The Decans of Capricorn. The ascendant sign also rules your first house of the self in your birth. rising sign appearance + attraction | Lipstick Alley You may be giving only a halfhearted effort to deal with struggles that arise. Id imagine that the Geminis in question would be Rohini Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, which is described by astrologers asbabylike and wanting to experience bliss all the time much like babies do. Look at the sign in the house to see what is drawn in to them. Often you will see the persons career show up in the sign their stellium is in. Theyre like baby horses, just trying to find their footing so they can grow up to be a magnificent racehorse.Openness and friendliness show in the Archers face and posture. CAPRICORN RISING There is a strong focus on results and it makes them seem to be so realistic. noticeable (thick or long yet elengant). In facial outline identification, it is best to look at pictures of the person while still fairly young so you are not fooled by weight gain, sagging, fluid retention. Zodiac Signs Face: Your Physical Features, According To Your Rising Sign They often have dreamy, lightly shaded eyes, naturally straight and lightly shaded hair with finely-chiseled, attractive facial features, and lovely profiles. Venus trine Ascendant. They may have great, big asses. ARIES: Often have distinct facial features, prominent eyebrows. Rising Sign/ascendant/first house placements masterpost A Sagittarius stellium in the eighth will create a lot of occultism intrigue, and opportunity for travel. Their hair is fair, often dark and smooth. Theyre frequently broad through both hips and shoulders males and females alike with strong, shapely legs. 4. The Ascendant or Rising Sign and Decans - Astrology Basics for Begginers Rising Signs - The Decans - The height tends to be short to average. They also love to wax philosophical, so there will be many recurring talks about the journey and how much theyve grown as a person. However, there . They have beautiful hands with long and lean. astrology observations They may have reddish hair and/or a flushed appearance to their skin. rising signs + appearance. gemini Their motivation is to find an anchor point - a place to settle. They will be very obviously appreciative of your humor. 8th house -Eighth house stelliums are similar to fourth house stelliums in that they have a lot of factors to consider. Generally have red or sandy blonde hair. The decans are divided into 3 sections of 10 degrees each, into a total of 30 degrees. 9th house -A ninth house stellium often manifests as an innate curiosity about everything under the sun. Libra Rising. A Comprehensive Guide to Rising Signs and What They Actually Mean - Allure "Your Sign As" an actual, in depth analysis based on your entire chart. Whether they are seemingly extroverted and light or not, these people always betray their intensity and seriousness when theyre not speaking. Extremely expressive features with long limbs compared to the torso even a short cancer rising will often have a lanky look to their arms and legs. These folks, with the 6th-12th house opposition in place, will have a much more relaxed attitude and may be more go with the flow than their sixth house stellium peers. Instead, there is something just nice, cool, and easy about them. birth chart SCORPIO: This intense rising sign is really is all about the eyes. These people tend to have strong bone structure, and often powerful-looking physiques. The Descendant. You've to know that there's more in your natal chart that affects your appearance (e.g. The first decan is between 0-10 degrees. The face can be so cool that its downright icy, especially when observing you. Lastly, they also might resemble their father. scorpio They walk in a guarded manner, very cautious. Also watch out for theatrical facial expressions (when theyre not looking rather haughty or proud) and a dramatization of the simplest statements. As per the rising sign predictions, the Ram rules the head and eyes, you may find problems with headaches and eye problems. A stellium in this house in Scorpio will make a different result here, however. You are not only your rising sign! Id guess its because the majority of the time, a Leo rising will have fierce, loving, protective and loyal Scorpio in the 4th house of home, family, and the heart space. we do not fully develop into our risings until our late 20s to early 30s; for some, mannerisms may become more and more reminiscent of their ascendant as they reach this age. It could also be that they give very simple responses to whatever youre saying, to the point that it pares down the discussion to the basics. Above stated are the general common points which are basic traits of rising sign /ascendant . Theyll do it themselves and can come on quite strong. Discover more posts about rising-sign. This surprisingly impacts their self-assurance, even though they generally cover it up with bravado. These were just little descriptions of how a person of a certain ascendant could look like. The Rising sign and it's decans affect parts of your personality, mannerism, character, appearance, mentality, weaknesses, strengths, health, lifestyle, and what you should work on. They can be very caring but their attention span isnt very long so their sympathies can be kinda blunt in nature. scorpio rising - eyes similar to taurus rising with being more shadowed, but take on a similar intensity to aries rising eyes. A Taurus stellium here will show a person who wants a stable home with nice things in it, or possibly in nature. It is how others first perceive you, and how you present yourself to the world. They are lean and their body is flat. cancer Sometimes, they are compulsive talkers, saying whatever pops in their head in an almost stream of consciousness style. Those with a Taurus stellium will find an opposite reaction, in that