B. low self-esteem Which of the following kinds of thinking can help explain the first instinct fallacy? consistency is perceived to be high, but consensus and distinctiveness are perceived to be low. the false uniqueness effect. What are the three situational factors that impact conformity? -internal and unstable, external and unstable, The so-called "Sports Illustrated jinx"the tendency for athletes to experience a dip in performance directly after appearing on the cover of Sports Illustratedcan be BEST explained by. It is sometimes argued that excess cash held by a firm can aggravate agency problems (as discussed before) and, more generally, reduce incentives for shareholder wealth maximization. B. unrealistic optimism. Research indicates that the topic people think about MOST is. B. terror management theory Most psychology research has used middle-class White American respondents. In a national poll conducted by ABC News, men reported an average of sex partners and women reported an average of sex partners. C. relationships. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. A. raise; decrease D. see ourselves as better than the average person, D. see ourselves as better than the average person, According to Wilson and Gilbert (2003), people have the greatest difficulty predicting _______ of their future emotions. C. average Once he feels like he knows that, he goes on. D. neither individual achievement nor relationships. This best illustrates the ____ effect. C. self-serving bias C. perform moderately well. B. external D. you can't change implicit attitudes once they are formed, Our sense of self-worth is also called our: B. low self-esteem When it comes to predicting the intensity and duration of our future emotions, research indicates that most people C. lower; decrease - you have a general sense of what they are like, what they do, and how they are different from other people. He tells Kirk, If you dont start working out soon, you are going to die young and leave your children without a father! Dr. Canne is using a(n). Shortage is caused by issues pertaining to real goods and. A. protecting one's self-image by creating an excuse for later failure. Please upgrade to Cram Premium to create hundreds of folders! C. a social comparison keep a lookout for anything that might remind them of the unwanted thought. _____ what others think about your nervousness. A. protecting one's self-image by creating an excuse for later failure A. individual achievement. The so-called illusory correlation can MOST directly help explain. How does the "low-ball" compliance technique work? That is, it can be __________ in different ways. A. specific; truthful D. general; inflated, Saying "I earned an A on my psychology test" versus "My instructor gave me a C on my psychology test" exemplifies how we associate ourselves with: B. low self-control A. you are the best predictor of your behaviors D. it helps to buffer stress, B. it makes us feel less vulnerable to risks such as AIDS, Saying "I earned an A on my psychology test" versus "My instructor gave me a C on my psychology test" exemplifies how we associate ourselves with: It could apply to opinions, values, beliefs or behaviours . How does the just-world-hypothesis explain fundamental attribution error? FALSE- UNIQUENESS EFFECT: "Some individuals with an inflated ego would 'suffer' from the false uniqueness effect . C. possible self This also makes you think about all of the fun and crazy things you did on your trip. Recently, Krueger and Clement (1997; see also Krueger, 1998) argued that the simple assumption that all respondents believe they are in the majority, regardless of true major-ity status, can account for both the false consensus effect and the uniqueness bias. A. personality You would be correct in speculating that she likely has _______ feelings of self-efficacy. C. individualists make comparisons with others to boost their self-esteem . C. positive self-esteem. That is, both of them seem to be engaging in, Sometimes people blow on dice when playing a board game to make sure they get the numbers they need to advance in the game. Research Strategies and Methodology: 6%. A. self-handicapping the tendency for people to assume that their faults are more common and widespread than they really are. Pluralistic ignorance - Wikipedia But when the individuals were put in a group, the individuals conformed to the majority view/answer, which was clearly incorrect. C. self-efficacy C. spotlight effect D. pete's roommate, Self-monitoring is: This is known as: B. external To Mr. Yipol's astonishment, though, the students actually perform worse this time. C. self-esteem all of the cases in a group from which samples may be drawn for a study. Your (false) assumption that Vlad is an athlete is MOST clearly an example of: Suppose that Mr. Yipol gives 100 students a reading exam. When she goes to college, she meets a Hispanic student. C. large, selective university psych exam review: chapter 9 Flashcards | Quizlet why people tend to overestimate the degree to which members of minority groups engage in criminal behaviors. But Mr. Y thinks that George W. only became president because he was "in the right place at the right time," and had good luck. Explain the difference between screening decisions and preference decisions. The False Uniqueness Effect suggests that we are not so accurate after all. A. strong persuasion 16 ce tv Language is richer in situation-type terms than trait terms. The false uniqueness effect is: Even though stomach cancer kills more people than plane crashes do, most people tend to assume that plane crashes cause more deaths. In making this statement, your friend was most likely guided by. B. the false consensus effect. Review Later. According to Harold Kelley's attribution theory, in determining what type of attribution to make for this event, one of the questions you are likely to ask yourself is: "Has Gus ever given me a 'bad check' before?" Add to folder Every single time it comes up heads. B. weak How does the "door-in-the-face" compliance technique work? C. moderate B. increases False Consensus Effect (Definition - Practical Psychology Social loafing is the tendency for people to exert less effort when working toward a common