There are two Fighters, an Alchemist, a Rogue and a Bard. Ask him to be an advisor. Anyone affected should simply get out of the way when they are able to move so that they don't end up killing each other. Head south back towards the village. When this is complete, click on "Settlements" and construct a a new village in the Outskirts. Say that you're surprised to see a trader here and you will be able to try to Intimidate him (DC25). Grab the three volumes of 'Transmutations and Bodily Poisons' for Bokken and make sure that Valerie is in your party. In the square, Linzi will introduce you to Tessie the Quill, a merchant who sells books. Hopefully, your buffs should keep you safe: it will breathe fire to little effect and miss with its other attacks due to concealment. Select Settlements / Shambling Steps and build Nazrielle's Weapon Shop and Varrask's Weapon Shop. You can interact with a tile at the top of the room to reveal a hidden area beyond. If you are able to make one of the alignment checks, do so. These creatures have 100HP and DR 10/cold iron But they're fairly slow and you should be able to open up with a salvo from Ekun. Go northeast at the next junction and cross back over into Shrike Hills. There's some worthwhile loot there if you want to grab it. The well is to the left of his house. Head further up the slope and you will meet a (sort-of) friendly Troll named Jazon. One of the doors upstairs is locked (DC17). Make a Lore: Nature (DC15) check and you can calm them so that they can help retrieve the cart from the river. Ask her what happened and she will tell you about some men trying to carry a scary box ashore. The monster is in the lower right corner of the location. He tried to curse you! You can target them from outside their area using ranged weapons and they can't touch you. You will earn 300XP if he survives and you will meet him later. By the way, do not forget to add the nearest region to your kingdom. You should have plenty of gold from selling loot and you'll be able to acquire new artisans and will also be able to turn Tuskdale into a town. Start making your way west along the shoreline. The Silky spams Hold Person and Hideous Laughter, targeting the character with the lowest will save so kill her as a priority. 3. He will buff Hargulka and then pelt you with Magic Missiles (note that he is immune to these). To complete it, go to the top of the location and proceed to the hill. Tristian will seem puzzled that the affair ended in violence. For the time being, keep 100BP in reserve to deal with emergencies. At some point, you will see a notification pop up. After that little exchange, exhaust her conversation options. A short distance to the northwest are three Giant Slugs. There is a trap at the bottom of the nearby stairs so don't go down there at this time. Foes No MoreTartuk is one of five enemies that you can turn into an ally. Head north, keeping an eye out for traps - there are two of them (DC19). This will allow you to complete Amiri's first companion quest. You have a number of options but to progress the quest, you have to select "I think you should talk to Valerie alone". Hold Person will not work on Hargulka because he has Freedom of Movement but it may take Tartuk out of the fight. Look for a hidden cache on the path containing a Dwarven Helm Shard (2/10). The letter invites you to visit and unlocks a worthwhile project, Trade Agreement with Maegar Varn. Try and make the Diplomacy check because it's worth a substantial 720XP. To proceed, ask about the trolls and he will say that a troll was caught in one of his fire traps but was unharmed. He will use Lay on Hands repeatedly to heal himself so equip Valerie with potions of Healing. As long as you let him keep the troll you should be able to recruit him as a councillor. You will also find a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag in another container and minor loot in a third. Select it and Harrim will call you a blasphemer and strike the anvil a second time, knocking a jewel free. Go into the Clutch Hut next door and speak to Virish. Otherwise, you may want to get a headstart on Research into the Nature of Curses. Summon Nature's Ally III Trap (Perception DC 20, Trickery DC 20 - 45 exp): Summons 2-3 Giant Spiders (Vermin 7) if triggered. Afterwards, search the body on the ground for the Dirty Travel Log. Sevintan 4 yr. ago I just did this with Strengthen enemies, though it took two tries. Return to your capital and find Tristian who tells you that there is no trace of Ruthgert. Rest up and check your calendar and settlements. