Irenaeus taught dispensationalism in the 2nd century. Doesnt the Bible tell us to avert our eyes and not look on the oher woman? So pray for those left in the wake that HE made. All the best that money can buy. E, that mindset makes your continuing sin worse as you then are aware of what you are doing is wrong but do it anyway. Personally I saw through thi scumbag years ago ..he used his popularity to con people and he was smart enough to do itHe never took the word seriously to his heart. When one is so charismatic and manipulative, it is not hard to distinguish between the 2 for me. Can the congregation recover? Also, by that time there were a few millionaires who attended. A Calvary Chapel member named Rodger Thomas was arrested that year and charged with repeatedly molesting a 15-year-old girl at a high school run by the church. I simply will not limit orthodoxy to 20th century American evangelical viewsand a niche of American evangelicalism at that. Ok Michael, let me get through the weekend. 2y; View 3 more comments . May you find love and fulfillment with a significant other who will love and accept your world view. Mark this day April 8, 2014 and remember my words! I wonder how this Bob Coy episode of Christian failure will end. 3. This is exactly why we are to rely on God and not in man. I have witnessed decades of the David example being taught by CC pastors to justify restoration of sexually sinning leaders. Were still worshiping the same old gods. I dont know anything about John Hagee (I dont watch TV), and as for Chuck Missler, I never listened to him. I struggle with hate for it, and my own self image because of It. The last thing we need to do is turn on each other over this because first, There is nothing new under the sun Second, we have a whole unbelieving world out there that will be looking for an explanation and answers and we are focused on discrediting each other and being right??? People out there in churches seem to lean in the direction of caring very much about moral issues, but they ignore doctrine. "There could be other victims out there," says Michael Newnham, an Oregon-based pastor who runs a blog critical of Calvary Chapel. Other than him, hopefully we have not acted on it but we are all the same in Gods eyes. This is between God, his family and him. Sure glad its over. He wrote a very good book, I Was Wrong in 1996. Im Glad God is in charge and not most Christians, I guess most of us would not have let Peter preach at pentacost so soon after denying Christ! i heart sheck wrote: And, I dont see anyone coming to the defense of his co-sinners. I feel bad for the wife and kids .BOB COY another Tiger Woodshey kids your father is that womanizer right..the media will have a field day. Hes completely out of Calvary Chapel and is seemingly content as a regular guy although he seems to have realigned his doctrine to something more unorthodox and writes about it often. We just dont want to have this degenerate into a personal feud. Here we are, with sicknesses, war, hate, famine, destruction world wide. Unfortunately, his teaching was very shallow, and a tendency toward story-telling and stand-up comedy in favor of sound, Biblical doctrine was both offensive and disappointing to me. The chapel's grounds are more expansive than those of many colleges and brim with high-end features: an Astroturf soccer field, a huge playroom stuffed with kid-size toy airplanes and plush animals, even a fine-dining restaurant where sermons and musical performances are live-streamed as guests feast on cooked-to-order steaks. True repentance bears fruit. Now how a man can be considered a great Bible expositor when he teaches that its OK to take the Mark? Someone else may have more info on this subject. Hugh. MLD #681. Your response is the first Ive read that seems to hold some hope that I may in fact continue reading this thread. this Calvinist preterist teaching is a rotting festering leaven in the body of Christ today!, Wow Ill let my reformed friends know that theyre not really saved because Hugh said so. But that doesnt mean you are any less capable of doing the same bad things you did before you were officially savedand the mindset is that, Well hed never do that, hes been transformed by the power of Jesus!well, no, that isnt true. Hugh. really? David was disqualified after his adultery with Bathsheba, Uriahs wife, from that building. Not judge him!! Mr. Newnham.what is your source on this? I wonder what happened to the 61 million raised. My information says fired. Again, shout it to the masses when its other peoples sins like gay marriage etcor make assistant pastors go before the church and confess (Bob Grenier did that stuff)but grace and mercy and lets give the family their privacy etc when its the Senior Pastors turn to face the music. Embrace him. Thanks for the suggestion, I am not going to go the Mega route right now since I am very need of the Body as a family at this juncture of my life. I find it doubtful that one 4 yr old girl was forced to do this and it happened to not one other person when she says it happened repeatedly? Hugh, Ill mark the calendar. Throwing me under the bus is not a wise or godly decision. I Am His: Diane Coy | ARE YOU COMING? Register today for the - Facebook I learned to trust God to receive the meat of His word and to spit out the bones of mans opinion. Get over yourself. I cant believe that CCCM has changed that much since Chuck went Dodo bird. I know that Michael uses some strict criteria before he publishes. Id think the body of Christ would be the most transparent of all bloggers! So, the next time she walks by, dont give a 2nd glance. Any ideas? Ive been married for over 3 decades to the same woman. One person cannot have all that autonomy and control. He is a human that, if I may point out, has transformed MANY MANY MANY lives over several years and has grown CCFL into an amazing place of worship. Again I presume your a single woman. Youre going to find many branches of the faith represented here which adds to the richness of what takes place here. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. You made a freshman mistake. Why hasnt it been called adultery?? They could not even think for themselves. Our goal is to help you along your discipleship journey and enjoy a full life as a follower of Christ.. God sees everything. Brian Brodersen is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, the president of the Calvary Chapel Bible College, and the director of Creation Fest (UK). So they began to buy out failing churches in the area and use large screens. This is very important Michael. Hopefully the believers will recover quickly and put their faith in Jesus to find a new place or to remain, but they will need to examine their faith first. to the one who calls himself to anon how do you know Pastor Bob wasnt victimize? Be careful, any of us could be next thats true. Who is the pastor of Calvary Chapel Miami? local news and culture, Tim Elfrink it is right there in your favorite Rev 20 passage. Dont blame the press. The rock band that usually played raucous hymns to start services was missing. And, I dont see anyone coming to the defense of his co-sinners why not all since you defend one of the sinners so vigorously? No sin overtakes us, except what is common to man. Read slowly. Which is it? I know for sure that I wouldt want my own sin, and hypocrisy exposed for the whole world to see. And we now have media Pastor?? I think its safe to say Macarthur earns over a million per year off jesus. Check out the evidence here:, And if thats not enough proof that hes getting rich off Jesus, then understand that John Macarthurs Grace To You with Macarthur as President and his two sons as Director and Treasurer, give $700,000 annually to a private firm owned 100% by John Macarthurs son-in-law. Its not slander to point out severe doctrinal errors. Yes or no. Stop this! Of. Revelation is mixed with both things fulfilled and things unfolding. Lastly, if the assumption of some is correct (that Coy will re-surface be reinstated), would any mature believer out there choose to sit under the teaching of a re-cycled pastor in favor of a shepherd who will lead Gods flock with integrity of heart? Keep in mind what David was as a youth, A Shepherd, the leader of a flock. "It was attractive on both sides, for the Christians who hadn't really gotten into the drug culture but were younger and wanted something new and for the people who had come through '60s free love and drugs and needed some stability.". This dynamic makes guys like Coy hide their sin for a long time b/c they know if theyre caught, the game is up and theyre exposed for not being saved or not being specially anointed etc in the CC mindsetand they lose their power and career. one more bad guy to add to the never ending. Repent, and live BTW My Grandmother the mother of 12 and Grandmother of 33+ and a bunch of great grand kids was the most Christian woman I ever knew and she was a devout Catholic so was Mother Teresa for that matter. Why was he bound and have we seen the results of that binding? Sharon Leone (Diane Farr) is Vince's wife and the Chief of Division 1501 on the CBS original drama, Fire Country. 3. the Daimler-Chrysler Design Excellence award twice, and earned him entry into the Grand National Roadster Show Hall of Fame, the SEMA Hall of Fame, the Route 66 Hall of Fame, and the National Rod & Custom Museum Hall of Fame. January 16, 2021 | Reading the Bible, A Daily Journey | Diane Coy They were given based on what you pledged/gave. I know the poster meant well, but this seems to be the kind of pastor worship that causes these problems in the first place, and lets pastors feel invincible for years of sin. His wife is Diane Coy (m. 1984, div. People just dont like the bible when it doesnt suit their faith. He declined to discuss the child abuse case except to say he is innocent and passed a polygraph test to prove it. both started their careers in his shop. It falsely teaches that a person must walk well enough to prove that they were saved. Not everyone has the same weakness so Let him who has no sin throw the first rock ! You mean like Jesus was a bull in a china shop and came in and turned over the money changers and made a whip and judged that which did not belong in the house of God, just like these false doctrines that contradict Gods word, do not belong in the church of God, dead doctrines that reveal themselves in the festering fruit, Ive been to these reformed churches Calvanist churches, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Reformed Episcopalian, etc, and for the most part are stiff with doctrinal rigor mortis, so its readily apparent why Satan has injected these doctrines early on into the church, as you see the ineffectual fruit if produces. 3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth. 4 They are the two olive trees and the two lampstands, and they stand before the Lord of the earth.