Water will issue from under the temple. Spiritual security will always depend upon how one lives, not where one lives. In a footnote from his October 2020 general conference address, President Nelson commented that he has spoken of Israel in at least 378 of the more than 800 messages he has delivered during his 36 years as an Apostle. We gather pedigree charts, create family group sheets, and do temple work vicariously to gather individuals unto the Lord and into their families (see 1Corinthians 15:29; 1Peter 4:6). The Second Coming. And then be sure that your temple recommends are renewed regularly. To download all photos or videos related to this article, select the links at the bottom of each section. It is wondrous! We are to build families and be sealed in holy temples. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online, 221113_181506_CPowell_Untitled-Job_CEP_0739.jpg, 221113_181506_CPowell_Untitled-Job_CEP_0286.jpg, 221113_181506_CPowell_Untitled-Job_CEP_0542.jpg, 221113_181506_CPowell_Untitled-Job_CEP_0630.jpg, 221113_181506_CPowell_Untitled-Job_CEP_0666.jpg, 221113_181506_CPowell_Untitled-Job_CEP_0456.jpg, 221113_181506_CPowell_Untitled-Job_CEP_0864-(1).jpg, 221113_181506_CPowell_Untitled-Job_CEP_0751.jpg, 221113_181506_CPowell_Untitled-Job_CEP_0925.jpg, 221113_181506_CPowell_Untitled-Job_CEP_0498.jpg, 221113_181506_CPowell_Untitled-Job_CEP_1060-(1).jpg, 221113_181506_CPowell_Untitled-Job_CEP_1069.jpg, 221113_181506_CPowell_Untitled-Job_CEP_1094.jpg, B is for being prepared for worship in a house of the Lord, C is for children and the need to teach them truth. Education Week: Look forward to the Second Coming 8% of official Church-reported membership for year-end 2021. Do whatever it takes to strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ by increasing your understanding of the doctrine taught in His restored Church and by relentlessly seeking truth. "Things are going to move forward at an accelerated pace," he told the . Each of us will be tested. Why do we need such resilient faith? As we study Church doctrine and walk the covenant path, we grow closer to Christ and become more prepared for the Second Coming. Because our living God is a loving God! Those seven words launched the Restoration of His gospel. (SeeEzekiel 47:18.). How amazing is it that messengers from heaven came to give authority and power to this work? I humbly testify to you thatas the Prophet Joseph Smith proclaimedthe restored gospel of Jesus Christ will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done (History of the Church, 4:540). We provide the link to this third party's website solely as a convenience to you. Enter your email to receive updates on our LDS Living content, 2022 LDS Living A Division of Deseret Book Company, Are we experiencing signs of the Second Coming? President Nelson's Breadcrumbs to the Second Coming - YouTube We have great cause for concern. President Nelson admonished these Latter-day Saints to live wisely each day. It is wondrous! 6 Things Weve Learned from Visiting 106 Temples (So Far! The ceremonies within each temple teach the purpose of life and unite families, past and present. The place of gathering for Brazilian Saints is in Brazil; the place of gathering for Nigerian Saints is in Nigeria; the place of gathering for Korean Saints is in Korea. Spiritual security will always depend upon how one lives, not where one lives. August is the hottest month for Fawn Creek with an average high temperature of 91. We are just building up to the climax of this last dispensationwhen the Saviors Second Coming becomes a reality. As we teach repentance and baptize converts, we gather scattered Israel. As you walk in the Lords path of righteousness, you will be blessed to continue in His goodness and be a light and a savior unto His people (see Doctrine and Covenants 86:811). Update: The Federal Government (Satan Soldiers) On Thursday Extended I cannot speak of the Restoration in tempered tones. Within Our Grasp, by Jay Bryant Ward, may not be copied. Further, many of you live in locations that attract visitors from all over the world. In many nations our members and missionaries have searched for those of scattered Israel; they have hunted for them out of the holes of the rocks (Jeremiah 16:16); and they have fished for them, as in ancient days. In triumph, He will come again to Jerusalem. President Nelson Says This is a "Hinge Point" in - LDS Daily President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints urged members of the faith in Nevada and some parts of California and Arizona, on Sunday to increase their preparation for worship in ahouse of the Lord. Apr-2021-Priesthood-Cody-Bell-President-Nelson President Russell M. Nelson reflects back on what has been learned the last two years since the last priesthood session of general conference was held in 2019. You will have days when you will be discouraged. It is crucial for each member of the Church to gain a personal testimony of the gospel. Meanwhile, here and now, we live in a time of turmoil. In his message, the prophet stated that the Book of Mormon is a sign that the Lord has commenced to gather Israel and fulfill the covenants He made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Without the Book of Mormon, there would be no gathering of Israel, he said. Part of their preparation, however, requires