Where do these military UFOs come from? When someone expects to see a human woman instead of me, I can do it without problems with his mind (even with large groups) because nobody expects to see a reptile woman. That streamlined kind of form is a human concept. Actually, he was predestined for contact: he was open-minded, honest, intelligent, not religiously inclined or conditioned; he lived alone and isolated, and no one would believe him, should he decide to go public with his story. ), Transcript of Interview (Shortened Version). Watch in YouTube the testimony of Randy Cramer, a super-soldier. However, that can sooner lead to unpleasant consequences for the infiltrator. We have not evolved wrong but you. How to stop people from being harvested for DNA. I certify that the following text is the absolute truth and no work of fiction. Question: Do you mean, that you can really make me belief that I talk now with an attractive brown-haired human woman instead of a reptilian being like you? I doubt you can, because your mind is like an open book to read and write for nearly every species I know. Now, your human military collected the individual pieces at first until they discovered the whole ships with the dead creatures aboard. This symbol is much more common today. That is an unmistakable indication for the authenticity of the photo. Ive read a lot of this kind of stuff on the internet but this really blows my mind everytime I read it. Published in this website on December 26, 2004. This building is the tallest, largest and oldest in the entire dome for it is always situated as the first construction together with the security of the ceiling. From the United States? This isnt used very often, because we avoid human public when we move in the atmosphere. To dig deep into the universe and its secrets you need to research using official science and metaphysical literature. And by the way, your human scientists will tend to regard my comments as humbug. And so I see no great danger in spreading this information widely. They are the natives. Question: In the letters that I got, there was often the question, whether you could go into any greater detail regarding the advanced physics that you commented on last time. They are available from http://www.bookemon.com for free reading. Dear Robert, you assume the Lacerta Files are a fictional story and also Lacertas people cannot have a subterranean civilization while, at the same time, have mastered the magnetic technology to fly to the stars. We will be transformed into a galactic society. The reason for this destruction was not a natural disaster an asteroid impact as your scientists believe falsely but a war between two enemy alien groups that took mainly place in the orbit and high atmosphere of your planet. Share to Reddit. I believe she did not tell you why or how to stop telepathic communication because this is one of their many ways to control humans. This means not that all in that group are genetically related to you, because these groups are usually very large and contain between 40 and 70 of us. A scientist in the country you call United States had built a nearly correct skeleton of our kind some years ago, but the local government (which is partly aware of our existence) confiscated the reconstruction. Published in this website on December 26, 2004. They were simple animals. Let me declare, that I was all my life a skeptic about UFOs, aliens and other weird things and I thought that E.F. tells me just dreams or fictitious stories when he talked with me about his First Contacts with the non-human being Lacerta. Answer: Yes, but on a technical base. Answer: Yes, but its forbidden. NESARA/GESARA is in stand-by, it is not cancelled, only temporarily suspended. The Anunnaki from Nibiru, 2. the Reptilian Renegades and their Zeta minions, and, 3. Lo que vemos afuera que no nos gusta est ah por nosotros mismos pues refleja nuestra forma de pensar materialista, egosta y desinteresada por saber lo que est pasando y por nuestra inaccin ante la corrupcin. Ill try to do itwait just a secondyou are going to have to separate yourself mentally from the illusion that that which you see is the true nature of the universe. We were in contact with them only 3 times in our whole history, because their interest in your planet is different from that of all other races. He tells us that the kaloo had flying machines used in war and that this war raged far and wide culminating in a catastrophe that killed almost everything. We bring you both the transcript and the polarizing truths that come with this hallmark moment in Ufology history! When the phone became operational once again, there were quiet echoes and strange clicking and whirring sounds when I made calls. Lacerta is not an extraterrestrial alien. What effect has this to your organism? If you read this and my friends own email us back. Were there any more interviews? Nevertheless, some UFOs are real craft belonging either to your own species (especially to your military) or to other alien species or at last to us (but a minority of sighted craft belongs really to us, because we are generally very careful with our movements in the atmosphere and we have special ways to hide our ships.) Lo que podemos hacer es cambiar nuestra forma de pensar y en esta forma el sistema cambiar. Some may not even know where planet Earth is, nor are interested in visiting it nor getting involved with its Ascension. It is an unusual thought, but perhaps living a simple life with books and nature