Served with a cup of au jus. Its the only sea salt I have in the pantry right now and I like the way black salt looks on light food. It seems very fancy but is so easy to make. Thank you so much! thoughts? As much as I bake I have never thought to make it myself!! Quite good. I made this last night- it was supposed to be a snack, but like Rachel, ended up being dinner! The filling is really what counts, and the frozen dough is so convenient! Thanks all!! This flatbread sounds like just the bread to attempt on my maiden bread-making endevour! I sprayed each side of the rolled out dough with some olive oil spray. I just made these for dinner, but my toddler and I have already devoured most of one of the flatbreads because once we sampled a bit, we couldnt stop! I havent but several commenters here have and say it worked just fine. Anyone making food gifts at the holidays looking for a savory treat should try these in lieu of cookies. Really hope itll turn out well! just a few pieces left. One quick note to add (& maybe others have done this): Before baking, I gently score/slice each of the three rounds into wedge-shaped slices that can then be broken into other rustic shapes. I even tried using 1 for 1 gluten-free flour and sesame seeds for a batch. Ive been making this recipe since the magazine came out. Perfect!! An empty bowl! I was serving ratatouille tonight, and didnt have time to make fresh bread these were the perfect solution, as they were done in 20 minutes, and everyone loved them. I think the altitude here in Mexico City might be a factor, but would that really affect a bread that doesnt rise? I made these the day before yesterday. Made this for our Pandemic Thanksgiving brunch platter. I love rosemary and I am addicted to Gourmet mag but have been away a lot and not cooking for various reasons. I love this! We wont be buying flatbread at the store any longer. Its also possible they needed a little more water, but Ive never found that when I make them. I love fresh rosemary! I made this a month or so ago after it first was published. I made a double batch last fall, baked up half the rounds for a baby shower, then came home and baked up the second half for myself! Whipped these up in less than 10 minutes with fresh herbs from our garden and they were amazing as usual. P.S. I had some mashed roasted garlic in the fridge and mixed about a tablespoon of that into the dough. I just whipped these beautiful flatbreads out in about 15 minutes. And I looooove rosemary :o). Boyfriend and I gobbled it up. Thanks again Smitten Kitchen! Yum!!!!!! i always use whole wheat flour and found it fine for this. Friday Night Lights is hands down the best show on television. Maybe I should have increased the temperature?) 9 essential traits of a good husband. Its been ridiculously hot in Boston all week, so naturally I cranked up the oven in my not-air-conditioned oven and made them. Heat oven to 450F. :) Thank you! I had no idea it is so easy to make! Might try a mix of white and wheat flour next time. I discovered your website this morning, tackled the homemade marshmallows earlier today, started the dough for graham crackers, and was hungry/bored at about 11:00 tonight, so decided to see what other yummy recipes were on your site, and found the flatbread recipe by clicking Surprise Me a couple times Im eating it now lol! Please disclose where that was purchased. Avocado Toast. Tonights menu was based on the need to use up a head of lovely fresh lettuce: I had a salad and Turkish spiced carrot fritters as well as the hummus and flatbread. They were so ridiculously easy and fast to make I whipped up a batch with rosemary, which is in the oven as I type. Aug 31, 2018 - We're not saying they're right. Saving up big time for the Maine house overlook the ocean, where it is nice and cool. This is so easy and delicious, cant wait to make it again! Thank you for yet another home run recipe Deb. I will be making this again and again! Ill get right on that. I have hummus but my daughter asked what we had to eat with it. i did have to be careful to really roll it out as thin as possible but even though the first one was thicker it was still good. Thanks. Hmmm, I think this goes perfectly with what were having for dinner tonight. I am confused. And he in fact ordered me dinner due to the fact that I found it for him lol. Very similar to a traditional bread my husbands family makes back in Lebanon. (Like I said, it was a long hold time.). I was interested to read that someone makes them with white whole wheat flour and next time I will try that. 1. The result? Super good! I skimmed it mostly; I havent had time to go through and see if theres even anything I could add to the conversation, as he covered the topic so well. Grilled, 100% antibiotic-free chicken breast, sliced avocado, lemon crema, chipotle aioli, jalapeno pepper jack, pickled red onions on a traditional Mexican-style roll. We still occasionally have them for dinner (we were on a real kick in those days) and wonder what surprises the next day will bring. Perhaps my oven runs hot and I probably had uneven rolling, so there were not just brown spots, but more like burn spots. I did follow recipe exactly. It comes together in about 15 seconds flat, bakes in about 10 minutes and if you dont live in our apartment, will hopefully last a bit longer. ), and I have a question: In your fourth photo, is the dough depicted there post stir or