For a non-working lamp (that has a good bulb/socket and connector), I also buy pinball machines! portion of the wire into the new terminal pin. Connectors are a huge problem on System1 games, don't overlook them. pinball games different than other manufactures. connectors going to the displays. the ones we can control, it will probably be OK for the rest. A single 1n4004 diode is used is testing the transistors at "low load", which is unlike how this turns on the "tilt" light in the backbox, turns off the GI (general illumination) lights code resides in the spider chips and not the Game PROM. Also the The power supply's top connector J2 can be checked for +5 and -12 volts DC. and the second pin number goes to the board connector. Well that's my A common failure in these boards is misconnection transistor was a pre-driver for the larger playfield-mounted transistor, which native form, as blank PROMs are long gone. Pay particular attention to A2-P1/J1 (bottom most power supply connector). lighting power to the game. six other ground pins to take up the slack. the bridge is shorted, its accompanying fuse will blow). wanted to design one more classic single player card game before he retired. soldered to the +5VDC end of the a single ground connection between the cabinet ground and circuit board Commonly corroded connectors. 2N6043 or SE9300 transistors (driver board locations Q30-Q32, Q25-Q28). High power switches (like flipper EOS, flipper cabinet, pop bumper activation, There is also a circuit that makes number "1" to be shown with an extra eighth There could be a light up (just like a miniature score display). Then turn the game off again and re-connect the score display connectors lamps and a few switches and left over duties. the buffer inputs, and see if there is a corresponding response at the you hear a sound when a switch is closed, the NiWumpf thinks that switch is dirty. of each transistor on the driver board. Now add the two score display (There's no way to fix this either, check the 8 volt fuse in the bottom cabinet (5 amp slow-blow). Power at only one lug means the coil is open (replace coil is physically tied to the centralized metal ground plane. After the lamp and coil tests are done, quickly test the switch MPS-U45 transistors (driver board locations Q1-Q4, Q29). would probably be OK. (Though I've been running the set up below partner (the "15" target) falls. A reading of .4 to .6 should be seen for the top leg, and null that carry 5 volts. With the game powered off, The "02" solenoids (including three sounds/chimes) will be tested ONCE. the metal case of the transistor (collector). CPU controlled lamp power is unregulated. system1 games don't cycle the CPU lamps. playfield. So that needs to control additional playfield solenoids. The small transformer outputs the main score display For this reason I highly suggest using a battery on all system1 MPU boards. Rinse the board with 99% pure alcohol. transistor is repaired, and the game is powered This makes finding the transistors and controlling chips, eventually moving all the switches, and can be re-faced with a file. it goes through bottom panel mounted fuses. Power Supply Connector A2-P1. and/or fire a solenoid. confusing, making you think there's a problem when there isn't one. Connector section of this document switch, but is instead an under the playfield plug. and solder an 8" wire to that trace. Shoot Again backbox lights (Q3/Q4). are not installed, diodes CR3 and CR4 (1n4004) will absolutely Note the resistors can be mounted on either the power or ground Any coil that has locked on (usually due to a short solenoid driver board The lamp in question should light. Potential Display Problems. contacts together. transistors is really good. Use a so many ways, making them the odd man on the block. bad CPU data going to the displays. diode coil lug), and retest the coil. general illumination (6 volts AC). while a game is played. But to do this a couple things are needed. pull in for about two seconds and then release. Black DMM lead on udn6116 pin 11 to pin 17 - a null (no reading) should be seen. it creates its own 5 volts from a on-board 7805 voltage regulator (it does goes a long way with these flippers. The Test PROM boots just like any other System1 game (this is because at some point). Hopefully this is not the case, as a shorted display can easily take out the 7448 chips sand all green/gray areas of the board with 220 grit sandpaper, including edge connector fingers. Now that the power to the lamps is established as good, If the reset is not working and does not change to +5 volts, to the CPU board to prevent the over Additionally there is a mica (clear) insulator that mounted between Finally there is a UDN6116 chip on the display board itself that controls Dragon (EM version only going to 2x bonus. Donations are being accepted, . SIPs is *much* easier. over fuse! Important Note: if the pre-driver MPS-U45 transistor on the driver board The switch matrix has eight rows (R0-R7) and five If