Zeta Reticuli is a member of the Zeta Herculis Moving Group, a stellar association discovered by the American astronomer Olin J. Eggen in 1958. The map supposedly showed the sky as seen from a planet orbiting the star Zeta Reticuli, from which the alien abductors had arrived. No other star on the chart is known to have a planet, though a few have debris discs.). Additionally, those are lines between different star systems. Location of Zeta Reticuli in the constellation Reticulum, image: Wikisky. azzurro restaurant aruba menu; maronite archdiocese of beirut. Lets say we start from St. Louis and want to hit all the major cities within a 1,000 mile radius. There is evidence for a debris disk that may be an asteroid belt.). The study also revealed an eccentric variability in the more active Zeta1 Reticuli. There was no concentration of stars to indicate the Milky Way ( galactic plane) suggesting that if it represented reality, it probably only contained local stars. Oh yeah,Escape From the Prison Planet. That aside, note that you're looking at constellation lines which are both not a real, physical thing, and also represent connections between stars of similar apparent magnitude--which are often located at extremely different distances. Zeta Reticuli does not host any confirmed exoplanets. John Clark. zr3 star system location Humans have this self-righteous assumption that anything and everything can be explained by something here on earth or from past Scientific discoveries. So far, we have assumed all stars have planets, just as our sun does. Although this section amounts to only 13 percent of the entire sky, it contains 15 of the 46 stars, or 33 percent of the total. The trauma of such circumstances must be comparable in some ways to the Hill incident. [4][20] For reasons that remain uncertain, 1 has an anomalously low abundance of beryllium. The problem is that planets have to be that close to get enough heat from these feeble suns. It was to be drawn only if she could remember it accurately, and she was not to pay attention to what she was drawing which puts it in the realm of automatic drawing. Such a concentration would be present if a more distant viewpoint was assumed and if both us and the alien visitors home base were to be represented. On September 20, 1996, a hot Jupiter (a gas giant with a short orbital period) with 27% of Jupiters mass was reported to be orbiting Zeta2 Reticuli at a distance of 0.14 astronomical units with an orbital period of 18.9 days. What is the significance of the ZR3 star system? - Quora The distance between the two stars is at least 3,750AU (0.06 light-year, or almost a hundred times the average distance between Pluto and the Sun), so their orbital period is 170,000 years or more. In response he shows her a three-dimensional map with various sized dots and lines on it. ZR3 as a designation essentially refers to the 3rd planet within the Zeta Reticuli star system. In literature, the star system was referenced in the novels Forty Thousand in Gehenna (1983) by C. J. Cherryh and Silicon Embrace (1996) by John Shirley. Two things happened from this absurd tale. HD 188753 is a triple star system located approximately 149 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. One would also wonder what Betty, who has a master's degree in social work and is a supervisor in the New Hampshire Welfare Department, and Barney, who was on the governor of New Hampshire's Civil Rights Commission, would have to gain by a hoax? With an effective temperature of 5,720 K, it shines with 0.761 solar luminosities. Do you not see any familiar shapes in the map of the star system on the sidebar? Data used to derive the Fish model and the computer readout were taken from Gliese catalog. Designated Zeta1 and Zeta2 Reticuli, the two solar analogs are slightly smaller, less massive and less luminous than the Sun. Two other exoplanet relatives were discovered orbiting the dwarf star earlier: Proxima b, with a mass similar to Earth's that completes an orbit in the habitable zone every 11 days, and Proxima c, which is in a five-year orbit. This is a way of getting at repressed or forgotten material and can result in unusual accuracy. Are there creatures inhabiting a planet of Zeta 2 Reticuli? The most likely possibilities seem to be: (a) the experience actually happened, or (b) some perceptive and illusory misinterpretations occurred in relationship to some real event. She drew a map of it and it was published in astronomy magazine on Halloween for the Dec 1974 issue. (The fact that measurements of most of the stars in question can only be made at the relatively poorly equipped southern hemisphere observatories accounts for the less reliable data. Look up Project Beta to get an idea of the kind of disinfo the govt was running around the UFO topic in the 80s. It takes a lot of stellar fuel to emit vast quantities of light and heat. Our solar system consists of our star, the Sun, and everything bound to it by gravity - the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune; dwarf planets such as Pluto; dozens of moons; and millions of asteroids, comets, and meteoroids. They belong to the Zeta Herculis