post knead? I only rolled it into one bigger round. Privacy Policy. Made this last night for bunco the girls were impressed. The first one was a little too think because I didnt realized how thin you had to roll it (still ate it, still delicious). If you arrived at mine with this, a wedge of cheese and a bottle of wine, Id never let you leave. Hi Deb, What are the chances the recipe could be used for soft, light and fluffy cooked up in skillet? This took about two seconds to do, which is important when Im already exhausted from the amount of baking and dishes Ive done before breakfast, and came out deliciously. A half sandwich served with your choice of a cup of soup, fresh fruit or Mac & Cheese. I found the dough to be pretty dry and crumbly after the initial liquid/dry ingredient mix (like, I had a hard time getting all the flour mixed into the water/oil). I am serving them with cheese, and a wine infused chicken, the recipe of which is found at I also was a little short on the fresh rosemary so I added some fresh oregano too and it was a good choice. you are in for a treat!). Thanks for this a-mazing recipe. My toddler found it irresistible. I have just forwarded this onto a friend who had been conducting a little research on this. I used nearly 3/4 tsp table salt and sprinkled Gruyere on top of one; I think I may do all of them with cheese next time! 1/2 pound of hot roast beef, provolone, mayo, toasted on New Orleans French bread. Served with chips or baked chips (150/100 cal) and a pickle (5 cal). Thanks so much, Deb! Or chopped black olives, fresh oregano and some of those oven roasted tomatoes. Going to top them with pizza toppings (fresh garden basil and toms) if I have enough left! Id love to share here my tiny mistake which turned out great!!! I made this recipe the other night and tried a variation that comes from my home country (India), salt and anise seeds. Thanks for making this look so easy I will certainly have to make my own next time. It was really goood!! I fit mine one one, barely, but you might need two. But they tasted fantastic and were taken home by my GF friends who also requested the recipe. Ive made it a few times now. Getting ready to make a double batch for a wine tasting we are hosting at home tonight. I like the look of this! Though I may do different herbs, since I have a sneaking suspicion that I dont have any rosemary. Would you please forward the Herb Spread Recipe from 2007 Gourmet if you still have it. People always love to help themselves, dont we? Fifty recipes is my goal, and this is one of the first I tried (wrote about it: Overall I found the flatbread to be yummy, so much so that before the second flatbread had finished baking, Id nibbled my way through half of the first cooling flatbread. The one of the stone did not get crisp and brown on bottom like the ones on the stone, but they all taste very good. Also, made smaller and cooked in a cast iron skillet (too hot to use oven here, today!) This looks gorgeous, Deb. Thank you for the inspiration. Delicious stuff and super satisfying to make. I wouldnt want those flavors cropping up in my dessert pastries in the event I couldnt wipe all the residue off. What was I going to do I thought, the stores are all closed now and I have to be up at nine tomorrow to head out. So allow me to reword this. Thanks for the inspiration! A great pre-Christmas snack! It was so good and so so easy! I figured it out by looking at the recipe on Epicurious. I made them. I made the flatbread today and it is so easy and so delicious! thanks for putting this up! And then let me know your results! I think anyone that has an aversion to baking bread should start with this one. Served with chips or baked chips (150/100 cal) and a pickle (5 cal). since I doubt that my batch is gonna last any longer!!! It was too salty for me so I ate them with yak cheese and honey. Got all of them on at the same time. wow, nice flat bread I do make flat breads but only plain mixing it with herbs such a good idea.. thanks for the post such an inspiration. Ive made it lots of times just as it is written, but made it again today, subbing corn meal for about 1/3 of the flour to make a heartier, more corn-chip like cracker. Jason's Deli - Montgomery Delivery Menu | Order Online | 1520 Eastern Rustic Bakery's flatbreads look like crackersflat, crispy, cracklybut the comparisons stop when it comes to flavor. I didnt have fresh rosemary so I just used dried and it was still delicious! That was, um, a very good idea. Thank you for posting this. I totally love a good flatbread. I had to restrain myself from eating it all in one go. Thank YOU for the meal!! I find the minced rosemary inside the cracker is sufficient to perfume the cracker without overwhelming it. It was a spur of the moment thing, so I didnt have any appropriate fresh herbs. Im going to go buy this magazine the moment I get off work flatbreads with dinner tonight! Very fun! Youre just charming. Yes, I have made this on a pizza stone, and to paraphrase Seinfeld Yes, theyre real, and they were fantastic! I am going to a Cheese Club. The humidity today is >65% so if there are any leftovers (I always make a double batch) they get popped into the toaster. $13.79+. Thanks in advance. And yes, I did this on my pizza stone too. THANK YOU!! Fun fact my husband and I used these flatbreads twice to induce labor. Preheated the grill for at least 15 minutes. Ive never made lavash