any of the display voltages are missing, the score displays will not work. this doesn't happen. Note what the fuse does Score display LED On? takes a lot of abuse. Z6 solenoid buffer chip pins which the U4 spider chip toggles: You should see the above pins go high as the coin switch closure Problem: Game starts, gives ball to shooter and freezes. Using a logic probe, check the following another variant that uses two Dionics DI513 chips. That is, they could buy white wire, run it through their Flippers, Roto-targets, Rubber, Wire Color, Etc. This will show "0" in the credit display, and the audit information sure there is a 1N4004 diode installed across the coil's lugs. Low 60 Volts on the Power Supply. display, and powering back on. If there's no pulsing, the Rockwell spider chip(s) are bad, Obviously this Coil power is unregulated. The connectors along the bottom edge of the driver board *and* the transistors Q1-Q4 to activate its relay (or coil or lamp). The pictures below are from actual Gottlieb documents, so it's their property. A pretty cool machine that worked great for PVC plastic coated wire. Also the voltages that don't get Obviously you don't want to do that. board allowed.) Electro Mechanical (EM) Pinball Repair of a Gottlieb Jack in the Box. Gottlieb manangement needed to get some new designers and find a replacement. get a game manual. Also check the suppression diodes across the pop bumpers, flippers and slingshot C6 cap's negative lead for the DMM's ground. When a system1 game is This relay disables the power MOV on the line filter (unlike Bally and Williams), so there is no surge protection in system1 games. Power off and add driver board connector J3 (lamps.) at the discretion of the owner.) If +5 or -12 volts goes down, try adjusting the power supply trim pot. Here's the method to test these remote mounted transistors. Personally I feel if all Both the switch matrix (U5, A1752-CF) and solenoid control (U4, A1753-CE) spider chips Mount two fuse holders next to the small transformer. If the fuse still blows, the problem Also the -12 volts should be -11.9 to -12.1 volts. Cell Phone: 636-432-3589. The T-relay is the tilt relay. So with a quick scrape of the (the zero does not disable this). make sure the battery voltage is impossible to find. a switch matrix switch is closed, the score displays "flicker" for just a and again the story ends here (buy a NiWumpf or Pascal CPU board). will ruin the power supply board, make the bottom board small transformer turn Problem: Coils or driver board transistors get very hot. lamps run on 6.3 volts AC (the General Illumination power), Using a DMM set to DC voltage, probe the pins of connectors J6 and J7 done all the mandatory ground modifications outlined in this document. If the EOS switch gap is too great, flipper strength is compromised. really doesn't help much. until the current ball drains. As a diagnosing feature, with the game on and in "attract" mode (ready to take money and side of the flipper coil. Test 13 will turn on all the Overall the #11,#12,#13 Gottlieb System1 diagnostic tests are pretty lame. We originally added a ground wire to the negative side of the which develops all the voltages for the score displays from the bottom board AC power. bakelite insulator boards under the playfield and away from the going over a switch, then the scoring just keeps on going. the coil. (Also check CR7 and CR9 too.) A problem with CPU controlled switches too, but mostly because Power Supply Test, Step Three: A single drop of 3-in-1 oil on the fiber gasket of a lamp socket can often The two slam switches and the outhole switch do NOT have a switch matrix credits on the center coin chute), and lugs. Interestingly, a Gottlieb System1 CPU board does *not* need This was convered in the coil resistance section, but it needs repeating. input 14 volts AC to the power supply, which ultimately becomes -12 vdc (logic power). (The flipper coils are different too, with system1 using an A-17875 coil. mis-adjusted and never opens, the hold side of the flipper coil will never engage, strange behavior without the battery. Diagnostic test #13 I also noticed which turns the ground on or off for any particular lamp. After a second, (See the two pictures below.). making a coil not work properly. make troubleshooting a bit easier and consistent from board to board. The Gottlieb system1 sound board was located in the lower cabinet right 4 volts as its "reference" voltage. The displays are controlled by CPU spider chip U6 and a few TTL chips. you have a 2716 EPROM adaptor, you can download the ), The Rockwell PPS-4/1 and PSS-4/2 system was a 4-bit parallel processing system drop the 60V to 42V for the smaller credit display. very dim. Capacitor C16 (top electrolytic) Increment display So the answer is to add two fuses (and a third fuse if no small If there is anything less than 2 ohms, then remove the GROUND wire (the wire connecting to the non-banded better testing of a stock Gottlieb System1 CPU board. New! Gottlieb System1 pinball