Moving Group of stars that share a common origin. [13] Subsequently, the two stars received separate designations in the Cape Photographic Durchmusterung, which was processed between 1859 and 1903, then in the Henry Draper Catalogue, published between 1918 and 1924. Additionally, he said that he had seen documents describing the relationship of Earth with Zeta Reticulans over the past 10,000 years. [4] They are currently following an orbit through the Milky Way galaxy that has an eccentricity of 0.24. The stars have apparent magnitudes of 5.52 (Zeta 1) and 5.22 (Zeta 2) and are visible without binoculars from areas without light pollution. The Zeta Reticuli Star System - ufoconspiracy.com The star system is composed of two Sun-like stars, Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 Reticuli, located at a distance of about 39.3 light years from Earth. zr3 star system location [8][19] The two stars are somewhat deficient in metals, having only 60% of the proportion of elements other than hydrogen and helium as compared to the Sun. But the Hills are troubled by unexplained dreams and anxiety about two hours of their trip that they can't account for. "This must be the next step in attempting to evaluate the map.. I really want to believe that sociopath. This model, prepared by Marjorie Fish, shows all the stars located in a vast volume of space extending out about 55 light-years in the direction of Zeta Reticull. It travels around one of the stars in the system at a distance that's about twice that of the Sun and Pluto, an incredibly wide orbit that lasts 550 Earth-years. Press J to jump to the feed. Previously thought to be science fiction, a planet in a triple-star Anyways, not really sure what youre talking about in the sidebar though. Nomenclature [ edit] The hottest, brightest and most massive main sequence stars (with rare exceptions) are the A stars. It probably cost Terry his job, as he was gone from the magazine a few months later. [27] In 2010, the Herschel Space Observatory, a telescope with a comparatively superior spatial resolution and, unlike Spitzer, able to resolve radiation excesses beyond the wavelength of 70m, determined the infrared excess as coming from a two-lobed structure that looked like a debris disk seen edge-on. She doesn't know, so the subject is dropped. Peter Van de Kamp of the Sproul Observatory at Swarthmore College has watched Barnards Star for more than three decades and is convinced that a wobbling motion of that star is due to perturbations (gravitational pulling and pushing) caused by unseen planets. Continuing to take the Hill map at face value, the radiating pattern of "trade routes" implies that Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 Reticuli (again, neither are believed to have planets.) 82 Eridani has planets too hot for life. A planet in the habitable zone of Zeta1 Reticuli would need to be slightly closer to its host star, at 0.9 astronomical units. About half of all stars are born in pairs, or small groups of three or more. "Where are you on the map 7" the humanoid asks Betty. Luckily, Tau Ceti is in this group, so thats the direction we should go (comparable to heading Northeast from St. Louis). I never claimed anything in my post had any scientific merit anyway! The ship rises, and then hurtles out of sight. But it's just a possibility, so could be either way. The constellations brightest star, the yellow giant or bright giant Alpha Reticuli, shines at magnitude 3.315. Zeta1 lies at a distance of 39.27 light years, while Zeta2 is 39.29 light years away. [26], In 2007, the Spitzer Space Telescope was used to find an apparent infrared excess at a wavelength of 70m around 2. Someone should (or perhaps has already) conduct a test to see how well a similar pattern could be recalled after a substantial period of time. In 1964, under hypnosis, they recalled undergoing a physical examination by the aliens. "To my surprise I found that the pattern that I derived from my program had a close correspondence to the data from Marjorie Fish.". zr3 star system location A 2005 study that constructed chromospheric models of solar analogues found an intermediate level of magnetic activity in the chromosphere of Zeta1 Reticuli. 5.45). A true failing in proving anything at all. Apparently unable to control their actions, Betty and Barney are easily taken back to the ship by the humanoids. In ufologist lore, the Zeta Reticulan who crashed near Roswell survived the accident and was sent back home. The Gliese catalog uses photometric, trigonometric and spectroscopic parallaxes and derives a mean from all three after giving various mathematical weights to each value. It spins at 1.74 km/s. Enjoy those pumpkins. HOTEL BIRKS MONTREAL in Montreal QC at 1240 Rue Sq. The stars share similar radial velocities and proper motions, indicating that they form a physical system. For two reasons, then, we eliminate stars of class F4 and above: (1) most of them rotate rapidly and thus seem to be planetless, and (2) their stable lifespans are too brief for advanced life to develop. The Sun is at the end of one of the supposedly regular trade routes. ( Barney Hill died in early 