the earthly efforts of others. Daily news, articles, videos and podcasts sent straight to your inbox. Our safest insurance is to continue to be worthy of admission to His holy house. It is not man-made! Is Israel's Isaac Herzog preparing a second judicial compromise Children are instinctively receptive to truth, he said. This fact of history is absolutely stunning! Preparing for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is far more important than anything else we may be engaged in in life. Elder Gerald Lund weighs in with nearly 50 years of insights. On top of that the Church is creating new websites, resources, and magazines to spread uplifting messages address challenging topics, such as preventing suicide. We are to build the Church and kingdom of God upon the earth (seeMatthew 6:33). True, in the early days of the Church, conversion often meant emigration as well. With scriptural prophesies being fulfilled and with the urgency that President Nelson is expressing regarding the Second Coming, it seems clear that we all need to make our own preparations a high priority in our lives. The prophecies of His Second Coming have yet to be fulfilled. It is wherever righteous Saints are. Meanwhile, here and now, we live in a time of turmoil. Holiness to The Lord, by Jay Bryant Ward, may not be copied. It is incredible! Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him (1Corinthians 2:9; see also Doctrine and Covenants 76:10). Brothers and sisters, we need to become and then remain pure in heart, President Ballard said. It is incredible! If you would like to stay on the page you are viewing please click Cancel. The Lord is hastening His work and urging us to prepare for His Second Coming, the prophet said. Miraculously, there is always enough and to spare.. Missionary work connects people to the covenant the Lord made with Abraham anciently: Thou shalt be a blessing unto thy seed after thee, that in their hands they shall bear this ministry and Priesthood unto all nations; And I will bless them through thy name; for as many as receive this Gospel shall be called after thy name, and shall be accounted thy seed, and shall rise up and bless thee, as their father (Abraham 2:910). It causes people to learn about Jesus Christ, to believe His gospel, and to join His Church. Along with his political savvy, the president has been meeting for weeks with representatives of the coalition and opposition (albeit separately), civil society groups, think tanks, academics and . The Future of the Church: Preparing the World for the Savior's Second Coming. It is wherever righteous Saints are. Hear Him! (seeJoseph SmithHistory 1:17). Near the commencement of this dispensation, in 1829, the year before the Church was formally organized, a beloved revelation was received, declaring that a marvelous work was about to come forth. This revelation established that those who desired to serve God qualify for such service through faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God.Charity, which is the pure love of Christ,includes Gods eternal love for all His children. In his Oct 2018 talk, Sisters Participation in the Gathering of Israel, President Nelson said: You remember that last June, Sister Nelson and I spoke to the youth of the Church. The Lord will return to the land that He made holy by His mission there in mortality. In talks given by President Nelson prior to the Nelson era, he referenced the Second Coming in 16% of his talks. Strength comes when you remember that you have a divine nature, an inheritance of infinite worth. But now the gathering takes place in each nation. Additionally, he said Latter-day Saints should make it a priority to be worthy to enter the temple. President Nelson testified, "In coming days, it will . Editor's note: This article was originally published on LDSLiving.com in October 2018. Hear Him! (see Joseph SmithHistory 1:17). PROBABLE RENEWAL OF THE WAR. We have great cause for concern. In triumph, He will come again to Jerusalem. Reed Halverson, an American Latter-day Saint who served as a mission president in New Zealand in the 1920's and again in the 1940's. The new hymnbook and children's songbook will offer "the same hymns and songs in all languages," the release said. 6 ways Church leaders are preparing us for the Second Coming In this day of intensifying evil, there is nothing that will protect us more than regular time in the temple. President Nelson. This general conference data may be accessed at https://searchgeneralconference.com, Questions and comments are welcome at: [emailprotected]. And some things will simply seem unfair. I emphasize again that construction of these temples may not change your life, but your service in the temple surely will. Families are to be sealed together for all eternity (see Doctrine and Covenants 2:23; 49:17; 138:48; Joseph SmithHistory 1:39). We are just building up to the climax of this last dispensationwhen the Saviors Second Coming becomes a reality. Missionary work is also crucial to that gathering. What were your reactions to President Nelson saying that in coming days In royal robes of red to symbolize His blood, which oozed from every pore, He shall return to the Holy City (see Doctrine and Covenants 133:46-48 ). Strength comes when you remember that you have a divine nature, an inheritance of infinite worth. Further, And then shall many beoffended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another (Matt. