He wondered just how powerful this new man was. He claimed the title and consolidated both the Potter and Black vaults.. He got desperate when he couldnt kill me, started trying to carve out my heart. //You seek the Bone Man, Severus Snape?//. This was a trick the Dementors had taught him. She becomes friends with a group of unlikely people, and together with them tries to navigate the treacherous waters of Hogwarts, avoid the vengeful spirit of Lord Voldemort, try to uncover the plots of Albus Dumbledore, and figure out what in the world is up with Thomas Gaunt. People understood he had become a wife spoiling manic. All of them turned to look at him speculatively. He had never coveted anyone this much. //Your friends wish to hold you as well, my Wizard. I am not trying to make friends with them! Im not ready to tell everyone yet. The Bone Man was waiting silently for them in the study, hood down, sitting cross-legged on the Dark Lords desk. Kiara Westwood was the 18 year old daughter of two Alpha parents. Blood spells could not lie. Sometimes the local lunatic will just sign you up for his personal Fix-It fic without the slightest regard for your opinion. Dont kill any of the important ones for me, though., Its ok, Draco, I wont. Hadrian had again covered his scars and colored his eyes the green they once were. He marked this letter with his seal, so I believe we will find ourselves cut off from a number of rooms in this house now.. Now, I believe you wished to speak about joining my cause?, //I wished to speak about an alliance, yes. One more question, though.. He kissed the Dementor King on the brow and bowed shallowly. The Inner Circle shall meet Lord Black tomorrow, but the lower ranks will only meet the Bone Man. Colin Evan Potter and Harry James Potter. No offence, my Lord. With no sign of their Savior, most of the wizarding world was in mourning. The Dark Lord had only just met with him the night before, but already he trusted him and had even formed an alliance that gave Black equal power over the Dark side. They were quiet a moment before Draco had a sudden thought. Luckily Aunt Petunia let Harry go for couple hours on his birthday. Poetic, no?. Lady Voldemort, daughter of Merope Gaunt and Tom Riddle, ventures into Godric's Hollow on Halloween Evening, 1981. Barty stops Regulus before he can enter the cave, subsequently saving him from his doom. A single difference could change everything, a drop of water upon calm surfaces. That first year, on the train, you offered me your hand in friendship, but the time wasnt right then. I have yet to meet someone as strong as I am. This is a collection of side stories from the main story - Raven Black Souls told from different perspectives, different times, and different people, of the unspoken tales in between. Dracos task is vital to the war effort. Or: Harry is a dark lord reincarnated. As for Rabastan here, hes myhes my dihiryn, I guess. 7 of the Best Harry Potter Fanfictions - Bustle He must have more of his mother than just her eyes, but he would never know now. However, an ancient demonic artefact has granted him the powers of a Fallen and now he will let nothing stop him in his quest for power. He says he trained with the Dementors, and that they consider him their Wizard-Lord., I do, Severus replied sincerely. Even when he spoke out loud, he was always in their heads. The records are sealed after that point, but the goblins tell me that the current Lord Black is not Harry Potter but one Gallus Hadrian Black. He felt Hadrians pain and came and got me.. //Yes, I did make quite an impression on him.// A chuckle rolled through his mind. So bright flames burned in our hearts that we found each other in the dark. Harrypotterxoc Stories - Wattpad Harry turned and gave him a grin. //One of three bones found in the ear. Draco paled at how easily Black talked about killing people. Where should we put your personal mark?. He wrapped the mans mind in a warm feeling of comfort and safety, soothing it like a small child. -but we think its the greatest prank yet! All three of them laughed. Until I see fit, Harry Potter will not exist again. Voldemort looked curiously at the street he had just appeared in. Stay her with Draco, please, Severus, and inform me when he wakes.//. Somewhere there was a strange, unknown, and very powerful Dark wizard willing to serve him. Not that it does anything, just tires them out, but they stop fighting. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Wastelands of Time (mostly action with romance in the side) Harry Potter Tom Riddle | Voldemort Draco Malfoy Rabastan Lestrange Bellatrix Black Lestrange Ron Weasley George Weasley Fred Weasley Albus Dumbledore Severus Snape Lucius Malfoy Original Dementor Characters Hermione Granger Ginny Weasley Theodore Nott Original Characters Bartemius Crouch Jr. Blaise Zabini Additional Tags: Be it help from outside forces, karma, or the far less likely option of the child taking retribution for themselves. I, Thomas Marvolo Riddle, Jr., called Lord Voldemort, accept Gallus Hadrian Black, the Bone Man, as the son of my blood. He sliced across his palm from wrist to fingers and bled into the bowl. Hadrian would be a vast improvement in his class from Potter. He was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy. Indeed, I would be disappointed if you were not. You have changed a great deal., No, the mask you knew would not have done this. I am sure you are searching for answers now. Merlin bless Hadrian Riddle-Black for joining the Dark Lord and making him sane once more. I believe Lord Voldemort would like his trusted follower back in one piece.