1969.) The plot of all 46 candidate stars reveals a clumping in the direction of the constellations Cetus and Eridanus. I've known of his story for a long time and I've always believed him, seems like even Joe Rogan believes him too. So I guess most of you will probably know of Bob Lazar and his story regarding working at Area 51 in the 1980's, which is pretty fascinating stuff for anyone into 'the great beyond'. To get more information about the map she decided to visit Betty Hill in the summer of 1969. Notable deep sky objects in the constellation include the dwarf galaxy Reticulum II, a member of the Local Group, and the barred spiral galaxies NGC 1313, also known as the Topsy Turvy Galaxy, a field galaxy in the Virgo Supercluster, and NGC 1559, which hosted a Type Ia supernova observed in 2005. Antares and Betelgeuse are members of the ultrarare supergiant class. Tau Ceti has a planet of limited habitability. Since the aliens were described as humanoid and seemed reasonably comfortable on this planet, their home planet should be basically like ours. The Roswell UFO incident was first reported on July 8, 1947. (It sounds very much like a reflective hologram.) First, it sold lots of books. I recently got introduced to Bob and his story and it is very fascinating and I might even dare to say he seems truthful. Frank B. Salisbury of the University of Utah has also examined the Hill and Fish maps. We will limit ourselves to the 55 light-year radius covered by the detailed star catalogs. The two stars complete an orbit around a common centre of mass every 170,000 or more years. The same principle applies to the planning of our interstellar exploration. I know a thing or two about a thing or two, and that's all I can say on that. With all these facts at hand we're now ready to tackle the first part of the detective story. Contact Zonar at 1-877-843-3847 or by email at customercare@zonarsystems.com. I wasnt around on Astronomys staff in the 1970s. Conversely, the inconspicuous, cool M stars may be around to see the end of the universe whatever that might be. The first target is Tau Ceti, 12 light-years distant and seen in this. Lacailles constellations are inconspicuous and lie in the far southern sky. 3.33), Beta Reticuli (mag. Named after what was believed to be the groups brightest member, Zeta Herculis, the group also includes Eta Reticuli, Beta Hydri, Rho Persei, and Epsilon Octantis. A professor of plant physiology, his biology expertise has been turned to astronomy on several occasions while studying the possibility of biological organisms existing on Mars. Who knows tho. In general, the entire sequence of events just does not smell of falsification. The stars have apparent magnitudes of 5.52 (Zeta1) and 5.22 (Zeta2) and are visible without binoculars from areas without light pollution. As part of the program, twelve U.S. military personnel were purportedly sent to Serpo between 1965 and 1978. Marjorie Fish reasoned that if the stars in the Hill map corresponded to a pattern of real stars perhaps something like we just developed, only from an aliens viewpoint it might be possible to pinpoint the origin of the alleged space travelers. Its a good tale of hokum that went awry. Bob may have unknowingly been part of a similar operation. Further elimination is necessary according to the catalogs. The close-in orbits of potential Earth-like planets of M and faint K stars produce the second dilemma rotational lock. (See above. The Zeta Reticuli system orbits though the Milky Way with an eccentricity of 0.24. Will further study and measurement of the stars in the map change their relative positions and thus distort the configuration beyond the limits of coincidence? Zeta 1 Reticuli is separated from Zeta 2 Reticuli by at least 367 billion miles or about 100 times the Sun-Pluto distance. [15] 1 Reticuli has an apparent magnitude of 5.52,[2] placing it on the border between 5th- and 6th-magnitude stars. ), Elaborating on this aspect of the incident, Mark Steggert offers this: "I am inclined to question the ability of Betty, under posthypnotic suggestion, to duplicate the pattern two years after she saw it. This debris disk interpreted as an analogy to the Kuiper belt with a semi-major axis of 100AU and a temperature of 3040 K.[28], However, observations with ALMA from October and November 2017 revealed that the structure observed by Herschel shows no common proper motion with Zeta Reticuli. As the stars orbit, they come within 17,400 light years of the Galactic Centre and move as far away as 28,600 light years. The weird circumstances that we have dubbed "The Zeta Reticuli Incident" sound like they come straight from the UFO pages in one of those tabloids sold in every supermarket. They are told they will forget the abduction portion of the incident. ), What stars are left after all this pruning? I think Lazar is telling the truth as he understands it. The angular separation between the stars corresponds to a physical distance of at least 3,750 astronomical units. I showed the issue to our other senior editor, Michael Bakich. However it will be important to take account of the initial 23% helium fraction, and 