they will hide and reject the darker parts of themselves and pretend they are simply not there, or become fearful of them. aquarius Astrology And Physical Appearance - Shooting Star Taurus Sun + Ascendant PHYSICAL APPEARANCE - space crab the 1st house is the house most closely associated with the self, particularly our identity; appearance, style, mannerisms, and other, more symbolic things such as new . A lot of talks can revolve around memories and nostalgia. The idea of the unknown is overly appealing to them, so much so that a regular routine is unthinkable and binding in their eyes. CANCER: Their most prominent feature is a round face. similar broadness to taurus in shoulders and back . The what do you do question can cause them to really light up and become engaged. However, if this sign is betrayed, the sting . So while Leo Cancer romances might not be a match made in heaven personality wise, their Ascendant physical traits could create an undeniable attraction. Possible birthmarks or other scars on the face or head. They suppress their voice a lot and dont speak up so that they dontmake any mess socially or emotionally, and can be really hard on themselves in that way. Prominent forehead and nose, sharply drawn and compressed mouth. SCORPIO RISING You will notice something quietly dramatic in the demeanor. How do they go about sharing their message? If a Leo stellium shows up, things will be different. The Most Attractive Rising Sign Traits: Why People Like You - Well+Good What does a stellium in a particular house in an individuals natal chart indicate about that person? The expansive energy of Jupiter will make it difficult for the person to teach or share their knowledge; instead they will continually be seeking information, not feeling like they are ready to communicate. They may be fat. But, the ones over the age of thirty or thirty-five are far more confident and at ease with themselves. They have an easy going eccentricity and a bohemian appearance. An Aquarius stellium in the sixth house will manifest as someone who is always there for their friends, or who works tirelessly to help humanity in general. This is one of the more complicated houses to find a stellium, because there are many factors at play here. They may have interest in the occult or stranger sides of spirituality. LEO RISING An equal mix of self-confidence and self-consciousness is at play. Instead, they will spend a lot of time teaching you things. So though they are workaholics, that doesnt necessarily mean they are spending all their time on their actual career and ignoring their families too. This will be a major goal in the natives life. Novelty will be the main motivator, and loss of freedom the biggest discomfort. I think this also relates to how in Vedic, the Libras are mostly Virgos. Zodiac Signs Face: Your Rising Sign Describes Your Appearance - StyleCaster Despite their love of socializing and meeting new people, they do have a hard time with consistent small talk. Regardless, the basic essence of the sign on the Ascendant will still be there. The misalignment with Libra & Scorpio is a big reason why I stick with Vedic often too- Libras in western often dont embody balance so much as the embody the pickiness of Virgo, and Scorpios in Western are often very artistic, relationship oriented, and scared totip the scales more like Libra then Sagittarians are often very deep and tend to have troubled pasts and demons more like Scorpio. They can be very picky about aesthetics especially! Whats a Moon Sign and How Do I Find Mine? These people will often support others creativity over their own. Also known as the ascendant, the rising sign in your natal birth chart is how others see you, sort of like the mask you wear and how you present yourself to the world. These people are great listeners and equally known as great story-tellers. Ultimately, this sign gives us an idea of what you look like, specifically when it comes to your visual and physical attractiveness. Taurus: Solidly built and usually of average height. Capricorn rising subdues a bit the best qualities of your Libra sun. 4th house -Fourth house stellium people are intensely shaped by their home environment, either in childhood or in adulthood (or both). The ascendant sign also rules your first house of the self in your birth. But, no matter what, they are funny and often times they are unintentionally funny. I feel like she should have an Aqua or Pisces Rising (or maybe Uranus or Neptune Rising.). It will be obvious how much they are responding to what you think of them, even if this is just what they think that you think of them. A lot of what they do is not initiated and serves as a reflection of you, which can make it plain to see how easily influenced they are. As a cancer rising (and moon) I 100% feel I have the attributes of a typical moon dominant person. Simply Irresistible: Sexual Magnetism in the Birth Chart Overall, those with tenth house stelliums often do well financially and can manifest success in career with little effort (though they often work very hard).11th house - A stellium in the eleventh house will equal out to be someone who is everyones best friend. Their hair tends to be soft and fine, sometimes naturally wavy and most often lighter-colored. In this guide, we have listed all Leo ascendant traits. Feet and hands are delicate and small. They think about things in a big picture way, and enjoy projects that allow them and their friends to work together to make changes in the world. libra These people give off a feeling of energy, even when at rest. Posted by Wayman Stewart to visit his new site click here. Cancer stelliums in the third house come at conversation and writing through using their emotions, and noticing others feelings and subtle social cues. In fact, upon first impression, they may be so accommodating that you feel put upon. The way that they make conversation is