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide. Another temple will yet be built in Jerusalem. We are blessed to live in the last dispensation before the Second Coming of the Savior. Why do we need such resilient faith? He wants His children to gain immortality and eternal life! 40 of 44. We are to be builders of an individual faith in God, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and faith in His Church. See who retired from Pitt in the second half of 2022 As we listen to our Church leaders and prophet and heed their advice, we will be able to better ourselves and prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This work is empowered by a divine announcement made 200 years ago. Elite Void KbdI do not cover specifics in this video pertaining to boss abilities; just gear setup for elite void ranged, inventory setup, and some. The greatest gift you could give to the Lord is to keep yourself unspotted from the world, worthy to attend His holy house. I promise that if we will do our best to exercise faith in Jesus Christ and access the power of His Atonement through repentance, we will have the knowledge and power of God to help us take the blessings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people and to prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Lord. President Russell M Nelson Quotes About Jesus Christ. We know the signs of His coming and that it will be a joyful event for the righteous. In fact, if there were no Book of Mormon, the promised gathering of Israel would not occur. The fulfillment, the consummation, of those blessings comes as those who have entered the waters of baptism perfect their lives to the point that they may enter the holy temple. In royal robes of red to symbolize His blood, which oozed from every pore, He shall return to the Holy City (seeDoctrine and Covenants 133:4648). Every time we go to the temple, our lives are reinforced by that light and by the covenants we make with God. And when a loved one dies, teach your children that because of Jesus Christ, we can be with each other again as we keep our sacred covenants.. President Russell M. Nelson: 'A New Normal' - Church News Sadly, some who you thought were your friends will betray you. As you and I take care of the weightier matters, we can become a righteous people who are able, ready and worthy to receive the Lord when He comes again, Sister Nelson said. Many of us would like to know when the Second Coming is going to happen. We do so as we help to gather the elect of the Lord on both sides of the veil. The Church will have an unprecedented, unparalleled future. The Prophet Teaches the ABCs of Preparing for Worship in a House of the Part of their preparation, however, requires the earthly efforts of others. We are to build the Church and kingdom of God upon the earth (see Matthew 6:33). The place of gathering for Brazilian Saints is in Brazil; the place of gathering for Nigerian Saints is in Nigeria; the place of gathering for Korean Saints is in Korea. The greatest gift you could give to the Lord is to keep yourself unspotted from the world, worthy to attend His holy house. In fact, if there were no Book of Mormon, the promised gathering of Israel would not occur. He was a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for 34 years. 24:10). Meanwhile, here and now, we live in a time of turmoil. (LogOut/ But when will it actually take place? To better prepare for worship in a temple, President Nelson encouraged Church members to study the new For the Strength of Youth guide. At the Worldwide Youth Devotional in June 2018, he made this statement: Just think of the excitement and urgency of it all: every prophet commencing with Adam has seen our day. And he taught parents to fill their childrens minds with truth. Do whatever it takes to strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ by increasing your understanding of the doctrine taught in His restored Church and by relentlessly seeking truth. A necessary prelude to that Second Coming is the long-awaited gathering of scattered Israel (see 1Nephi 15:18; see also the title page of the Book of Mormon). Anchored in pure doctrine, you will be able to step forward with faith and dogged persistence and cheerfully do all that lies in your power to fulfill the purposes of the Lord. Left unsaid is the Saviors refrain: Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.. The Lord will return to the land that He made holy by His mission there in mortality. "We are followers of Jesus Christ. Missionary work connects people to the covenant the Lord made with Abraham anciently: Thou shalt be a blessing unto thy seed after thee, that in their hands they shall bear this ministry and Priesthood unto all nations; And I will bless them through thy name; for as many as receive this Gospel shall be called after thy name, and shall be accounted thy seed, and shall rise up and bless thee, as their father (Abraham 2:910). This doctrine of the gathering is one of the important teachings of The Church of . He said, "It is the most important work in the world.". Earthquakes and tsunamis wreak devastation, governments collapse, economic stresses are severe, the family is under attack, and divorce rates are rising.