has taught me to appreciate things which are true, timeless and meaningful. I'm concerned because her behavior towards the interviewer made her opinion on us seem really passive. Do you know how much mass a sun must have to produce energy and light for a longer time by fusion? Any contribution adds up. "And the great dragon was cast out, You falsify sometimes the pattern of genuine ships; therefore, it is not so easy simply with absolute certainty to identify an object. Answer: We measure the time not like you in astronomical years and in the revolving of the earth around sun, because we usually live beneath the surface of the planet. These were indeed not the first crashes, but by that time the second and the third. I pray maybe this person who translated have maybe a connection with Lacerta or Lacerta in disguise see this post. Secondly, Lacerta needs to know that there is hope that us humans will develop and do what we can to grow into a respectable species, as many light workers have come to the earth (or Terran). That doesnt make any sense. In the sphere of influence this causes simultaneously an automatic command from the consciousness/awareness layer to the para-layer to interact with the matter layer of the pencil. Essentially, in the world of real physics, there are no bipolar forces, but rather only observer dependent reflective behavior of a single, large unified force at different levels. Generally, the form of the hull for a genuine extraterrestrial ship is of no consequence, for inside the field itself there are no exterior forces that have any effect there; in general, the ships have a rounded off form and they are built without hard edges as a disk or a cylinder so that the field can flow more easily. The concept is very familiar and probably related. I will tell you in the following only about your creations, because the six previous mankinds are lost and therefore they should not concern you. Hello, I would like to know more information on this matter. I will try to explain to you what I know about those things which happened at that time. Actually, the seven stars are planets and moons and they are a symbol for our former seven colonies in the solar system. Question: Ive read your full statement (which you have given to E.F.) about this, but can you give me now just a short answer: are UFOs real flying objects piloted by extraterrestrials or do they belong to your species? Since the surface is flat, it is obviously not a genuine ship. Many of us eat raw flesh or other things which would be disgusting for you. I have said this with your word plain or level because you have again no better word in your vocabulary and dimension would be in this case absolutely wrong (its rather wrong even for another bubble) because a dimension cant exist without plains. CLOSE YOUR MIND AND OPEN YOUR EYES AND YOU WILL SEE WHAT I HAVE. Well, that just the way it is, according to Lacerta because we humans are seen as insignificant animals to the more evolved species, somewhat the way we see ants. The PLAIN we dwell upon is not, I REPEAT, is NOT what the masses have told us. I myself find the information informative and instructive. This is very difficult and certainly painful and it can harm you, so better dont try to resist but it would be the only possibility you have. Well, I guess that most of you just plain dont understand it, and those who do will not say anything about it to the general public. This construction does not make the system better, only more unstable. Please send me a copy of it so I can read it thank you, Kelly, you can read it in PDF format here: https://www.luisprada.com/Protected/the-lacerta-files.pdf. Nice to see the interest of many, and also nice to read good comments, and the possibility to connect more dots, thus reinforcing what I feel in my heart is consistent and makes sense in my understanding of the nature and meaning of existence. Drugs like psychedelics and opiates will break telepathic bonds, this is why they are regulated by government agencies which they have infiltrated. An illustration of a 3.5" floppy disk. This ancient conditioning stems from the days of your third artificial creation and, biologically speaking, is passed down as an information genome from generation to generation. Original natives living underground because of us is leaving me very bad taste. You have read from Z what I allowed to be posted. I am yet to see a reptilian, can we say a saying, to uncloak their mimicry over us? We have found many skeletons of primitive dinosaurs, but none of an advanced reptilian being with a larger skull and brain and a hand with a thumb as you have described it before. Lacertas mention of their cigar-shaped craft, ie: Five red lights, one on the top, one in the center and two (one on each end), thats equals FOUR red lamps, not five. I am now at the crossroads of where do I go from here. Is there a second sun inside our planet? Have a few questions for the next interview, if possible, please pass on: 1) Can she be at least more specific regarding where to find their cave Entrance (Australia for example, which part approximately?) Sometimes the abductors belong to another and more advanced race and they just want to study your body and your mind (which is more interesting for some of them than your solid body) as you would study a primitive animal. At first, they caught around 10,000 or maybe even 20,000 of your simian ancestors and they left the planet for some hundred years. posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 