[a] 5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. If you believe that the posting of any material infringes your copyright, be sure to contact us through the contact form and your material will be removed! (Attorneys for both sides declined to comment on the terms.). I wonder if now these people are thinking of us. all speculation your honor. Michael, one of the best messages I heard was when you posted Bob Sweats message on this topic. I dont have to answer this question, since, I believe in contending for every point of doctrine, even the secondary issues. Jimmy Baker ended up serving five years in jail of his 45 year sentence. We gotta start getting this right. The core issue is a sense of self oriented privilege that arises from the prestige and power. He resigned. Join thousands of others to get the FREEDOM POST newsletter for free, sent twice a week from The Christian Post. To simply read the Bible simply you would never come up with conclusions like; God has chosen some to go to Hell randomly, Jesus only died for the Christians, man does not have a free will to choose salvation, and the many false conclusions Calvinism draws. All the CC folks on here are quick to point out that the CC leaders are sinners and flawed. She was driving aggressively in the wrong direction as she was delayed by traffic to reach the destination, reported Gone Too Soon Fandom Wiki. ok. It must and does operate by the same worldly standards as any other corporation. But doctrine doesnt fall into that same category? Flynn, what else have you learned from Chuck Missler and your Schofield Bible? If someone tried to start a ministry that they had no control over (even Bible studies) they were often shut down. "He's contacted many former associates to try to get funding. 557 views, 6 likes, 2 loves, 0 comments, 7 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Calvary Chapel Tustin Women's Ministry: ARE YOU COMING? just a kind reminder that Pastor Bob coy and his family are human beins with feelings and I cant reconcile my mind why something like this that could cause so much harm especially to his two children you would proceed with. CPAC: Vivek Ramaswamy warns of 3 secular religions, proposes 'national revival' not separation, The Gospel Coalition takes down 'Sex Won't Save You' article; Rick Warren calls for apology, Wife of pastor killed by reckless driver breaks down in testimony, Tulsi Gabbard encourages Americans to 'recognize each other as children of God', From a progressive Christian antagonist to an orthodox Christian advocate, In Haiti, big money for orphanages can endanger children, 7 signs of failed Christian leadership in business, My agonizing question after Nigeria's presidential election, Ukraine war exposes weaknesses in Russia and the West, What's Next at Calvary Chapel Ft. Lauderdale Without Bob Coy? 4 But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the land; and he shall smite the land with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. We have gone through this struggle around here. Diane Coy is on Facebook. When a mocker comes along it is real important for him to be smart and accurate with his mocking. I guess you are a disciple of Luther, youre not anti Semitic like he was are you? And may your little friends who warm themselves in the fires of scoffing and mockery take heed as well! He even had his own brother stand in front of thousands to apologize.. Im what you call a baby Christian. Your medication seems to wear off right before bedspeak to your physician. For the people at CC Fort Lauderdale, and the family of Bob Coy we should grieve and pray for the pain and disappointment, and even betrayal they must feel. It can be if you want it that way here, after all, it is your blog. Coy Randall Gibbs (December 9, 1972 - November 6, 2022) was an American NASCAR driver, assistant coach for the Washington Redskins, and co-owner of Joe Gibbs Racing. He would regularly "finger and fondle her" genitals, make her touch his penis, and "dirty talk" to her. For her perfecting, she awaits the return of her Lord. One of the many reasons I left. The hearts that through him were opened to accept Jesus as their saviors will always be in Gods heart. Over the years he and other associate pastors hired family members and close friends. After Until the whole world hears fund raising, I personally wondered where the 60 million raised went. To enjoy our website, you'll need to enable JavaScript in your web browser. According to a statement from the church at the time, he had confessed to a "moral failing." I knowI can tell when youre chewing me out. CC will be ok, they will experience a separation of the wheat from the chaff which is healthy the sad part is there will be a number that like Peter will go back fishing but even they will not be lost if their heart truly is the Lords. MLD, your Acts 2 interpretation is from Luther. The reformed/protestant groups picked up on it, since they were catholics and knew nothing else. You will never be forgotten! You and I argue a lotbut Im in agreement with you on this matter. The following exposes present facts about John Macarthur that he needed to know and we tried to explain, but to no avail:, Ok, Ill just vent then. Bob Coy is fortunate because his sin was found out. If you believe the preterist Calvinist view Ive got a bridge in San Francisco I can sell you! It is not an easy process, but you will find one. Unreal. MLD- Jesus wasnt literal and theres no book in your hand. I dont the adulterer always chooses to dishonor and humiliate his wife. I suspect that the laughs made him realize it more people in and maybe it became like a treadmill that you can never get off of. Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale spokesman Mike Miller said Monday the church was not commenting beyond its statement. Michael is a Calvinist. A few things to keep in mind BC may have said look to Jesus but his actions did not. Not one is perfect and we all fall short. , --; , . Daily. 