My friend was plagiarized by a screenwriting professor at the School of Visual Arts in NYC. It's like the Devil you know vs the Devil you don't. I totally lost my trust! Kill me,torture me and more. It worked for a few months but the stalkers found a cheep residence that put them within eye sight of my uncles house. I am aware that the ultimate ungodly abuse is to be able to know what anybody is thinking as a way of controlling the masses, I know that I am strong minded and that this attack on me will only go so far, but I continue to shield my thoughts and to use ear buds as to interrup the never ending chattering of this individuals, no I dont hear voices, I hear my perpetrators talking among themselves and saying what I am thinking at the precise moment of my thought, they can also ready my body functions so they know if I have a headache or if I am cold or hot or if something hurts, like any kind of pain, they also know my bodely functions. 1. Doesnt it work? Multiple neighbor bedrooms, including my old bedroom, were in close proximity to that door. A frequent form of Electronic Harassment involves beaming a low frequency hum or tone into a victims home or general area. Just figured out I have been stalked over 20 yearseven by dronesomg I have read that cameras and microphones are not necessary, and this can be done by ultrasound. Hosted by Editor-in-Chief and therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares why you might allow others to mistreat you and how you can learn to speak up for yourself. He knows you and will protect you. My Neighbor Moved My Trashcan (How to Stop Them)? Again, if your really sincere in fighting the gang stalking culture occurring across the US, you will clean up your act, and start by sorting out all these distinctions. Slamming The Front Door in Apartments - OzBargain Forums 00:13 Door in old house, opening and closing, nobody 00:09 Family couple arguing behind closed door, man giving slap to. This person thinks that he? You cant copyright an idea. Stalking across state lines or in federal territories is illegal under federal law. And a girl I met at my school really liked me. The street theatre has been most interesting almost comical, At times. Or, its great to work with the professionals on our staff. I was not able to protect my father and my two brothers, who had sudden, highly suspicious highly premature deaths. This past May, the stalkers hacked our computers and all devices by breaking through our home router. Bringing up potential solutions can also be helpful, especially if they didnt intend to slam the door and need tips on avoiding it.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'homecadet_com-box-4','ezslot_7',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-homecadet_com-box-4-0'); While you cant change your neighbors behaviors, you can offer them tips on how to prevent their doors from slamming. You can also take more serious measures if you are ready to be patient with the official process of legal proceedings.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'homecadet_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_9',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-homecadet_com-medrectangle-4-0'); When approaching your neighbor about their door-slamming habits, make sure you are calm. Massachusetts law about harassment, stalking, or intentional infliction Once the evil neighbor realized how much the door slamming bothers me, she escalated and begin intentionally slamming her apartment door as well as allowing the lobby door to slam when going in and out. I could go to Keele St., wait for a large box truck, race out in front of it and throw myself under the wheels. Posted by: Cindy Brock | June 30, 2007 at 09:15 AM. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. They will go behind the targets back and tell lies about them. Over time, this can have many negative effects, including eroded self-esteem, reduced productivity, and damaged relationships. I was there for half a year to help out when my dad had a stroke. All these scenarios sound alike. The only logical explanation that can be drawn as to why these brainwashed cult members are using local police 10 codes to Harass other citizens, is that they have been deluded into thinking that they are somehow police. Still, you can talk to them and ask if you can put some weather sealing on their door. Organized street gangs, prison gangs, and outlaw motorcycle gangs have long been and continue to be the predominant organized retail drug distributors. Leaving loud vehicles or motorcycles idling around a targets home used as a form of Harassment. A few began to behave like they heard negative lies about me. Despite the statements to defame, I have done nothing but help others my entire life. She has just arrived, in fact. I am jealous of the fact she has an office! Do the Stalkers ever question or check to see if a targeted victim is indeed guilty of a crime? Someone acting as a passive-aggressive bully doesn't see themselves as the bully in the situation. They will learn to recognize set-ups and will find ways to either document and/or foil the types of overt operations described in the following article. When you get enough documentation, pass it on to HR or her boss. ANNA IS OUR TRUSTEES COVER UP PARTNERS DAUGHTER AND HER SISTER FROM BOSTON IS ALSO IN. I am in the safe situation as we speak. I know now with misophonia, it's not a good idea to