very distinct. MUTABLE - NARROW/LONGISH TAPERING FACES. They will make an impression as being hyper self-aware and knowing the effect they have on others. Its not that Western placements are untrue, but my theory is that Western is showing us the physical world since it is showing us the sky as it is from Earth, but Vedic is showing us the non-physical. Humans are complicated, and as much as we like to simplify our horoscopes, astrology can be quite complicated, too. SAGITTARIUS RISING A strong sense of adventure is ever-present. They are graced with a gorgeous smile and lovely, infectious laughter. Their hair is thick and shiny, usually wavy and tends to be in darker shades of blonde or lighter shades of brown. xenia : Degree Theory: Ascendants Their facial features are slim. tend to put on muscle easily. Im really happy with everything except maybe the Cancer Rising. high cheekbones, moony look, arched thin proeminent eyebrows, small mouth with full lips and wide smile, upper lip is fuller, beautiful skin, etc.). This is a very calm and easy going rising sign. astrology insights. There is something very unperturbed about them, as if they have their own special form of peace or pleasure that no one else can ruin. Your IC, or Immum Coeli, just as much as your Ascendant (Rising Sign), shows your appearance. But, they are known for their sly, subtle looks, especially by looking at you sideways or avoiding eye contact altogether. It is a sense of being weird and fully accepting it. They may have a tendency toward pain in the back, neck, and sometimes the shoulder area, although the shoulders themselves tend to be strong and broad. But, there is still something irresistibly warm and lovable about them. The passion of this rising sign may throw folks off if their Sun sign and features reflect a Taurus, or Libra who have a softer, less intense, more amiable appearance and features. The Leo rising sign is strong and confident. If you get them talking about something very personal or say something unexpectedly hurtful, their vulnerable and tenderhearted nature is revealed. Alterations to the normal patterns will only be partial and happen when the ruler of the correct Ascendant sign is conjunct or parallel a planet of differing element; when planets of a differing element are in the first house (such as Taurus rising with Sun in Gemini in 1st house); when there is a heavy concentration of planets in a differing element, especially if angular, but of the house that is not the native house of the sign on the Ascendant. They are often too humble for that. They may get involved with art. sagittarius Their way of speaking is very steady, without many modulations or variations, though not exactly monotone. They can be gregarious, boisterous and good at getting things done. They try to please all their friends, and their friends become their family. Pisces Rising Sign: Embracing Good Qualities - SunSigns.Org This houses placement makes the native ambitious and no-nonsense. Naturally, they tend toward a strong, athletic build, but can become plump due to their love of food, drink and (due to their ruler, Jupiter) excesses. Age 10-30 is a good range. They often put their own needs last. You could not define someone with an eighth house stellium as mundane or dull. Astrology Freshmen rising signs + appearance Even if they dont know you well, they wont hesitate to correct you and set you straight on something youre wrong about. They have a message and they want to get it out to the world. The thing is, having a Scorpio Sun or Moon can make you very deep thinking too, but the thing about Scorpio rising is that this mode of deep thinking is initiated in their IMMEDIATE, environment, because thats what the rising sign is about. In any case, there is a sense of them cutting through the bullshit and being real, as well as calling out someone else for some offense. In fact, there is a potential for them to seem flat-out rude on first impression. the lower lip is full and may stick out a little,the nose is round-shaped or turned up, usually givesgentle, delicate facial traits ( petite delicate nose, clear and bright eyes, delicate and symmetrical lips, teeth like pearls, wide forehead, narrow V shaped chin etc.). When at rest, theyll exhibit steady, somewhat serious expressions. PISCES RISING Either this person is clearly very sensitive and sweet or they put a lot of effort into not seeming as sensitive as they really are. The presence of Pluto, Uranus, Saturn or Neptune in this stellium could make this even more apparent. Aquarius degrees- 11, 23: With Aquarius degrees on the ascendant, I'm getting mad scientist vibes LMAO jk jk. LEO RISING: 0-959 Leo / 10 . Someone with a Pisces stellium in the seventh house might be more apt to connect through dreams, wishes, and spirituality so would look for partnership through those avenues. You have an appealing physical appearance and this, along with your winning ways, is apt to make you a favorite in your immediate environment. The thing is, then youll see them talk the same way to someone else and some people, especially water signs will see this as a betrayal when they dont mean to hurt anyone, they are just natural socials and want to extend the same kindness and communication to everyone. Do you feel your rising sign is an accurate representation of your overall appearance? The opposite will be apparent in Gemini stelliums in the ninth house. A lot of celebrities have first house stelliums, especially those who are in the public eye frequently. The second decan is between 10-20 degrees. They also might wear the color black a lot or incorporate it into their appearance. The hair is sometimes curly or wavy. And in spite of their intelligence, they can come off as airheaded because of it. Another characteristic is a clear and melodic speaking voice. usually givesvery feminine, doll-like facial features ( Dreamy big wet eyes,