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The Ancient Will-o'-Wisp is quite nasty but it doesn't go invisible so you can hit it reliably. Grab a Token of the Dryad from around the roots and buff up. Halfway along the northern wall is a trapped and locked (DC22) with more unimportant stuff. Smoulderburn has AC 33 so is a bit tricky to hit: True Strike, Inspire Courage and Blessing of the Faithful help. But which ones? When they're dead, loot a Masterwork dagger and Amulet of Natural Armor +2 from the lost sister. If you followed my Linzi build, she will have a Perception of 21 at this point. Inspire Competence is useful too. A hidden cache near the stairs contains a Torag's Pendant. He wants to go back to the road but is afraid of traps. Agree to look for the boy to receive Loyalty +1. Go back downstairs and speak to Tevi and give him something to do. Any 7th level character should be capable of taking them out. You can ask about the child to learn how he's being treated. Regardless of the outcome, hostilities will ensue. Eliminate the Trollhounds as a priority because their bites can cause disease. There are enemies visible to your right: two Trolls and two Trollhounds. There are enemies in the courtyard below which Ekundayo can take care of. I don't believe the choice matters. but tells you that others are now trying to open the box and that they can be found in the cave in the northwest of the village. Head south down the path a short distance and turn down the path to the left. You can pick up an errand, Feather Tokens, there. Do not go in there yet - you'll come back later. Give this task to Tristian (Councilor). You will have an initial selection of Kingdom Events as well. Regardless, you're done with this location for the time being. And that is why Regongar gets to kick his heels in the throne room in my playthroughs. There's another hidden chest here with a Heavy Shield +1. Return to the village and look for a man named Aysel who seems very upbeat about the Silver Dragon. All lead to Hargulka setting his minions on you and leaving so you may as well try the Intimidate option to get a few XP out of the confrontation. Tell that the Scythe Tree has been destroyed for an XP reward. Afterwards, speak to Rashor and he will invite you to his village. In the Swamp Witchs Hut location, which we have already encountered in the Lost Child and Gnarled Branches quests, look for the village in the lower part of the map. You should have two relic sets (helmet shards and soot-blackened tools) to give to the Storyteller to receive the Trailblazer's Helm and a decent chunk of gold and XP. If you head up the nearby slope, you can climb up the wall if you make the necessary Athletics check (DC18). This leads to an illustrated book episode. A Branded Troll will make his way up the stairs to where you are fighting the Rock Thrower and more Snipers will move around the walls to attack you. She will thank you for killing the Stag Lord and will promise a valuable reward. Fireball Trap (Perception DC 22, Trickery DC 22 - 36 exp): 5d6 fire damage if triggered (Reflex DC 16 for half). The best option seems to be the Neutral Evil one which gains you 4500G. You can grab a Masterwork longsword from the Werewolf and find a stash a short distance further south with a decent amount of gold and gems and a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. You can take out the Alpha Worgs for the extra XP if you like, or you can simply concentrate attacks on Ivar. Speak to Kagar and Tig who will leave to return to his mother. Before speaking, you might make a Perception check (DC 20) to notice that he is exhausted. There are a couple of things to do while you're here. It's tough and you start unbuffed but your whole party should be able to hack it to death easily enough. March to Thorn Ford to cross the river. Return to the path and continue south. You need a location called Verdant Chambers. Continue east and you will run into two low-level bandits. Visit him during Season of Bloom, If you annoyed him by insisting to stop his experiments, he will be preparing to leave and has reset. If you succeed at a Knowledge (World) check (DC22), you get the option to tell them that they're on a fool's errand. You have various choices for dealing with him. Talk to them, they will ask you to kill the Scythe-Tree, who destroyed the village. The Old Beldame will come out of the house and you can now go into the garden. You will also find Shaynih'a in the northwest of the settlement to initiate the Author Wanted errand. Take the coins and show them to the ghost. The Eyes of the Eagle and Trickster's Gloves are both worthwhile purchases from Hassuf. Head to Shambling Steps (your settlement in the Kamelands) and talk to Nazrielle about her missing assistant. Tell the Berserker that you wish to speak with their chieftain and you will be taken before him. Either way, you will be able to secure the Iron Mine kingdom resource. There are a couple of