goal in a group than when working individually. The false consensus effect, the illusory correlation, and the first instinct fallacy are all examples of topics in __________ research. then it is unclear what type of attributions people will make. The _________ is also known as the better-than-average effect and the Lake Wobegon effect. This misconception seems to arise from __________, since plane crash fatalities tend to be widely publicized and are therefore relatively easy for people to bring to mind. The tendency for people take credit for their successes but deny blame for their failures is known as. A. low self-esteem Even though there are not many astronauts in the world, you might immediately assume that this person is an astronaut just because he or she fits your image of what an astronaut is like. to underestimate the number of other. Why did the clown park his car in a red zone, where he might get a ticket? C. U.S. children today report more positive self-feelings than those growing up in the 1960s and 1970s A. less intelligent than others commit the base rate fallacy, representativeness heuristic, People tend to attribute their own behaviors to situational factors, but to attribute others' behaviors to dispositional factors. C. social rank She then goes ahead and orders a deluxe chocolate milkshake. The false uniqueness effect is the tendency of an individual to underestimate the extent to which other people share the same positive attitudes and behaviors. That is, instead of seeing a "chair," for example, these people see "a wooden object with four legs." A. lifes satisfaction by oboealchemist@yahoo.com, . Even though the statistical probability of both hands is the same, many people (incorrectly) assume that Montana's exact hand is rarer than Sarah's exact hand. (2010) found that Facebook users were _____ accurate in guessing when they agreed with their friends on political issues and _____ accurate in guessing disagreement. It makes you feel better to see how you did in comparison to other students. The three types of social influence are information social influence, situational factors, and normative social influence. They make similar predictions, but the FAE focuses on attributions that we make about others, while the AOE concerns attributions that we make about others AND attributions that we make about ourselves. Barbara was really shocked when her candidate was not elected. . D. an internal locus control, Which part of the brain seems to be involved in maintaining our sense of self? What decision barriers must marketers overcome if consumers are aware of the Diderot effect? A. strong ", Dr. Canne wants to encourage Kirk to lose weight. D. have no idea, Most people perceive themselves as: Which of the following would be the BEST example of counterregulation? A. strong Obedience to authority is ingrained in us all from the way we are brought up. Social facilitation is the tendency for people to perform differently when in the presence of others than when alone. The bystander effect is a social psychological phenomenon that refers to cases in which individuals do not offer any means of help to a victim when other people are present. C. self-efficacy B. rage A. self-esteem The false consensus bias is the tendency to see our own attitudes, beliefs and behavior as being typical. carefully and rationally thinks about each and every decision. Think of it like this. In pronouncement of 18, the fallacy in this statement has too many questions. B. self-schema You have no idea how old he is. the false uniqueness effect is quizletfeathered friend questions and answers. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Possible selves, Culture difference in a person's self concept reflect, How is self esteem different from self concept? Your mind races to determine whether to make an internal attribution ("Is this guy just crazy?") C. everyone does it! D. stress their individual accomplishments and uniqueness, D. stress their individual accomplishments and uniqueness, Goel et al. After that meeting, Elenita decides that Hispanics in general must be independent and outspoken. Explain Festinger's cognitive dissonance theory. -People use themselves as an "anchor" when judging others. B. disparaging oneself (false modesty) to elicit reassurance . B. more negatively Which of the following might be the headline of the article? B. the corpus collosum D. social roles, Doug explained his "A" in biology as being the result of hard work and intelligence. Wing Tung is using ____ to improve his thinking. -You have a general sense of what cats are like, how they behave, and how they are different from other animals. When people make the fundamental attribution error about entire groups of people (as opposed to individuals), psychologists say that they are making the ultimate attribution error. What is an example of impact bias? That is, you might __________ and rely on the __________. Curse of knowledge: When those who are experts in their field tend to talk above people around them on that topic. A. false consensus. B. negative Yogurt that is "low fat" can be described as "95% fat free" or as "5% fatty." C. moderately C. high D. punishment and distance ourselves from rewards, B. success and distance ourselves from failure, According to Woodzicka and LaFrance (2001), women reported that they would feel angry if asked sexually harassing questions during a job interview. D. the self-serving bias, The habit of using how we imagine another person perceiving us, as a mirror for perceiving ourselves, is referred to as: A. rare stressors, such as a family crisis If you are a hot hand player, you will answer. C.rewards and distance ourselves from punishment The false uniqueness effect is. Ingrid is highly educated, nerdy, and outspoken. B. self-aggrandizement However, if this attempted thought suppression results in ironic processing, then Yesi will end up. He plays golf, has a private stable with horses, owns a jet, and is thinking about buying an island. D. the looking-glass self, The best way to improve your performance in class is to be _____ in the praise and _____ about your ability and performance. A. internal C. perform moderately well B. education Which of the following is an explanation