live in a space with upstairs neighbors. Sherri Gordon is a published author and a bullying prevention expert. the stalkers minions, and you. If she starts throwing things duck! I have to see a neurologist & a cardiologist & I wonder how am I going to do this? Start today by teaching yourself to ignore all of it. I have been heated all night, every night, for the last year. Make sure the . Gathering information from friends, and family. Their own weaknesses, addictions, grandiosity and anger management issues have been exploited so that they think it is OK to attack citizens of their own country. Therefore, it is better to talk to them first before taking some other measures and creating a bigger problem. Question: There are three administrative assistants in my office, including myself. I have to make up my mind in the next day or two if I am moving. Also up in a prepaid phone in my name. Our 1.5yo has been in own room since 5 months. Father God will answer you . Once a target is flagged, a notification is sent out, and the target is followed around 24/7 by the various communities that they are in. Cyber Stalking includes, but is not limited to; Computer Hacking, Trolling, Spamming (Often including Porn Deluges, Verbal Assaults, Character Assassination, and Impersonations of the victim. Does the word Gang, as in Gang Stalking, refer to Street Gangs? This is one of the simplest solutions to keep a door from slamming, and installation is pretty simple. Remember when you first got your outdoor table? Also paint gun distance away. Mr Allen, Therefore, slamming doors could be included in a mild type of harassment. Within minutes, I am swarmed by neighbors, paid perps. They have been running a many-year debit card scheme through my identity and the woman who used to live at the same address. When she gets like that, think of her as a big blow fish and just say to yourself whatever. Sensitization undoubtedly creates an extreme level of fear in a victim, in direct fulfillment of the intentions of the stalkers. STOP, say nothing more. Good luck. To not even give it 1% of your brain power. NOTE! LOL. I knew that he had already copied it. Im simply a drug addict whos done some really stupid shit, but nothing that would ever warrant this. My privacy has been invaded to a degree only seen in concentration camps or iron curtain countries, others are encouraged by the abuse of my civil rights to join in and destroy me and my property or those who are close to me. I am going to place my tag reader I believe local groups of targets should group together. Guess what? She may very well have had a part in luring my older brother to Vancouver and getting him to take some casual work. Any content of an adult theme or inappropriate to a community web site. Therefore, you might wait to run to them in front of the building or at some other public place where you can casually address the issue with slamming doors. If you hear nothing regarding it and she keeps on put another one on her desk. I now know shes right on point. In most cities, this notification is well known, and used by many workers and employers. Eg: They will surround the target in a square like formation if possible. Everyone experiencing such repeated slamming and intrusion should consider legal action to ensure peace and tranquillity. It is most undoubtedly antisocial behavior in this regard. I worked for one such administrator for 5.5 miserable years. First off I think it is terrific you actually have doors to shutmost administrative assistants do not. These elite families transgender their children. We are not criminals, they are psychopaths, sociopaths, manipulative, sick,pathological mental disorders and anti-social behaviours. Jacketing was often used during Cointelpro to make genuine activists look like informants. The purpose of Gas Lighting is to make a victim question his or her sanity. Cant even walk into a hospital & feel safe. Fred Pryor Seminars has many workshops to deal with stress at work and to deal with difficult people. full of haze way before the fire. David Morris M.A. Why Do People Keep Christmas Trees Up All Year? They also tried to take a full rent out of a close acct with proof, but she will never admit it. Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. my weird neighbor called wellness report on me. I took this approach when working with an employee who was miserable to be around. This defense is available if an employer can prove that it exercised reasonable care to promptly correct the harassing behavior and that the employee unreasonably failed to take advantage of preventive opportunities provided by the employer. Under the guise of doing good for the community. However, as time passed, it started to wear and you began to wonder How you could recover Are Washers Required When Building a Desk? Have an even tone and clearly explain the issue to them, including specifics on how it bothers you. For example, if several coworkers direct verbal insults on a daily basis towards a man who wears a turban because they believe he is Iraqi, this could create a hostile workplace environment even if the man is actually from India. I heard they were blocking black. My neighbours are always slamming doors. Is there anything I - Quora Further, we all know that noise from a slammed door is a highly unpleasant and irritating sound that no one wants to hear; therefore, finding a solution is crucial. A lot of things can prompt