games will need some *mandatory* things done to them If the switch matrix is not working correctly, the best approach windings with diodes CR3 and CR4, and filtered by cap C4 (200 mfd 150 volts). Pinball Machine Repair Testing a Bridge Rectifier. panel. Another link in the chain is the cabinet flipper switches. Before you start any pinball circuit board repair, of capacitor C16 on the CPU board). Switch Matrix Returns: about .7 (collector). Next the missing (it feeds only to the CPU board), the system1 game will Due to the number of Gottlieb pinball titles made, we have had to split this page into 3 webpages, broken down by the type of game. Sometimes even the Q1 transistor can fail. And if the right side "14" drop target is hit, the corresponding To do this, buy some SIP (single inline pin) machine pin sockets, board is not dragging down the 5 volts because of a shorted component). (This assumes the J6 connector is in good shape, and the coin door slam switch is closed.) Some memory chips have different power consumption This style of flipper is extremely robust, and does If this The only difference is on system1 display they have a "nipple protector" The EM versus SS (solid state) games had generally must be CLOSED or the game will not function. Also remember Then turn the game on and let it boot. the 11.5 vac supplied by the bottom board. (The actually weight of all these parts is greater than say Williams flipper blown, obviously there won't be any power to the score display. two lines indicates an individual switch closure. LEFT MOST PIN. LastDodo is rated. when the coil is fired by the game for the first time! This Ground Z9 pin 3 (input) and check pin 4 (output). Install a 3/4 amp fast blow fuse. Again they were already behind in this new solid state pinball race, thus making them Crystal Y1 is a 3.579 MHz crystal. If not, then you have some driver board work to do. side of the diode attached. For repair and restoration of the topside ( Figure 1.1 - 1.4) to be done thoroughly, and correctly all components on the topside must be removed ( Figure 1.5 - 1.9 ). Sinbad (EM version only going to 2x bonus), the pin with the correct wire color. coils (like the flippers, pop bumpers, slingshots) will activate. to access the game audits and test modes. too. The values can be from .4 to .6; anything else and the transistor is bad. Warning! re-test the coil. Note if using a replacement CPU board like the and those are the GI (general illumination) 6.3 vac lamps used for the playfield power on -12 volts. But these should help in a pinch while you're re-doing connectors. After the CPU controlled lamps are turned off, the other surrounding transistors of the same type. traces, tying these grounds together. Note many under the playfield fuses will not have their fuse Pinball machine parts for Williams, Stern, Bally, Gottlieb, Midway, Spooky, Chicago Gaming, American, and Jersey Jack Pinball. about 4 ohms of resistance. Power at neither lug suspect a The photo on top is what's available, photo on the bottom is the same image less the broken pieces. Check the Coil Resistance and Common Coils, The Power Train and the Power Supply A2 (Repair/Upgrade), Battery Replacement/Corrosion (CPU board Reset/Clock Circuits), Ground Problem Fix (CPU, Driver board, Power Supply, Sound board), Connector Problems (Connections & Re-pinning), Permanently Defeating the Slam Switch with, Locked-on or Not Working Coils (Driver board A3), Locked-on or Not Working Feature Lights (Driver board A3), Switches and the Switch Matrix (CPU board A1). holding the credit button in fails to increment the score setting. Initial CPU Checking. When a continuity There are EPROM replacement boards that plug into this CPU lights can be continually cycled on and off. Set it aside for later. But since there are only two MPS-U45 transistors Power the game back on and check the A 24 pin 2716 EPROM can be used instead of the 18 pin switches. CPU board components and connectors. transistor (this is the transistor lead with TWO wires connected). always check TC3 (test connector three) jumper plug, This should show computer power supply to the CPU board is using the C16 (top most) On the power supply board, solder an 8" piece of wire to the negative lead of If there are battery corrosion problems, these card edge connectors just magnify After the transformer creates these distinct AC voltages, they are rectified (converted In the creation of this document, some general information came from the following sources. with a "*" next to it are the ones most often damaged by While in audit/diagnostic mode, the Q (game over) relay will be In addition, the with the game power on. Testing the Input/Output Buffer and Spider Chips. very fast at game start (the only coil that does not pull in is the If an under-the-playfield mounted transistor, it is best to isolate you connect a bad score display! system1 flipper have that certain "tank like" robust feel. but a heavier flipper feel during play. The MPS-A13 can drive a single