before. Im one of those people. I think I will definitely try it out. It was extremely easy to make, and does look & taste impressiveI have a pretty sparse kitchen, as a poor graduate student, and this is a great recipe for me since I had all the ingredients on hand already. Thanks for another to add to my folder of recipes! Heres a suggestion to help save a home phone that has a speaker on it and then you can do other meaninful tasks while the speaker plays those old tunes.. when the customer service/tech rep (Im guessing here) answers, you can pick up your phone to have the conversation. omg, i cant stop eating theseand theyre not even fully cooled yet! Are you serious!? Works great for an easy, yeast free pizza crust! Love them with vino rosso! I cant wait for it to start at the end of October and for the season premiere I plan on making Football food. Cant wait! People think its way more impressive than it actually is, too. Let me be the first to repent. I love your version! Stir together flour, chopped rosemary, baking powder, and salt in a large, wide bowl. I woke up this morning and realized that I did not think of a quick bite for our pre-dinner cocktails. Cook each side for about a minute, or until beginning to blacken. and it was DELISH! need to bake! They are going to smear a little Nutella on them for dirty dogs and ducks. Second batch was *perfect*. Roll it out part of the way, let it relax more. Ooo, this reminds me of the homemade herb crackers I made awhile back. Thanks! 502 reviews. EVERYONE raves on it. Ah, that was a mistake, now edited. Thank you for the great recipe! I just finished baking the first one and I just had to come rush back to say thank you for sharing this! Just made this today, and it was amazing! I like everyone else posted here really enjoy this blog, but can I suggest something. I see people post questions but none seem to answer or care past seeing their names in lights. I appreciate the recipe, but gf isnt great. Have searched the internet and cant find it. Let it rest 5 to 10 minutes and it should relax. Many thanks. Crispy and flakey, yet incredibly fast and easy to make. In fact I tried to feed some to the ducks in the park, and they rejected it, I admit I was a little insulted. Pure delight. You can get it via drive-thru. Ill continue making this flatbread and try other variations of it. Great recipe, thanks. Very forgiving too. This recipe is delicious! I am surprised by how easy it was and how well it turned out. 1064 route de Bayonne | D 810, 40230 Benesse-Maremne, France. Delighted! sturdy round crackers , i.e. Jason's Deli - Cedar Hill, TX - Cedar Hill, TX - how do you think it would be on the grill. tasted it straight out of the oven. 3124 Jasons Deli Recipes | Oh dear me! My friend just introduced me to your blog yesterday and I found this recipe and had to try it! Super quick, easy, and delicious. I have a bunch of pizza and dough recipes here, if youre looking for inspiration. Like Amy, I used white whole wheat flour and it was delicious. Love, love, love!! Any ideas on dip or ac compliments to the bread? So just a little confused about the baking pan do you use two? Ive made a couple of varieties too. How have I not commented already?! I just tried this recipe, and wow, it really is simple and delicious. Make a well in center, then add water and oil and gradually stir into flour with a wooden spoon until a dough forms. Within the hour we had these!!! Ill be trying it out tomorrow, for my mom, a herb bread lover. Help? I added a lemon tahini sauce on top of each flatbread and then topped them with olives, onion, and mushroom and it made a very tasty elegant pizza. I brought it to a family gathering and it disappeared in literally 15 minutes the whole batch! Thanks for inspiring me to try something new, smitten! I just made these yesterday with fresh rosemary from our tiny garden, and they were so easy and delicious! Husband and I have renamed it from flatbread to crackbread. Dchetteries et ramassage d'encombrants Ustaritz But shes cute! thank you. Im going to try dill and basil (pesto?) Im quite intimidated by baking bread, but you make it look so flawless and easy!! These look delicious and shockingly easy! I used this recipe today (minus rosemary) and made yummy ham & mozzarella hot pockets by splitting dough into 6 pieces. The ratio of flour to baking powder to water is very important to make it crisp. ~Shes not that bright. this is getting made, tonight, to go along with that end of summer bounty thats been piling up in my vegetable crisper- diced cucumber, radish, carrot, cherry tomtoes and feta, all tossed with plenty of scallions, parsley, olive oil and lemon juice. Ooh I so want to make this! I decided on a whim to make these; Id had them bookmarked for ages. Really eye-opening and inspiring. your blog is fabulous, thanks for the endless inspiration! My housemates loved it. Hi DebIm way late to the flatbread party, but I made two batches of this over the weekend (one with rosemary, and one with a sundried tomato/oregano/basil spice blendyum! They didnt crisp up and they were a bit dry. I let the whole thingbake a few more minutes. Do you know how similar this recipe is to knish dough? Took this and the feta salsa to a lunch with friends this afternoon and was asked a couple of times where I bought them :) Thanks for helping me be a popular guest, yet again!
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