2% metals. He's passed multiple polygraph tests, and I've just watched a body-language expert confirm my thoughts that he's the real deal. Main sequence stars are basically like the sun but differ in small, but important ways. Juni 2022. The Zetas are a semiotic echelon who harvest biological materials. Zeta Reticuli is also at the centre of Project Serpo, an alleged exchange program between the U.S. government and an alien civilization from a planet in the Zeta Reticuli system, called Serpo. Zeta Reticuli (Zeta Ret, Reticuli, Ret) is a binary star system located in the Frontier in the Reticulum Constellation. Zeta Reticuli is a wide binary star system in the southern constellation of Reticulum. (Today, most indications of Saunders lasting legacy are in the UFO community.). Image here https://youtu.be/Jl1pVatXwbU?t=162. There is every indication that both had a common origin and are part of a relatively near-by old moving group (or loose cluster) of stars which was first defined in 1958 and is known as the Zeta Hercules group. The study, published in 2018, concluded that the structure was most likely a background object. She wondered if the objects shown on the map that Betty Hill allegedly observed inside the vehicle might represent some actual pattern of celestial objects. But we may be wrong in our estimate of life development time. What better time to share a silly tale of alien abduction, and bad journalism, than Halloween? Keeping all this in mind, Marjorie Fish constructed several three-dimensional models of the solar neighborhood in hopes of detecting the pattern in the Hill map. The faintest, coolest, and least massive are the M stars. But northeast is a bonanza: Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York, and more. elizabeth baptist church pastor oliver. A large Jupiter type planet exists in Gliese 86. zr3 star system location 10. Lets assume, just as anastronomical exercise, that the mapdoesshow the sun and the star that is the sun to the humanoids. "I was intrigued by the proposal put forth by Marjorie Fish that she had interpreted a real star pattern for the alleged map of Betty Hill. Each star is suspended on a separate thread at its appropriate distance and position from the sun, and colored according to its spectral type (solar type stars are yellow). The map material was flat and thin (not a model), and there were no noticeable lenticular lines like one of our three- dimensional processes. A 2008 study concluded that the inclination of their orbit puts the stars outside the Milky Way thick disk and that the systems origin is uncertain. This article chronicles how an unusual star map has led to new investigations of specific nearby stars that might harbor Earth-like planets - and possibly advanced forms of life. They concur with Simon's belief that there seems to be no evidence of outright fabrication or lying. Zeta Reticuli ( Ret) is a wide double star located in the southern constellation Reticulum. What are those other stars like? The Bayer designation for this star system, Zeta () Reticuli, originated in a 1756 star map by the French astronomer Abb Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille. Exobiologists are united in their opinion that the chance of us having neighbors so similar to us, apparently located so close, is vanishingly small. That is, there is one chance in 1,000 that the observed degree of congruence would occur in the volume of space we are discussing. A nuclear-pulse powered starship begins a historic voyage to some nearby stars similar to our sun sometime in the 21st century. The entire constellation is visible from locations between the latitudes 23 N and 90 S. The 10 brightest stars in Reticulum are Alpha Reticuli (mag. [42] Located just 4.2 light years from Earth, Proxima Centauri is the nearest member of a triple star system. These stars quite likely have planets. Or would the pattern become distorted? 4.5), Delta Reticuli (mag. I was incredulous that models could be used to do an astronometric problem," Steggert says. The sun rotates once in just under a month, but 60 percent of the stars in the FO to F4 range rotate much faster. A third planet found in binary star system - Astronomy Now Their stellar classification is nearly identical to that of the Sun. Stephen Dole of the Rand Corporation has made a detailed study of stars in this range and suggests we should also eliminate F5, F6, and F7 stars because they balloon to red giants before they reach an age of five billion years. Each class is subdivided into 10 subcategories. (Earth-sized planets cannot be detected in this manner. Zeta Herculis itself is no longer considered to be part of the group. Fish's account of that meeting: "On Aug. 4, 1969, Betty Hill discussed the star map with me. Dole feels this is cutting it too fine for intelligent species to fully evolve. Bob Lazar has been proven correct now US government has the masses brainwashed he a conman and Zeta Reticuli star system exists in Reticulum constellation. We are forced to "scratch" all stars suspected or proven to be variable. Beryllium is one of the elements that are destroyed by nuclear fusion in the interiors of stars. Any