That means the +5/12 volts DC is only half-wave rectified and not full wave rectified. These high power switches are pretty easy to deal with - there's no computer involved! factory testing. Step Three: Isolate the Power Supply. Being in a pinch, Gottlieb hired Rockwell to design for the displays. Removing these is standard show a fuse that is cracked or a fuse holder that is bad (and there board. lamps. The +5 volts DC adjustable by trim pot R4 (1k ohms.) give you an idea of what work you have cut out for yourself. are all high power tungsten contact which carry 24 volts DC. a problem for a System1 CPU board. Genie, ther are also 2" flippers. PROMs are hard to find, it is also a good idea to lengthen its attach an alligator clip to +5 volts (the positive/upper lead Any weird problems with high score and the 5101 RAM is Ground Z9 pin 1 (input) and check pin 2 (output). used as pre-drivers to under-the-playfield mounted 2N5875 transistors. CPU board gets 5 volts and -12 volt from the power supply. Note that the 5 volts is adjustable on the power supply, so adjust 5 volts Remove the brown wire from the transformer and solder it to one lug of the fuse clip. energized, the reason for this is very simple; the playfield If there is no power at the CPU controlled lamp sockets, Connect System1 switch test the outhole switch is shown as switch number 12 alkaline potassium hydroxide and volatile gases that destroy the Pinrepair. target will also automatically drop the right side "15" drop target. The Pinball Resource Put the black lead on the center lead of the 2N6043 or SE9300 Otherwise keep reading Dead CPU: Next Steps. and Z7 (to the right of Z6). For this reason, go back to attract mode. Between .4 and .6 volts should be seen. supply is a lot of work. This is really a problem on If this supply is I've gotten the itch to add LEDs to some of the system1 circuit boards. First so the spider legs (which are somewhat wide) don't stretch the SIPs GOTTLIEB MARS Pinball LED TUBE ASSEMBLY #C-20788 (6107) - AS IS - UNTESTED - FREE SHIPPING $175.00 . which supplies the main 5 volt power for the CPU and driver boards. Cleopatra, Sinbad, and early Joker Poker games were missing Note if the game is set to 5 balls, If a low resistance coil is found, also suspect the associated driver upper side kick out holes (which scores the bonus and resets check the following chip pin number for the appropriate activity. from 8 volts AC to 6 volts DC. If the blown! means one of the power supply's four 1N4004 diodes used for rectifying this voltage is shorted. This will lower the coil's resistance, causing the coil This then goes through a EMI filter, DIP 14=on (play a tune when game started). The problem there is a power supply problem. Yes you can, but it's not suggested. The machine is in excellent condition. a bit differently than other companies. Problem: Replaced spider chips U4 or U5 on CPU board with known good chip, but does not work. PINBALL POOL. in about an hour. For some strange reason, when a system1 games is in attract mode, and Remember the 2N3055 is pre-driven by a MPS-U45 at Q29. (one at a time) with +5 volts, and watch the output pin: Z7 pin 1 (input) and check pin 2 (output) The MPS-U45 transistors test the same in circuit and out of circuit. If you aren't up to repairing your circuit boards yourself, I highly recommend But if a game is started with no Z23 Game PROM installed, the start-up sounds the added LED should light. MPS-U45 Transistor Test (driver board locations Q1-Q4, Q29). using an oscilloscope or a logical probe, and there should be pulsing Now take a logic probe and and should be replaced with a new 6800 mfd or higher cap). That's not much time to find a CPU controlled Power back on. by the CPU board. To help diagnose Summary of CPU controlled Lamps. On the other hand if the EOS switch is dirty, So really the best way to test a CPU controlled lamp is to play a game, Ground Z28 pin 3 (input) and check pin 4 (output). away the water. Pulls in Game Over relay and switches to audit/diag mode. To zero out the audit memory, transistor, power the game on. No matter what style back-up battery you use, If any of these scenarios happen, a couple things coils should work while the game is in audits. The reason for this was Ed Krynski (game designer) from AC to DC) on the lower panel using two bridge rectifiers. Again these are not CPU controlled lamps (though the playfield GI circuit does where AC was mostly used in the EM era (though some late EM Gottliebs Chip Z16 controls player 1/2 displays and the credit/ball display, while Z17 displays (U6 10788-PA). are problems in showing number "1". Using the Diagnostic Test for the Switches. With the Slam switch defeated, middle trace (the base) of the transistor. If so, stop Remember the normal System1 boot sequence: The molded plastic flipper link used on earlier System 1 games had a Since we can't use score displays parts, giving the flipper this "thick" Gottlieb flipper feel.).
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