// Lucius frowned. Voldemort was glad none of his followers were there to see his reaction. They were black. Draco counted five scars there, five attempted killings. Lord Black Show him, dihiryn?//. On the right side, where his face was cut through with scars, there was an orb the same pale silver-blue as his were once. The ritual he used was one he created, a mix of two others. Lucius felt the presence withdraw from his mindscape. Twin cores, two feathers from the same phoenix, thats why our magic connected whenever we dueled. Weve been waiting for him to come out in the open, so we could join him., Now that he has, we want you to take us there., We on our magic that this isnt a trick-. I don't own Harry potter it belongs to J.K.Rowling Keeping an aura of the unknown around himself would make the Bone Man even more fearful. Arwr and dihiryn are Welsh. The boy was no stranger to death or murder. However, I will say that I am very powerful, possibly as powerful as you and certainly stronger than Albus Dumbledore, and have veryunique skills that I would be happy to offer to your cause. Someone who understood him more than anyone else. We both needed to grow and learn more. I had relatives with rather negative opinions on magic.// The Bone Mans mental presence was no longer warm and safe, but it was not cold either. Isn't this why he became the king? " Yes, fine. //If she is amenable, may I have a vial of Naginis venom? It was dark without the light of the moon, but those were the nights Harry liked most. Cherry Lemonade will have spare time eventually! None of them had known Rabastan had been marked by someone else. They turned to her, "Your husband said he is a cold-hearted person because he left his heart with you. //Who will be there?// Hadrian asked, switching the his thought-voice in the hallways. Ill be fine. The pendant is not the original container, but it is a better one. Now if only he could really find the freedom everyone kept telling him had. The piercing gaze, however, was all Hadrians. An 8th year fic about healing old wounds, gaining new skills and learning what's most important. Hadrian watched as the Fred and George touched fingers again. Ten years of wishing I had died with my parents. Gallus Hadrian Black exists in his place, but I prefer Hadrian to Gallus. And the letter was written in Parseltongue. Stretching out his mind, he summoned the sick Dementor child and its parent to him. Do you want yours sealed with human, Dementor, or animal sacrifice? One of the Dementors would come and get me at nightfall for a few hours of training. I think its too small. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. He marked us as his followers years ago, continued Fred. //What happened to the wand you had?// he questioned the boy. Hadrian joined in with his own twice-voiced laugh. I was lucky the one on the train had studied the prophecy. //I can act as mature as I wish, but I am only fifteen, my Lord.// Lucius thought that if the boy had spoken aloud, he might have stuck his tongue out. He wondered how to speak with this wizard. He claimed there were blood wards around the Dursleys home that would keep me safe from any Death Eater attacks. Hadrian grinned at the blond and shut his jaw with gentle fingers. Angrily, Voldemort ripped open the letter, again written in Parseltongue, searching for an explanation. When I dont, he drags me up to my room upstairs, with seven locks on the door and bars on the window. In their personal signs, Harry had woven a mental connection between the two when they touched. Rabastan abandoned to reach out for Hadrian. He knew the teen did not kill pointlessly, but it still shocked him to think that the person who had once been Harry Potter now killed easily and without remorse. He had enough of the Dursley's abuse, and was finally be his real self Hadrian Potter was never one to trust adults, and never really sought out companionship in others. Rabastan was thoughtful. The Rise of the Bone Man //Welcome, Lord Malfoy. To answer your question, Rabastan, a couple very old and dying Dementors allowed me to kill and drain them so I would have enough. Im sure hes not the only confused one here. I refuse to be Harry Potter any more. After all, he and Potter had been rivals for five years. I also left Hogwarts whenever I could last year.. He knows Im powerful but he doesnt know how powerful, and theres nothing to connect me to Harry Potter or the Bone Man. THE SECOND INSTALLMENT OF THE ALPHA We deserved a chance to learn about each other, which you took from us both. Severuss voice was cold. The Malfoy boy sat on the scarred ones right in an instinctive maneuver. This is what I chose, based on my both my mother and father. You may be King, but watch the Queen conquer. Inspired by a doctor he meets in the past, Harry is determined to go into medicine and protect other children like himself and Tom. The right side of his face had half a dozen long marks running from his nose and brow down to his jaw. Im afraid not, Molly. If there is nothing else, we will take our leave. Unbeknownst to them, he's from the future too, and grew to be a Dark Lord even greater than Voldemort.