15 And the LORD will utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea; and with His scorching wind will He shake His hand over the River, and will smite it into seven streams, and cause men to march over dry-shod. Please dont forget them in your prayers that God will put godly counselors in their paths to help them with their pain, their fear, and more than likely their doubt in their own faith. Because of their public persona, people like us are also passing judgement on her personal life. But they do have these pills now. Coy, who was never charged with a crime, lay low after leaving Calvary but recently turned up at Boca Raton's Funky Biscuit, where he helps manage the club. Prayers for restoration and healing of the flock and his family. So you are surely Martin Luthers disciple. I forgive him and i still love him. If Acts 2 is correct and the reign of Christ is a current event then the 1,000 yrs has actually been almost 2,000 yrs already. Is an argument really being expressed that the reporting of the news should have waited until after Sunday for Bobs wife and his children? You have been well shelterd if you are so unaware of what happens in the real world. We believe in one God, the sovereign Creator and Sustainer of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He did his best to always have accountability around him but I think its the pride more than the desire that got him. He admitted to committing adultery and having an addiction to pornography. I think the blogger has the best synopsis of what the biblical model is to do in this case. My hearts desire was for healing and restoration of the many people he hurt and for his repentance. How do you know that Isaiah is speaking of the millennium other than Missler or some other end times guru told you. When we objectify we act as gods. Should we handle this any differently? or are you just repeating here say? Closet. I have to agree. Lets see you tie that to Rev 20. Skip Heitzig (born 1955) is the American founder and senior pastor of Calvary Church, a Calvary Chapel fellowship located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.External links. Its a gift you have that really helps me have a better understanding of things. Coys church is listed by Outreach magazine as the 14th largest church in the U.S., and one of the fastest growing. Let him be restored to the churchs love. There was no word of any affair, nor his family leaving him. He will heal it. And CCFL did issue an article on their blog and they are allowing blog comments so thats much better than in the past with CC issues. Money, Power and Sex: Mamon, Mars and Aphrodite. We are all human and all the same essentiallythough fundamentalist Islam seems to be the worst religious ideology of all-time and the most dangerous and destructive. Michael and erunner, thank you for the kind words. Church was in incredible debt via a terrible lease. What does numbers have to do with anything? I should have welcomed you to the site and clarified your thoughts before firing one over your bow. The best article Ive read on the subject thus far! Seems like this must be worse than the usual cc pastor adultery because from my observation, calvary chapel covers for their guys and discredits the victims. No one is denying that grace, forgiveness, and redemption are available to him and all of us who are sinners by birth and by choicebut lets focus on the wounded before the wounder. - -, - : - , -, , . Maybe God never intended for Bob to have the mega church, Bob has said many times publically he would rather has a small congregation of true believers than thousands of people playing church. More people should resign. The majority of this thread is a disgrace to anyone who calls themself a Christian. He was a star everywhere he went..a total fool and idiot in my book. awesome. He and his wife actually had real world experience risking their necks for the sake of the gospel and giving the selves for themselves for the least of the lost in war torn Liberia in the late 90s. Dont over react to what you see here. Whenever we see something like that on a show like this, it causes us to get concerned. But Newnham says the pastor still has more to answer for especially because his sources say Coy has been trying to mobilize investors to start a new church. We still sin, we still are capable of the same evils as prior to being saved and thats why accountability measures in the churches and checks and balances to power in both religion and politics is vitally necessary. In July, Roshad Thomas, a 41-year-old former volunteer youth pastor at Calvary Chapel Tallahassee, was arrested after he was accused of molesting at least 10 children aged 13 to 16 over several years, with victims including members of the youth group he led. Coy rented space for his church from a funeral parlor in Oakland Park and made ends meet by selling shoes while his wife worked as a waitress. As his star rose and his congregation grew into the tens of thousands, the Sun Sentinel solicited weekly faith columns written by Coy. The Bible is brutally honest about the failings of the heros of the faith. This is not the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the congregation are idol worshipers. I pray Coy takes the time needed before he returns to the ministry. It is a real problem in the church as it is in the world. God is able to do that. Good point. I hope you reconsider your life and realize there is a more excellent way to live which God wants to give you. "If you're foolish enough to go through with this story it would hurt a lot of people," he added, refusing to provide more details about the scandal. "We take every allegation of abuse seriously and our prayers are with all those involved as they pursue redemption and healing.