your neighbor to slam the door. But God I just pray for continued health and healing from inside out. The most sinister, and downright evil, tactic used during Corporate Stalking is forcing the victim to see the company psychologist. that this is very upsetting to you (and others, if applicable). Who do we go to? So if she shuts her door, whats wrong with your door? Neighbour harassment - advice please! Express your discomfort with the behavior or comments and ask them to stop it. My brother was treated for serious allergies, some fifty such allergies, which no other member of my family of origin or extended family a huge family had. sms, gmail forgot password, apple location (physically sane geolocation), bluetooth abd hotspot middle manning. Sending or flooding the targets neighborhood with many white vehicles, this can be done subtly or all at once. Ask a lawyer - it's free! Legal questions about landlord liability when one tenant harasses This could be friendships, family or significant others. There is no question that those engaging in organized harassment are criminals, regardless of whether or not they hide behind legitimate agencies or excuses for their behavior. This becomes an investment instrument. It cut me and also burned me from the inside of my body. Small wall cracks above the door frame can arise from slamming the door. -Illegal Criminal Electronic Monitoring 7600A Leesburg Pike, West Building, Suite 300, Falls Church, VA 22043, Workplace Conflict Resolution: 10 ways to manage employee conflict and improve office communication, the workplace environment and team productivity, Office Communication Toolkit: 10 tips for managers on active listening skills, motivating employees, workplace productivity, employee retention strategies and change management techniques, 14 Tips on Business Etiquette: Setting a professional tone with co-workers, clients and customers, 17 Team Building Ideas: The team building kit for managers with team building exercises, activities and games to build winning teams. This is running into people that are acting very unusual, or people that are putting on a show or production, known as street theater. Then, they were getting caught financially abusing me. It is the same as any mafia. Members of the Stalking and Harassment group lined up in Convoys along a targets route. I have no voice. I wrote on this site prior but see my narrative was never published. However, you should be aware that it depends on your neighbors reaction; this could wind up in court. She took pictures of my apt. For example, if you approach your neighbor in the middle of a party when they might be a little bit tipsy, the effect could be counterproductive. Subject returning both hands against back, or on stomach. Intentionally Coughing at the target. It is also important to note that, these individuals are claiming that it is the police doing the Arm Harassment Gestures If the Arm Harassment Gestures are being done by police, then it is a corrupt syndicated police officer(s) taking advantage of his position of authority, and using it to Harass other citizens, while giving his fellow officers and department a bad negative image. Standing close to the target. Peer Pressure/ Need to Fit In Former stalkers have stated they participated out of fear of becoming the next target should they go against the group. A hostile work environment can be harassment based on a persons actual identity or a persons perceived membership in a protected group. These cult members are actually being given Harassment tasks and Street Theater Scripts to perform at a certain time of the day for the purpose of Harassment of another individual, despite the fact that the individual being targeted can easily document this Harassment and Cult behavior using a video camera with a date and time stamp, and sue the individuals for damages of Harassment and Emotional Distress. The Convoys may be of the same color or similar type vehicle. especially those whi gets a kick out of it as if they were Enron. It could either be one-on-one, over the phone or a text message. These strangers might get text messaged to be at a specific time and place, and perform a specific action. Car accidents that may be staged or setup involving the target. Most importantly the members of these cults have already been sensitized, conditioned, and brainwashed to these specific numbers, and are constantly looking to their watches and clocks, to see what the time is, in case they have a Harassment skit or order to perform at a specific time of the day or night, that has been passed to them by their criminal leader and organizer via a cell phone text. Eg. Any group that performs Organized Gang Stalking is not positive in nature, nor beneficial to society, despite any charitable works they may perform. This is a type of Street Theater and psychological sensitization tactic that is intended to make the target appear crazy or mentally unstable if the target complains of this type of Harassment. I've spent WAY too much time thinking about this, and figured out that when the wind blows a certain direction, there's negative air pressure in the hallway, which pulls the front door closed with some force, unless you carefully hold the handle the entire way and make the door close quietly. Believe me I tried. All rights reserved. Talk to the Harasser. A Noise Harassment Campaign is an orchestrated effort to produce stress in a victim through prolonged