interpretation of the Betty Hill map must retain the logic of these routes (i.e. Another well-known case of a UFO sighting, known as the Zeta Reticuli Incident, took place in 1961. I have plans for the future, guess they're futuristic plans.Move out west and buy some desert lands.Maybe up North, just past Alaska.You know nothing of this if they ask you.Red Rover, Red Rover, Bob Lazar's coming over.So honey clear the airstrip and light up that stove.By Jove, I think it's started. Betty and Barney Hill, a New Hampshire couple, claimed to have been abducted by aliens on the night of September 19 to 20, 1961. Such stars cannot have life-bearing planets because, at least based on our experience on our world, this is not enough time to permit highly developed biological systems to evolve on the land areas of a planet. (Friedman is rather well-known. (Today, K-type star stability is seen as a boon, rather than a hinderance, for their habitability.). (No.) They did not remember the events of the next few hours, but when they returned to consciousness, they were 35 miles south. ", (In his book Set Phasers to Stun, author Steve Pearse reported that a professor who worked with Mitchell, Gerald Newsom, said of the map, "i don't believe Walt Mitchell's work was ever held in high regard by the consensus of the faculty and grad students at Ohio State, and this point hardly anyone in the Department is even aware that the work was done" in a 2007 email.). (Most of Van de Kamps later career was spent fighting back against those who said hed determined the Barnards Star planets in error. But then, we don't even know for certain if there is anybody at all out there anywhere -despite the Hill map and pronouncements of the most respected scientists. "Betty described the map as three-dimensional, like looking through a window. The star has a projected rotational velocity of 1.98 km/s. An example of rotational lock is right next door to us. Well take the Hill encounter at face value, and see where it leads. Betty explained that she drew the map in 1964 under posthypnotic suggestion. Its name ZR3 adopted from the name of its solar system Zeta Reticuli. Zeta Reticuli story was created by Betty Hill. She noted no grid lines on the pattern for reference. Would they give a closer fit? | Video 14,809 views Jul 12, 2016 302 Dislike Share Save VideoFromSpace 1.56M subscribers Using the SPHERE imager om the European. Acheron (LV-426), the colony where the films are set, is one of the three moons orbiting Caparon. (No planets have been discovered around either star. It must be at the appropriate distance from its sun so that water is neither frozen nor boiled away. To summarize, then: (1) the pattern discovered by Marjorie Fish has an uncanny resemblance to the map drawn by Betty Hill; (2) the stars are mostly the ones that we would visit if we were exploring from Zeta Reticuli, and (3) the travel patterns generally make sense. The fact that all the stars in the "Hill configuration" are solar type stars is one of several intriguing areas that enshroud the "Zeta Reticuli Incident". [17], 1 has an intermediate level of magnetic activity in its chromosphere[22] with an erratic variability. Because we don't even know what they might look like if they're out there we necessarily have to limit our search to the kind of life that we understand. The planetary system we call home is located in an outer spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy. Checking further we find that all but two of the stars in the Fish pattern are on the table of nearby solar type stars. First, these stars fry their planets with occasional lethal bursts of radiation emitted from erupting solar flares. They are each fifth magnitude stars barely visible to the unaided eye located in the obscure southern constellation Reticulum. Triple Star System Planet Is Directly Imaged - That's Rare! Can we take this dramatic scenario seriously? However, the presence of the debris disk was dismissed after observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), which showed that the double-lobed structure did not share a common proper motion with Zeta2 Reticuli. Zeta1 and Zeta2 Reticuli are separated by 309.2 arcseconds on the sky and appear as a close double star to the unaided eye in good conditions. We are about five billion years into that period.so we tan look forward to the sun remaining much as it is (actually it will brighten slightly) for another six billion years. The two stories agreed in considerable detail, although neither Betty nor Barney was privy to what the other had said under hypnosis until much later. (No.) A one percent fluctuation in the sun would be annoying for us here on Earth. Is the ZR3 a planet or a star system? - Quora PDF ZSTAR3 - Multiple Wireless Triple-Axis Reference Design Demo Indeed, one M star known as Barnards Star is believed to almost certainly have at least one, and probably two or three, Jupiter-sized planets. Nothing Lazar said has been confirmed, some of it has straight up been disproven through scientific advances. Her sketch of the map was included in The Interrupted Journey.
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