08:51 PM link . productos y aplicaciones. Is the relationship between your species and ours really shaped from that kind of total negation? What will come and who will possibly place themselves on your side, only time will tell. Walls are precision symetrics and dont from this world. So much in such a short time. A defect could (ostensibly) not be found anywhere. Much of what she says is true but she did not explain her ideas of religion. This is extraordinary and a completely captivating dialogue. So these evolved species more or less effortless roam the universe in search for other planets. These obscure intentions are not really your fault; you are simply following for the most part what you have inherited from your ancestors. To see the IRS annual inflation adjustments for tax year 2021 and 2022 see here. They also have zoos for keeping humans for food. This is impossible. Question: What do the hostile alien races want? What they see as good or for the good of others, might not be too good for you. Just makes me giggle. Our civilization is in danger. Paste the Youtube URL into the search box and then click "START" Step 4: Choose the MP3 format and the quality, then click "CONVERT" button. lacerta files wiki Who knows what the future holds for us, right? As I have said, three alien species are hostile and this means that they do not care for your fate or for your life and people who were abducted by them came very rarely back alive. HPV causes all cancers. I mean, in the US the candidates came down to Trump and Hillary you used to have to have a military background to even run. To me this seems 100% real and I can comprehend this easily. The nuclear winter ended after 200 years, but it was colder on earth than before. The fact you should remember is, that advanced species are able to walk between bubbles by use of as you would call it quantum technology and sometimes in special ways only by use of their mind (my own species had also advanced mental abilities in comparison to your species, but we are not able to do the matter-string/bubble changing without technology, but other species active on this planet are able and this looks to you like magic as it had to your ancestors.). Luis Prada, so you did not meet Lacerta, you transcribed the interview, correct? It was already my belief that these beings were a reptile species but being shown this prooves it. Open your eyes or you will be in big trouble soon. He claimed to rip my family apart and kill me in the future and I would like to know your thoughts about this too. The Lacerta Files Audiobook. If you would only comprehend that, then you would be a step ahead in your development. Maybe no alien species will come and give us a helping hand, but maybe it's for the best, maybe that is the only way we will learn to stand as One. You must have been looking for some sort of answers. I am. I hope it is a discussion driven by sanity, truth, respect and love instead of being driven by fears. Whilst regressed he regularly reveals technological and mystical knowledge far advanced for the time. At her request, the original text of 31 pages was sanitised. I would love to meet them. In my town to the west there is a small cave opening. Some part in this interview was also a warning to us as humans. Question: Can you describe your subterranean homeland location? Answer: Yes, you have. Youve mentioned many facts about the ancient war between the aliens 65 million years ago. I have told you that many parts of our bodies are very touch sensitive, mostly the small back plates so we cant feel comfortable in tight clothing because it can hurt us. Hi, I would like to know how and where did you meet Lacerta. The color is even differentiated according to circle and distance from the main column. Fact is that we dont know what had really happened. Time for Lacerta to come back to the surface and watch Unacknowledged, and DMT on Netflix. This planet has way too many humans on it, anyway, mostly ignorant as fuck. Official science is a fundamentalist religion that protects the Establishment at any cost. Therefore, I believe that we are not alone on Earth. Even if human beings have been tampered with, its all still part of Samsara. times. Jimmy Bergman | Lacerta Files | Fandom This is part of the genetic programming of your kind to which I will come later. Thank you for your time. Looks like science found something in Peru. Is this shocking for you? However, I have hope for my species. The reptilian race has been active for a very long time. 19 - The Lacerta Files | The Nonsense Bazaar - Audible.com he was cast out into the earth, You people play with unknown forces and thereby accept the death of colleagues of your own kind, for they are dying for a greater cause, namely, for the advancement of your technology, which as a result is being put into place once again for the purpose of war, i.e., for negative pursuits. For you, the theory for a controlled transformation or an elevation of the frequency of matter and the stable existence of this fourth aggregate condition of matter is not very common, or it exists at a very primitive level. That is Neve McIntosh covered in special effects makeup to play Restac in the excellent Doctor Who episodes "The Hungry Earth" and "Cold Blood". Answer: Yes, but not like your birds or primitive reptiles. They are a different race, not human. Another comment I have is about you. In these locations very powerful UV light predominates, and they are used in order to warm our blood.