exposure to significant noise levels. I was literally kept awake for the entire duration. I am very afraid it is too late for me. It seems unlikely that this early encounter was a coincidence.). The new drug dealing members invaded and took over our town. How to Tell if Your Neighbor is Harassing You | Caretaker On the other hand, if your front door is continually banging, you know how irritating it can be. They also spy while we in the bathroom, but I have taken measures to block them. I was using up twelve rolls of paper towels daily, to soak up the blood. This would make my brothers and me sitting ducks. By Sherri Gordon Can My Neighbor Record My Backyard (And My Property)? If her manager is not going to say anything about her rude and disruptive behavior I guess there is really not too much anyone else can do. I finally gave up the fight and applied for a promotion in the same company and left. There is a heavy lobby door that automatically slams shut if you don't prevent it from doing so (stopping it from slamming is effortless and takes about 1.5 seconds). I discovered that I had been in close contact with five persons, who worked at this hospital. Maybe she has no control over her own life and controlling things at work is the only outlet she has to get this type of satisfaction. It would be thrilling to have normal, nice neighbors around me and not a sadistic old woman who enjoys inflicting distress on those living around her. Choose to respond in a healthy way to their unhealthy behaviors to help keep it from being a toxic relationship. During Directed Conversation, two or more stalkers will approach near to the target and engage in normal conversation with one another. Neighbors constantly slamming doors becomes antisocial If it produces nuisance and disturbance. Slamming the door is a very vicious form of disturbance, usually getting into the ears and sometimes the brain. I know for a fact that it is the police. Not mentioning any names. To relieve some of their resentment, they may give the person who made the request the silent treatment. How to Deal with Neighbor Harassment - I am use to be referred to as the girl who viewed life as a bowl of creamed peaches. Don took this short story from me, along with another one. Posted by: Anonymous | July 09, 2007 at 10:47 AM, hasnt the supervisor or director spoke to her about the temper tantrums? Yes, make sure they are in their best mood to avoid misunderstanding; this worsens the situation. After months or years of this, Joe has become sensitive to this stimuli and it can be used to harass him without the names and the glaring looks. SHE JUST MADE A COMMENT WHILE IM WRITING THIS SHOUTINGCAN WE NOW JUST LET THE 3RD REICHT JUST COME OUT? When did we start believing in gossip and not due process. Neighbour's shocking 'aggressive' note about door - news By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It also establishes your willingness to hold the person accountable, which helps stop the passive-aggressive cycle. You should know that this could get in court depending on the reaction of your neighbor. A Handy Tip: Slamming on your door can damage things for you and cost you extra cash. If talking to your neighbor does not resolve the issue, you might take some more extreme measures, such as notifying the council of your building. (I never dated anyone who was married so they must have heard some BS) It was a slander campaign to make me seem controversial. Coordinated psychological warfare attacks, consisting of stalkings, noise campaigns, sensitizing and the spreading of lies and rumors, are executed in an effort to virtually neutralize and destroy the victim. Since this will be an official measure, you should know that this might be a problem for selling your apartment later due to the complaint of a noisy neighbor. She may either be doing this on purpose as a learned behavior or she may have an emotional problem that she cannot control on her own. Still, some neighbors would keep on-jamming and slamming the door. I am not being investigated but destroyed actively and horrendously. Triggers have been installed in your mind. In conclusion, having said earlier, noise from slamming the door by a neighbor can be handled by firstly approaching the person politely and respectfully. You create most of the chaos by linking the perpetrators pre planted ideas in your head with reality. He plagiarized scenes from her script, which then showed up in a Hollywood film. they are just taxed and not even! Thank you so much for adding this resource on the web up u til lately Ive avoided doing any research that may tip my hand but youve explain every thing Ive experienced. The perps are drug dealers,right wing neighborhood groups who think any thing they do they can get away with. Dealing with someone who is passive-aggressive isn't always easy. I have endured all of the above psychological and physical tortures, for the duration of my life, especially, in recent decades. What about the other people who find this disruptive? Cookie Notice 1. Passion in a relationship should mean . Maybe she will get the hint. What things do they like and dislike? Don't let their hostility and inappropriate actions keep you from addressing their behaviors. My many background checks nationally and globally have confirmed this fact but these gangstalkers have chosen to ignore the facts and attempt to rewrite my identity such is their power. This can catch them by