fic starts at the end of season 7, and is written in the style of the books, with different POV chapters from each character. The three letters he sends out alters things very much for three very important and central figures to my story. Upon landing in Westeros, Daenerys makes a pact with the King in the North, with interesting results. Eddard Stark swore that he'd never allow his family to be destroyed again. Or, I'm bitter about seasons 6-8 and want to re-do it all. She thinks the fear might consume her whole. Varys drops the title as he tells Eddard why he is in the Northern version of heaven. Ashara Daynes child lives and Jon Snow is born with violet eyes. It is a tale that comforts men and reassures them. Arya Stark, despite her best efforts, falls back into the Game of Thrones. Unfortunately, he dies slowly and painfully after Melisandre, possessing Elianta, burns him horribly. Targaryen Restoration. It is AU and set in the modern Verse.Planned are 5 Chapters. February 27, 2023 equitable estoppel california No Comments . The last claimant to the throne alive is Daenerys. A tiny change turns the fate of the realm on its heels. Please consider turning it on! At the very end of A Game of Thrones, the first book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series, Lord Eddard Stark is seized for treason after trying to remove King Joffrey Baratheon from the Iron Throne. So warten neue Aufgaben auch auf die treuen Gefolgsleute der Knige und "brderlichen" Freunde Eddard Stark, Lord von Winterfell und Faramir, Frst von Ithilien. If three of mere fire made flesh should begin the trickle, then it is one of divinity made flesh that will bring the flood. And the life of everyone around him changed as well, for the better or the worse. Unfortunately, he dies when Melisandre, possessing Elianta, burns half of him rather badly and destroys part of King's Landing before Gendry kills her in his father's armour with his warhammer after Arya forces her to fly into the Red Keep.