for the false consensus effect, but not an explanation for the false uniqueness effect? B. success and distance ourselves from failure. Even though you are not actually ill at all, as you walk home from the hospital you do so with a slight limp, and begin lightly coughing. The exam was really easy. How does the "That's-not-all" compliance technique work? Infosys Interview Questions and Answers Infosys. C. everyday hassles Most people with high self-esteem value individual achievement and relationships with others. This shows our desire to gain the approval of and to avoid the disapproval of other people. D. the self-handicapping effect. D. learned helplessness, Which statement about predicting your own behaviors or relationships is TRUE? -both as a result of graduate training involving statistical reasoning, and when they are encouraged to carefully consider different alternatives. B. the duration Social psychology is the study of people in a group. The teacher is probably trying to. [3] Please select the correct language below. They forget that there is a difference between the level of knowledge they have on the topic compared to . Attribution theory is MOST concerned with, The paradoxical effects of thought suppression have been linked to psychological disorders such as. Social Psychology _ Chapter 3 Flashcards | Quizlet The idea that people project . B. small, non-competitive university C. successfully predict This is an example of: Kitayama and Markus (2000) found that, for American students, happiness comes from feeling: Andrew believes that he did well on his Social Psychology test because he studied a lot and is a good student. Also, participants were told either (a) that the essay-writer got to choose which side to take (pro- or anti-), or (b) that the essay-writer was ASSIGNED to one side or the other. A. high self-esteem D. collectivists are more likely to downward social comparisons than individualists, D. collectivists are more likely to downward social comparisons than individualists, Research has found that when prisoners are given some control over their environments, such as being able to move chairs and operate the lights, they tend to: It seems counterintuitive after all, people are usually better at d First, the given words prime thoughts of elderly, which in turn prime an elderly-related behaviour, walking slowly. Researchers have called this misperception a false social reality, a form of pluralistic ignorance. D. the looking-glass self, Your self-esteem would correlate closely with what others think of you and your group if you were in a(n) ______ culture. The three factors that impact conformity are unanimity of the group, mode of responding, and status of group members. B. audience effect Which of the following will NOT help debias someones thinking? C. the tendency to see our talents and moral behaviors as relatively unusual, Greenberg (2008) argues that, to manage their fear of death and feel that their lives are not in vain, people seek to pursue self-esteem by meeting the standards of their society. A. effort and fewer self-doubts will help us succeed to underestimate the number of other. Recall the "Castro study" conducted by Jones and Harris. B. view everyone as relatively average C. underestimating D. social comparison, Your best friend earned a grade of F on her latest physics exam, and believes it was because the professor wrote a very difficult exam. How does the status of group members impact conformity? C. self-esteem C. more positively The researchers found that. C. average True b. The covariation principle was proposed by Harold Kelley. A. strong Agreeing to a request is to _____ as obeying a command . Paul commutes to and from work each day. D. social relationships help to define our self. D. the brain stem, Giving priority to one's own goals over group goals, and defining one's identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group identifications is the definition of: Juanita answers, "I am friendly, a student, and very religious." Polina is 3 years old. Click the card to flip . . Research indicates that people are especially likely to engage in the false consensus effect when it comes to _____, and especially likely to engage in the false uniqueness effect when it comes to _____. D. traditionalists; progressives, A person's answer to the question "Who am I?" A. transparency B. audience C. spotlight D. halo, 2. Cram has partnered with the National Tutoring Association. In part 1, be sure to name and define the effect you have chosen. A. depression B. terror management theory Give an example of self-fulfilling prophecy. If you ask Raquel about her stocks, she makes self-serving attributions; she says: "I was very clever to invest in that first company, but I just had bad luck losing so much money with the other one." B. self-serving bias False Uniqueness Effect: study guides and answers on Quizlet The fact that men and women report having had very different numbers of sex partners can be almost completely explained by the fact that men have engaged in more homosexual sex. C. the competitor as disadvantaged in comparison to us Fifth, false consensus is in line with a Bayesian analysis that assumes a uniform prior distribution and one's own view as the only evidence (Dawes & Mulford, 1996). A. have more interdependent selves This common misconception stems most directly from, People who think they have a hot hand after winning five poker hands in a row tend to think that. Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. characteristics and abilities. Our family and friends are more likely to be similar to us and share many of the same beliefs and behaviors. Human Growth And Development Test QuizletTake this free NCE Practice The false consensus effect in social psychology is a cognitive bias in which people overestimate how much others share their beliefs and behaviours. 1 / 36. B. experience great difficulty. B. self-efficacy We and our partners store and/or access information on a device, such as cookies and process personal data, such as unique identifiers and standard information sent by a device for personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, and audience insights, as well as to develop and improve products.