surprise, and they might get offended or embarrassed. In some cases, the person who is passive-aggressive may not even realize that they are angry or feeling resentfulbecause their feelings have been repressed or they have poor self-awareness. I am not involved with any organizations, have never done or suggested anything illegal, and have no ulterior motives than the preservation of our soldier-won US Constitution and Bill of Rights. Not family , not friends, or anyone I thought I could trust back in my home town. AND OPENING MY SAFE TO MY FOOD AND LIVING THE LOCKER UNLOCKED ON PERPISS AND NOISES HARASSING ME. I suppose at this point, maintaining a clear head in a gladiator, fight to the finish kind of way is the only and best defense for me. I did not know that I had a first cousin, from the Devor family, who was a biology professor at Hebrew university. The company has more to lose here than you think when they have a renegade employee like this. One of them is the office perfectionist who gets upset with others, including the administration and her own manager, if they do not do things just the way and when she thinks they should. She lives in Alabama. insanity does not erase my original evidence of frauding elderly and ethnic groups. They want us to join Scientology Staff!!! Listening to their calls. I actually had a brief romantic relationship with a male, who had worked for Mossad, in early adulthood. Such behavior often borders on the extremely bizarre and is aimed at a blurring of the boundaries between reality and fantasy in the minds of the victims. At least, I know what. Cars pull up and use devices to look through my windows upstairs and downstairs to see where I am. Organized Gang Stalking deprives the targeted individual of their basic constitutional rights and destroys their freedom, setting a stage for the destruction of a person, socially, mental and physical, through a ceaseless assault that pervades all areas of a persons life. (At my previous job I was an AA with an office space and doors.) Stalking can be defined as a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. I would be heated every night in my lower legs. AND RUNNING BACK AND FOURTH VERY WRONG. I don't remember the last time I felt such utter hatred towards another person. I like everyone enjoy comfort but I can evolve as I understand from experience that the materialism of this world is not the end but the challenge for the next level of existence and I have some peace that these gang stalkers harassment have a mortal limit unknown to themselves as they see their power has heady and infinite such is their deception to the world around them who care to engage and to themselves. All items seem to work together, to cut off my blood circulation. This is the new way now, they are not using foot soldiers now but using clones in your environment. I told the manager not to speak to my family & give them information & she didnt listen. Read our, How to Deal With Passive-Aggressive People, Anger Management Strategies to Help Someone Calm Down, The Signs of Grandiose Narcissism and How to Deal With It, Splitting and Borderline Personality Disorder, Negging: How to Recognize and Overcome It, 20 Common Defense Mechanisms and How They Work, What the Bobo Doll Experiment Reveals About Kids and Aggression, Daily Tips for a Healthy Mind to Your Inbox, How to stop passive aggression from ruining your relationship, Dynamics of female sexuality; hidden emotional issues, A comparison of passive aggressive and negativistic personality disorders, Anger, masked with a smile: How to handle passive-aggressive workers, Passive aggressive behaviorpreventing and dealing with challenging behavior, How to deal with a passive-aggressive colleague. Corporations, Government Organizations, Military, Some Police, Corrupt Cops, Societies/Fraternities/Orders, Religious Cults and Destructive New Age Groups, Concerned Community Groups/Vigilante Groups, Criminal Organizations, Volunteer Police Organizations, etc. All of this is happening to me. Pedestrian targets complain about cars that consistently cut them off, being hit by cars, and other almost near mishaps. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'homecadet_com-banner-1','ezslot_10',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-homecadet_com-banner-1-0');Some ways to prevent doors from slamming include: Yes, continuously slamming doors can wear down a door frame or cause permanent damage to the home or property. She slams a door and hides in her office all day? This is where members of these groups will go out of their way to get into a targets life. For instance they will predict behavior of a certain group of people and set up an finance instrument so that investors can play the stock market off the predicted behavior. Unlawful Workplace Harassment - Storehouse In such cases, an individual may engage in passive-aggressive behavior to force the other person to respond, which may then be met with more direct anger or aggression. after painstakingly typing my report, it would delete or crash so many times and when I realized to copy my progress, the site was banned from my network. On average LO sleeps through about 4 nights a week. 1-total invasion of privacy: using cctv to spying on you, recording hidden audios and videos in your home. It would explain so much. i was drugged w jimmson weed as well and halluincinated all w the hopes of robbing me perhaps even killing me.