outstanding companion quests and nothing more urgent to do. Send them to wolf heaven and search among the remains of various meals for some minor loot. Do so. The DC30 Knowledge (Arcana) check gives you a clue for the puzzle in this room. You need to hit it with cold iron weapons, both to overcome its DR and to stop it regenerating. Talk to the witch Old Beldame and learn that, apparently, she did not do anything wrong. He needs to examine its corpse for more information. Loot the opened chest for a Red Cog-wheel Ring, a Breastplate +2, the Trollreaper greataxe and a Soot Blackened Apron (1/5), the first of another relic set. In the meantime, you can do stuff that you didn't do in the previous chapter - for example, the Tremendous Centipede beneath Old Sycamore if you gave that a wide berth. When they're dead, have Kallike use her Water Blast ability on the flames surrounding the trapped Water Elementals to free them. Tristian will want to talk to you about the cultists that you may have encountered on the road. Do not lay flowers next to the body either. Make your way to Candlemere Island in South Narlmarches. Head across to the other side of the path where you will find three Ferocious Wolves and two Alpha Wolves. They are stooped, fantastically ugly, and astonishingly strong - combined with their claws, their strength allows them to literally tear apart flesh to feed their voracious appetites. To advance the quest, read the walkthrough of The Nature of the Beast main quest. Two Trolls and a Branded Troll are attacking a merchant named Dalton and his guard. Backtrack to the Murque River and make your way east along the southern shoreline. 4. The trolls and kobolds are arguing over spoils and one of the kobolds produces the whip that Bartholomew was after. Agree to investigate to initiate Kingdom of the Cleansed. Hug the left of the path and you will find a container filled with scrolls and minor loot by the water. You will have a choice as to what to do with the press. Alternatively, you may want to level up an advisor since problem events will start increasing in difficulty. If you read the quest description, Linzi will mention bringing a few potions of Invisibility. If you take the Chaotic Neutral option and send them to a random place on the map, you will meet them again later. Buff Amiri up and head along the path a little. Defeat the leader and decide what do you want to do kill him or spare him. When you reach the crossing point over the Shrike River, continue west. Among the dead bodies and other carrion is a Dying Dwarf. You can go and seek out Jaethal in the inn and speak to her about the quest and find out a bit more about her, including the identity of the 'Nortellara' she mentioned. Go in there both to rest and to buy the Onslaught Gauntlets for Dragn. Blind the Trolls with Glitterdust, stick a couple of attackers on the Branded Troll and make sure you take down the Boomsayer who simply spams Thundercall to make you miserable. If he's not disabled, he will get off Enervation which is a pain to heal. Buff up before approaching the rift in the centre. Head to the world map and make your way to Silverstep Grove. Go the nearby Lone House location, finish off some enemies and find Bartholomew in the upper right corner of the map. Ask how you can help her and she will direct you to a location called the Mud Bowl to find 10 black rattleheads. If it proves too difficult, there's no shame in coming back later since there is nothing essential here. Assign an advisor to the problem immediately, because ignoring the problem will wreck your barony before it's even properly started. They shouldn't cause you too much trouble, particularly if you blind them with Glitterdust. He complains about the state of the roads in your barony, even though there is no way that this place can be part of your barony at this point. Initially it takes the form of an illustrated book episode. Bartholomew himself will get really upset if you force him to give up his experiments, which will prevent you from recruiting him as an Advisor. After the envoy has given his advice, Jhod Kavken will speak to you about a cursed location nearby that feels similar to the corruption you found at the Temple of the Elk, which will add Bald Hilltop to your world map and initiate the Ancient Curse quest. If you are able to, get Unbreakable Heart on Valerie, Amiri and / or Dog. He'll help you later if you let him live. you will be able to acquire the key later. Head there, in the upper right corner you will meet two fairies Falchos and Tiressia. When they're dead, Jaethal will come up with a jolly wheeze: raise one of the elves as an undead pal. Go inside. He drops a unique dagger, Arcane Protector, a Cloak of Resistance +2 and a Headband of Vast Intellect +4.